Dungeons of Dredmor - Patch v1.06 Released, Linux Version Released


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Gaslamp has released v1.06 for Dredmor - full patch notes in this announcement. A small snip:

GAMEPLAY: The resistance statistic now gives you a roll to block corruption attacks.
GAMEPLAY: Mace and Axe skill trees have been revamped and enhanced.
GAMEPLAY: Lord Dredmor can no longer be stunned or charmed.
GAMEPLAY: Reworked Necronomiconomics.
GAMEPLAY: Smithing is now a Warrior archetype.
GAMEPLAY: Sneakiness has a -20 modifier.
GAMEPLAY: Elemental Weapons now have some Elemental Resistances. Or something.
GAMEPLAY: Added a bunch more items, including a keytar.
GAMEPLAY: Some crafts are now unhidden by default.
GAMEPLAY: Added the Mosolov Cocktail! Don’t drink it all at once.
GAMEPLAY: The 2X bottom bar is now implemented. We’ll do the rest next patch.
COSMETIC: Monster spellcasting now shows up on the text ticker.
COSMETIC: More minimap icons!
INTERNAL: Hidden Fun Stuff to make it so we can turn on the mod support without breaking everybody’s save games. (That said, we have to put it in the patch before the mod support so that… well, so that it doesn’t break everybody’s save games.)
INTERNAL: Hidden Fun Stuff, related to the Other Hidden Fun Stuff.
LINUX: You can haz it.
...and more details about that Linux port you can see in that line above, incuding the "arcane" method of accessing it:
As we noted in the previous blog update, we now have Linux binaries. In fact, we snuck them into the Steam distribution, so that those of you who bought the game from us on Steam can install it and run it natively on Linux. The port is done! It’s up to date. The distribution methods, though, are a bit arcane… so pay attention! There will be a quiz.
There will be two – at least! – separate channels for purchasing a Linux build of Dungeons of Dredmor that do not require fiddling about with WINE. This option is only suggested if you bought the game on Steam for Windows, and want to run it under Linux. If you have *not* purchased the game, we recommend you wait until we have a better distributor for your needs. That said, the following is a crash course in how to build it.
1. Install WINE. Install Steam under WINE. Install Dredmor, from Steam, under WINE.
2. Find where Steam has hidden Dredmor on your computer. In general, it will be somewhere like Steam/steamapps/common/Dungeons of Dredmor
3. Copy all that stuff out onto your Linux box in the location of your choice.
4. From that directory, run chmod -x Dredmor* {amd64,x86}/*
5. Run Dredmor.
6. Note that Diggles are not like penguins, and will not give you free software and/or herring. In fact, they want to kill you.
Linux is still somewhat in beta, as it hasn’t gotten much testing. Please let us know how it goes.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Is anyone else unable to run this on steam right now?
Oct 3, 2007
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