Fallout 3 fallout 3 ending and yeah it contains spoilers


November 6, 2006
alright I admit that following the huge robot decimating the Enclave forces was fun, however, this game will not get a replay, the ending is stupid blah blah blah, nothing changes, you don't know what happened to the towns you are in, you don't know squat, the true value of sacrafice indeed, how come daddy is hailed as a selfless hero? he sacraficed himself for what exactly? from where I was standing he did it out of spite, sure thing officer I'll give you the code ohh wait I rather blow myself up with you.
screw them and their wasteland I mean honestly toward the end I started destorying whole towns.
at first I was blinded by flashy gameplay and flying body parts, but really while it was nice to explore that's pretty much the only nice thing this game had
I'm gonna uninstall it now, and play some more gothic 3
Nov 6, 2006
Gothic 3, beyond the bugs, is the rolemodel for how a free-roaming game should be like IMO.
Oct 26, 2006
Okay, i finally done with the game. Beside the main quests i finished 90% of optional quests. Only couple quests felt good while the rest are either acceptable or below average. And yes, the last portion of the game felt rushed and that make the already simple main line quest even worse. The exploration certainly feels better as well as the wasteland design.

All in all Fallout 3 contents considerable amount of gameplay mechanics from previous Fallout games, but at the same time also feel close to Oblivion (using the same engine), with uninspiring story telling and questing designs expected from Bethesda.

If i need to rate the game, i would give it 80-85%. Fallout and Fallout 2 are clearly better games than the newest sequel.
Oct 19, 2006
I was disappointed and almost angry when I reached the ending, because I couldn't help but compare this game to its predecessors. The main storyline was not engaging in my opinion, and the elements that were supposed to be shocking or invoking emotions just seemed fake. I found the side stories scattered throughout the environment, and the environment itself, to be much more interesting. Speaking of the ending, though, the ability to talk your way out of the final battle seemed pointless, as it was simple and not satisfying in the slightest, unlike your conversations with the Master in the first game, or in a different sense, your conversations with that group of Enclave soldiers right before facing Frank in the second game. Also, the lack of any sort of detailing of your actions in different locations and what they brought about made your actions all feel inconsequential. Two choices at the end of the game and how you were aligned were really the only important things, according to the ending.
Jan 12, 2009
apparently you never listened to galaxy radio news--one of the better parts of the game in my opinion--not only did he tell your story of what you did but he would often explicitly point out how you handled situations. no other game has done anything else like or at least as well as the radio stations in fallout 3. bloodlines had the great "deb of night" which while better written was not nearly as expansive and was static in that there were only 4 versions one for each of the hubs. i know some people play games without sound/music but i can usually not bear a game that has no music and or really bad music/sound. fallout 3 does it well not only with its scores, but also the atmospheric sounds (though hardly the best), and of course the wonderful element of the radio stations. i bet there's a load of people who never did agatha's quest and got to hear the lovely violin music that was great to listen to in the outdoor wide open wasteland.

and as with most people i will agree the main quest is pretty lamo, though i do think the idea of bringing clean drinking water to the local population is wonderfully noble it just doesn't seem to fit right in the game's context.
Oct 26, 2006
i thought the robot thing was pretty cool, but it was a shame that it wasnt a bit more interactive. Like some sort of escort quest, you and the brotherhood have to help defend it on the way to the shield or something of that nature.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
My favourite element: Hawkes. Hands down. He's reminds me of Urdnot Wrex in Mass Effect. Too bad you get him so close to the end though (the 2nd time I played through FO3 I actually grabbed him early, and then did a lot of sidequests.. being the immortal tank that he is, it did make the game a bit too easy).
Oct 18, 2006
Good portions in mainquest were before finding dad, even the simulation was great. After that it began to go rapidly downhill. Imo the idea of finding clean water wasn't all bad its just how they presented it, It just lacked imagination and intelligence. Its like they just threw something there, but didn't bother to finish it properly. the whole mainquest felt too short and too linear for a fallout game. And then there were stupid dumb things like little lamplight that really weren't that belivable.

Speaking of hawkes don't you think its funny that you couldn't order him to push the button at the end considering how much radiation he could eat before...?!

Despite the lame mainquest, its a fun game and worthy of score 80.
Oct 19, 2006
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