Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land - Free for iOS

Hey! Thanks for the heads up!
Oct 18, 2006
I played the PC version and enjoyed it quite a bit. The UI wasn't bad once you got used to it, but I have no idea how the iOS version plays.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Thanks for the heads up from me as well, been dying to check this out. From the appstore text I think it may be free today only so get it while it's, uh, free.
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Oct 20, 2006
How do people tolerate these iPads? I downloaded the game and gave it a try. I liked it enough to go back to the AppStore to find other Rpg's but I kept getting crashes while searching the AppStore. So I look into upgrading the iOS only to find out Apple didn't design in place upgrades or even a facility to save you app content in the cloud? If I "synch" with a PC I have to revalidate all apps against the original iPad account?? So if multiple users used my iPad (and they did) its just tough luck? I realize there are lots of apple apologists out there but this is a bad joke. What a piece of crap. Long live PC gaming.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Hi ToddMcF2002,

I'm not sure what you mean by "in place upgrades". I think normally upgrading iOS, or upgrading the version of an app, should not delete saved data from the app. However, I've read some people have had problems like that. Also, something goes wrong during an update, restoring from an older backup will not preserve newer data.

Before upgrading, it is safest to first transfer purchases made on the device itself to a computer, and then back up the device onto the computer.

Transferring purchases onto a computer can be done through iTunes (on Windows, right-click the device and choose "transfer purchases"). This can be done even if several people with different accounts have made purchases on the device, but then you must "authorize" the computer for all of those accounts. See this description on Apple's support pages.

Once you've transferred purchases onto a computer, you can back up the device (again right-click the device in iTunes and choose "back up"). This should store the saved games etc. so that if something goes wrong during the update you can restore them from the backup.

Apple does also have a cloud storage option called iCloud; as far as I know it should be possible to back up a device onto cloud storage. However, I have not used it myself and I have no idea if it is possible to use that option if the device contains apps from several accounts.

(If someone knows more about this please feel free to correct/add details.)
Aug 18, 2011
Hi again,
as another option, you can use tools like iExplorer to manually copy things such as saved games onto your computer.
Aug 18, 2011
Thanks for the links. I might get off my duff to upgrade it but frankly I'm disgusted that Apple has the nerve to charge 3x an equivalent netbook and this is their approach to support. Its just not that good a platform for what you pay. Luckily work bought me the unit.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Thanks for the links. I might get off my duff to upgrade it but frankly I'm disgusted that Apple has the nerve to charge 3x an equivalent netbook and this is their approach to support. Its just not that good a platform for what you pay. Luckily work bought me the unit.

Nonsense. You're not using it right. Since iOS 5, there has been iCloud, allowing you to backup your data into the cloud. Some games also allow you to save your games directly into the cloud, so that you can even share them between multiple devices. There is also over-the-air update (I think you mean that with in-place upgrade) that let you just do it all from the device itself. Apple was late to the party with this, but it's been available for a while now.

The problem is that iOS devices are a little more restrictive with access to your data. The tools are there, though, but you gotta use them. Used to be through USB with iTunes (iExplorer is pretty cool, too, as previously mentioned), now it's easier on WiFi. Transfer purchases => Backup => Restore with latest version. Done in 10 minutes time.

P.S. Also, obviously you want to upgrade iTunes to the latest version.

P.P.S. I don't remember the App Store app ever crashing on me.

P.P.P.S. I am not an Apple apologist. :)

P.P.P.P.S. Really, I'm not!
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
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