DA2 Dragon Age 2 - now officially a success

Dragon Age 2
See Buzzk all your fault , that said I should continue as I consider this thread as one more crap thread and better be closed. :)

Ha ha ha... Boy, golly, are you funny.

And you are correct; the fact that dragon age 2 is a success is, indeed, crap.
Feb 2, 2011
I think DA2 was a good game, as a RPG. In my mind a RPG is relative to the story, writing, character development NOT combat and in this DA2 did its job. What killed it was how rushed it is and how recycled all 3 pieces of artwork was. Though I find it pretty funny EA is going to abandon DA 2 like DA 1 as they are full into working on DA 3 now.

Also the next Bioware game is ME 3, so yes, that is going to sell, everyone and their mother loves Mass Effect, well except old school types.

I wonder if you old school types like being the old guy sitting on the porch with the +5 shotgun whining about those 'damned kids and their dumbed down games" but really not every RPG has to be a masochistic geek fest, those do have a place but its not the future.
Oct 14, 2010
Some would say liking da2 would make you a masochist.:)

btw my 14 yr old son can't stand mass effect.
I wonder if you old school types like being the old guy sitting on the porch with the +5 shotgun whining about those 'damned kids and their dumbed down games" but really not every RPG has to be a masochistic geek fest, those do have a place but its not the future.

I'm quite the old-school type (well, not as old-school as many here who have been RPG-ing since the 80's), but I always keep an open-mind to new things. I mentioned this in another thread, but what is oftentimes forgotten is that the RPGs that are rightly praised as classics were the result of new ideas. The classics would have never been created in the first place if not for creative developers who were willing to try new concepts. Even though I will always have a fondness for the old-school classics that got me into RPGs, there have been several RPGs in the past 5-6 years that I have greatly enjoyed (although DA2 was certainly not one of them ;)).
Nov 18, 2010
Dragon Age : Hawke, the Action Dark Fantasy RPG"
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Ironically, I could qualify for member in the old school club. I have been gaming since the 80s from Mario to Ultima (and I am a official Ultima Dragon!) to Might and Magic and Wizardry and beyond. I even put in time with PnP AD&D and VtM, but I think old school is akin to being a spreadsheet RPGer, crunching numbers and having your most epic battles with the scary level 5 goblin king. Woo exciting. I think Action RPGs are alot more fun and the non arbitrary increase in difficulty 'just because' which just serve to bring a game to a halt in terms of pacing doesnt make a game fun. That being said, I do miss how well written and immersive games use to be. Like the Classic Kings Quest, though an adventure game had a epic story, and Baldur's Gate had such a huge world and adventure that took hours. That is the only thing I really miss from the old days. Games should be fun, and if your spending hours crunching numbers and min/maxing the ruleset, thats not very fun unless I guess your a uber geek or a accountant. I'd rather be off actually questing really.
Oct 14, 2010
I'm a stat cruncher and i'm not an accountant or uber geek........No really i'm not.

Ok I did take 3 yrs. of accounting in high school, but i'm not an accountant.

Anyways i've always preferred the numbers over story, which is why the new trend of hiding all the numbers is so painful for me.

I've never believed in immersion in video games. Maybe I don't have a good enough imagination but I know it's a game that I can walk away from anytime I want and play it as such.
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