herp derp he won't respond to my made up points so I'll just attack him instead

This is gonna be one long week.

Back to Something Awful, they can bring some good stuff to the table. This is some funny shit.


I was simply responding in a Codexian manner. Oh wait, I should have just said "butthurt detected"

You know, I'd like to hear what is supposed to be so great about that site. Give me a few bullet points and please don't include "FREEDOM 2 SAY BAD WORDZ!!!" as one of them.
Jan 17, 2009
I know a guy whose IM handle is something like animulover1995. Does this mean he is a pedophile?
Dec 27, 2011
Someone shoot this piece of shit.
Feb 18, 2010
I like u crispy. Y U NO LIKE ME?

I suggest everyone listen to Bing Crosby and David Bowie Duet Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy now to calm their nerves a bit if even Crispy's edges are frayed.
Dec 27, 2011
You're on one of the most boring internet boards I've ever seen.

Make the board more interesting then. For example lets talk about crpgs and NOT about trannies and pink ponies.
This site is called RPGWatch.com and not Fairy_Ponies_from_Outer_Space.net
Oct 18, 2006
Daily Report

The off-post activity continues. It seems the authorities outside the gates aren't as quick to merge it all, and I'm tired of venturing outside myself to try to police up these yokels, so I just don't give a shit anymore. Besides, my efforts seem to be instilling some degree of resentment among the enlisted, so I'm going to back off for now. It ain't my problem anymore.

The disturbing trend of soliciting for and joining of these "Friend Lists" as they're apparently known also continues. This is simply unacceptable, however. I realize that when we're out here in the cold, all having to fend for ourselves, this kind of unhealthy and wholly unCodexian kind of fraternization is going to occur, but it is no less abhorrent. Those who are participating are going to be allowed to do so, for now, since there's not much anyone can do about it at the moment. But rest assured, once The Commandant has finished with his work and our glorious empire is restored, those who have chosen to participate will not be forgotten, nor forgiven. There will be repercussions.

Oh yes, there will be.

P.S. we seem to have had a crazy native sneak on base and who has somehow managed to stir up the barracks with some crazy preaching of tolerance, sensitivity and even multicultural acceptance, the results of which, while amusing, are definitely detrimental not to our own morale but to the overall security of the base and to the peace treaty currently in place with our landlords. This may take some delicate explanation and appeasal to undo and to keep them off our backs. Tensions are definitely on the rise…

Tension was rising high during the third day of Operation Weihnachten. Conflicts and infighting were common among soldiers. Thankfully, officer corps of Codexia Division was composed of battle-hardened veterans. If not for them, the offensive would surely end with diseaster.

Officers like Sturmfuhrer Crispy held their men in the iron grip. Nothing was impossible. Everybody looked up to such people in time of despair. Those who weren't there, can't possibly understand what their presence meant to simple soldiers.


Obersturmfuhrer Crispy, Codexian 2. Virginbataillon (XII 2011, somewhere in UhrLand)
Dec 26, 2011
I see we must take it upon ourselves to bring some incline to this hive of scum and villainy.
Dec 26, 2011
Whoa, look at the size of those things!
Feb 20, 2010
herp derp he won't respond to my made up points so I'll just attack him instead

This is gonna be one long week.

Back to Something Awful, they can bring some good stuff to the table. This is some funny shit.


Holy crap. That SA thread. LOL

Also, What exactly did Stalin_Brando do ? Judging from a few google results I got, he was banned. For what exactly ? What pizza girl ? Tell me more about this topic.
Dec 26, 2011
Make the board more interesting then. For example lets talk about crpgs and NOT about trannies and pink ponies.
This site is called RPGWatch.com and not Fairy_Ponies_from_Outer_Space.net

I don't see much ponies, animes or trannies in the boards I frequent on the 'dex, what am I doing wrong?
Dec 26, 2011
Holy crap. That SA thread. LOL

Also, What exactly did Stalin_Brando do ? Judging from a few google results I got, he was banned. For what exactly ? What pizza girl ? Tell me more about this topic.

He took a bunch of pictures of some Chinese pizza girl.
Jan 17, 2009
Where are the moderators, my seventeen years old boy saw this thread and now he's disturbed!
Dec 26, 2011
I don't see much ponies, animes or trannies in the boards I frequent on the 'dex, what am I doing wrong?

Konjad is the ambassador of the Dex here, so without actually going to such a smelly poo poo place of course this opinion makes sense. Though a cynic might say you should actually read a site before judging. I do think the dex is a shithole but mostly because there's too many bioware and bethesda fucktards, untermensch who should be gassed to the last man.
Dec 27, 2011
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