Diablo 2


October 18, 2006
Boston MA
Seriously enjoying this. I'm playing in "windowed mode" which simply means 1.13, "run as adminstrator" and given the "-w" flag in the command line. It stretches vertically but retains the 4:3 ratio meaning the desktop is exposed on the side. Being "clever" I relocated all my icons to the center of the screen and run a black wallpaper.

I did try the HD resolution patch. Realistically I can't imagine how anyone could play that way. Its very difficult in hectic battles to select a target when the sprites are so tiny. Looks great but its impractical. So I'm running 800x600 interpolated.

I'm approaching the end of Act 1. I do hate the inventory system, but other than that its fun. The skills are just starting to get relevant, as I simply didn't need them prior. The death penalty is pretty harrowing. I died on a boss fight last night and it was a struggle to get back to my corpse.

Anyway babbling pointlessly. Just noting its a good game for something this old assuming you can tolerate the genre.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
This is actually the game that introduced me to RPGs. I used to play strategy games exclusively.

Still have the cds to install the game at home including the expansion with Baal.

I also played this in coop with a friend a while back and had a blast...

Unfortunately, the gameplay gets quite repetitive after a few acts and I tend not to finish the game a lot.
I think I played it till the end (diablo) three or four times and the expansion just twice. I tend to restart new characters a lot.

I think the game can be quite fun if you have 4 or five friends and you play through it.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I was very late to the party - got original Diablo as a gift when it came out and got bored with its lack of depth, and was more into FPS at that point anyway ... so by the time I tried D2 I had already played other action-RPG games that were better such as Divine Divinity and even others like Sacred and Titan Quest, so this just never grabbed me.
Oct 18, 2006
I was very late to the party - got original Diablo as a gift when it came out and got bored with its lack of depth, and was more into FPS at that point anyway … so by the time I tried D2 I had already played other action-RPG games that were better such as Divine Divinity and even others like Sacred and Titan Quest, so this just never grabbed me.

Agreed Titan Quest and DD are superior. I simply wanted to try the grandfather of the genre. Sacred however I simply despise because of the continuous respawn. It is just awful. At least in D2 you only get respawns when you quit the session.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Personally, I consider Diablo 2 to be superior to Titan Quest - and I wouldn't place Divine Divinity in the same category.

Sacred was kinda quirky fun - but ultimately a joke as a Diablo contender, imo.
Personally, I consider Diablo 2 to be superior to Titan Quest - and I wouldn't place Divine Divinity in the same category.

Sacred was kinda quirky fun - but ultimately a joke as a Diablo contender, imo.

I agree, and I think Diablo 2 with the high-res patch at 1280X720 on my 23'' monitor looks great.
Mar 28, 2010
Vancouver , Canada
I enjoyed Diablo, but I didn't like Diablo 2 much at all. I quit as soon as I discovered that even the bosses respawn when you load a game.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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