Demonicon - Two More Previews


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Here you go I have two more previews for The Dark Eye - Demonicon. If you missed my post from yesterday you can still watch a live stream also.

PanicGamer - "Quick Look: The Dark Eye: Demonicon"

I was invited to a press event showing off Kalypso’s newest offering in the action RPG genre, The Dark Eye: Demonicon. I was able to watch the dev team play the game and have them show off some important parts of the game and it’s gameplay.

For those not familiar with the The Dark Eye the best way to describe it is this. Know how Dungeons & Dragons is the top role playing game worldwide? Well in Germany The Dark Eye is the top role playing game and that is what The Dark Eye: Demonicon is based on.
United Front Gaming - "Kalypso Previewed The Dark Eye-Demonicon!"

I’m sure I’ve said it once before, but I’m saying it again anyway- one of the best things about my job is getting to talk with developers about their games. It’s always great to get some insight into their creative process. It’s even better when these chats are accompanied with gameplay footage of an upcoming title. Recently I had the opportunity to witness a preview of Kalypso Media’s The Dark Eye – Demonicon. Featuring a dark fantasy world and interesting RPG elements, I couldn’t wait to see what Kalypso had in store for gamers!

For those that don’t know, Demonicon is the first game based on The Dark Eye, one of the biggest pen and paper RPGs in German speaking countries (and beyond). What’s great is that even though the video game utilizes the lore found in the original game, it’s made so that newcomers can follow along without getting lost. The preview I watched started with a brief introduction to Demonicon’s world and how it ties in to the greater Dark Eye universe. The game follows the story of Cairon (the main character) and his sister Calandra, as they struggle with demonic forces. Cairon, for instance, can use dark magic to battle monsters in the Shadowlands in order to save those in need. At the same time, the corruptive nature of the dark magic is slowly turning him into something wicked.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
For those that don’t know, Demonicon is the first game based on The Dark Eye […].
What? :D
May 6, 2013
It's safe to say the writer probably never played any of the other games. The series is not widely know outside of Europe. Now you did read the articles didn't you? I'm going to guess and say no.;)
Oct 1, 2010
I stopped reading at this sentence. ;)
May 6, 2013
I stopped reading at this sentence. ;)

I don't think this is necessary; the author's knowledge on TDE is not required for him to describe the game mechanics and gameplay.

Moreover, and even though TDE is quite popular in Germany, the German forum for Demonicon does not show huge activity. That does not necessarily mean that there is not much interest in the game in Germany, but its just that interest is not visible.

The Twitch TV preview showed a lot of promise and hard work into this title, and I am looking forward to playing Demonicon.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Moreover, and even though TDE is quite popular in Germany, the German forum for Demonicon does not show huge activity. That does not necessarily mean that there is not much interest in the game in Germany, but its just that interest is not visible.

Supposedly, back in the 90's, there was very little overlap between PnP TDE players and people who played Attic's games. Now imagine how many TDE fans are interested in this brawler/ RPG hybrid.
Supposedly, back in the 90's, there was very little overlap between PnP TDE players and people who played Attic's games. Now imagine how many TDE fans are interested in this brawler/ RPG hybrid.

I assume very little following what you said. It is a shame as TDE lore seem very rich and fertile for good rpgs. I hope that Demonicon put this lore and mechanics to good use (which might be implied from their twitch tv preview).
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
I assume very little following what you said. It is a shame as TDE lore seem very rich and fertile for good rpgs. I hope that Demonicon put this lore and mechanics to good use (which might be implied from their twitch tv preview).

Come to think of it, at the place I used to buy PnP supplements for TDE, the owner practically begged me to buy Shadows over Riva, offering me a discount which isn't usual here at all. I wonder if there are any fantasy shops now where people go "buy your magic compendium now and get a copy of Demonicon FOR FREE!" ;)
I wonder if there are any fantasy shops now where people go "buy your magic compendium now and get a copy of Demonicon FOR FREE!" ;)

More likely the other way round these days: buy Demonicon and get your free magic compendium! Guess this is what they try to do with collector editions.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
In order to illustrate the level of thought required to excel within Demonicon’s combat system, the developer loaded up a save point late in the game. It became obvious that simple hacking and slashing just wouldn’t do in most cases. During one encounter, Cairon is assaulted by a group of demons. Between basic mace attacks and dodging, every now and then, he’d cast a spell to either neutralize a target for a few seconds (freezing them into place) or to cause damage over time (poisoning them). As the battle continued the developer explained that Cairon uses blood magic, meaning he takes the blood or essence from enemies and converts it into magical energy he can then use to cast spells. So it was necessary for him to damage his opponents with melee attacks to build up more magic to continue to cast spells. The same thing goes for his life bar. In Demonicon, health can be regained a couple of different ways, one of which involves converting stolen essence from enemies into life. The catch here is that in order to do this successfully, you have to chain enough hits without taking damage (or waiting too long in between attacks). Of course, the enemies where no push overs; they weren’t going to just give Cairon their blood. The slashing of claws, debuffing spells, and acid attacks were coming in from all sides. This forced the dev to carefully time his dodges and attacks in order to stay alive. At one point he actually had to stop talking to better focus on the battle.

I know people love this type of combat but I probably will bypass the game unless I am desperate for something. I seldom have the energy or reflexes to play twitch style games that require a lot of concentration, focus, and quick thinking these days. Instead of finding it challenging like most I find it frustrating.

That is not a slam by any means on the game though - just I can't manage it. Last twitch game I played got me so stressed I was swearing and about to toss my PC ... and that is no way to enjoy playing a game for fun.

Hope it does well though!
Jun 4, 2008
I'm still fairly decent at the twitch stuff, thanks to younger friends, but I just don't have any interest in it anymore. I skipped Dark Messiah, Dark Souls and it looks like Demonicon will be next. The games all seemed to sell well without me though ;)
Oct 18, 2006
I'm on the fence with this one, I've liked many of kalypso's other games and thought the combat is the first Templar was pretty good (the story and ending were terrible though). So they have a good track record with me.

Funny thing is when I was younger I would only play TB or RTWP combat and now that I'm getting older I find myself playing a lot more twitch action RPG's.

Must be a midlife crisis.:biggrin:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I stopped reading at this sentence. ;)
I don't think this is necessary; the author's knowledge on TDE is not required for him to describe the game mechanics and gameplay.
Yeah, I know. I pre-ordered it some time ago anyway, so I don't really need to read the previews. :)
May 6, 2013
I'm with wolf and crpgnut on this. I wish the game well but twitch ARPGs are just not my style.
Jan 10, 2008
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