Dark Messiah - Review @ AceGamez


October 18, 2006
AceGamez has posted their critical review of Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, which carries a score of 5/10:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial]So what's the problem with the combat system? Let me present a sermon from the First Church of Kickology as my reply. He who lives by the ledge will die by the boot; and beware the temptations of boot and spike - they will be your undoing. Seriously, while using the kick tactic was fun in the demo, it becomes tiresome in the full game. Later on there are a number of instances where it won't help you - certain enemies are strong enough to resist your kicks and there are a number of pitched battles that don't happen near ledges or fires. But for most of the game you will find yourself thinning crowds by positioning them for a good kick into a spike or off a cliff. And why not? When you have a high level weapon or spell that takes multiple hits to kill an enemy that you can easily send sprawling into the abyss, what should you do?[/FONT]
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
You should approach the problem as you see fit. Why is this a bad thing? Sometimes I kick people of ledges, sometimes I stab them with stuff.

It frustrates me to play a game that lets me play how I want and then read reviews that declare that it is a bad game because there are different ways of accomplishing stuff.
Nov 6, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
I guess his problem is one of balance. I have only played the demo, so I can't comment, but killing a tough opponent with a kick should roughly be as hard as killing him with a weapon-- or at least, kicking him off a ledge should not be consistently easier than anything else out there. Perhaps some of the tougher enemies should resist the kicks more often?
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
You should approach the problem as you see fit. Why is this a bad thing? Sometimes I kick people of ledges, sometimes I stab them with stuff.

It frustrates me to play a game that lets me play how I want and then read reviews that declare that it is a bad game because there are different ways of accomplishing stuff.
As I say in the review, I consider the combat is the best part of the game. The skill tree works well, and most of the combat is decently balanced. However, the majority of levels seem set up for envronmental-interaction combat - that is poor level design. Fun, but bad.
Oct 18, 2006
Don't understand all these 'brave and honest' reviewers coming out of everywhere. Where the hell were they when Obivious came out?
Oct 18, 2006
As I say in the review, I consider the combat is the best part of the game. The skill tree works well, and most of the combat is decently balanced. However, the majority of levels seem set up for envronmental-interaction combat - that is poor level design. Fun, but bad.

But the game is about environment interaction. Of course the combat is geared that way. So what if there's hazards abounding? I'm in a city under seige, there better be dangerous stuff scattered about.

Frankly, I'm glad it's this way. I don't want combat to be completely dependent on my to-hit value or completely dependent on how much scenery there is to hide behind. I think it's a great combination, and the game is totally worth the money I paid.

But I know some people don't like it that way. I understand your points. This is really a your-mileage-may-vary game. (Especially with bugs. I haven't seen a one.)
Nov 6, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Sheesh... Why doesn't the reviewer just refrain from using the kick if he finds it so overpowering?

"When you have a high level weapon or spell that takes multiple hits to kill an enemy that you can easily send sprawling into the abyss, what should you do?"

Do whichever appeals to you. You have a variety of moves and abilities to dispatch an enemy. Ignore the goddamn kick.
Oct 19, 2006
I have played the demo ummm I think 20 times. And I'm still not bored. I can't wait to get my hands on this game.
As for "user names' " comment: good one, mate! :D
Oct 18, 2006
Don't understand all these 'brave and honest' reviewers coming out of everywhere. Where the hell were they when Obivious came out?

I dunno about everyone else, but I gave it 80% and called it an 'action game', one with many glaring flaws.
Oct 18, 2006
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