Lord of the Rings Online Discussion

Well as much as i've claimed everyone in game is great I had my first real pissing match tonight with another player. I ended up dismissing him from the Grand Stair mid run, which really screwed the group. Many deaths followed. A couple hundred tell exchanges later we made up (awwwww) but I just don't need the drama. So unnecessary. Thankfully this is very rare! But it can happen. :(.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I haven't had anything like that, but I had one "issue" with some guy. He was one of those people who takes the game very seriously. He would rage quit mid-group if we died or something didn't go according to plan. He did this multiple times in different groups. He would then bitch and moan in the kin chat about how we're all noobs and we don't know how to play the game, etc etc. He then left the kin awhile later.

I really can't understand people rage quitting over LOTRO. Or any game for that matter. Video games are supposed to be fun. Lighten up people :)
Did a hillmen grind last night outside of Helegrod. Killed 200 of them and in addition to a bunch of Elvish rep items, I also got Strength of Morale trait!! Awesome. That trait is a game changer.

Me and 2 kinsmen went to Moria last night, too. Did a few quests there but I'm probably going to wait until level 50 to really dig into it. The content seems really good, though. I liked the Black Pool location and that Brackwater cave. Very cool locations. I'm sure Moria itself is ridiculous.
Nah. I guess I started the quest to get them but I never finished. I don't know. I think there was some confusion. The quest chain to get them is the one that sends you into Moria, right? I only did the first few quests for the dwarf miners there and didn't get too far.
Got my Alienware hooked up to my 42" LCD screen now. LOTRO looks great on it. And it's a bit darker so some areas are difficult to navigate, which I actually like the added tension. Like this area in Forochel, it was midnight and the place had a massive snow storm happening, you couldn't see anything. And there were packs of evil Angmarim men around, and an elite snowbeast that sneaked up behind me and killed me in 2 shots. That area was a lot of fun.

Made it to the capital city of ice. I gotta say, I'm really digging the Lossoth culture and lore. This area has been very interesting so far. I was going to skip it too, glad I didn't. I would recommend any level 45-50 character to check it out...
You only open the door to Moria in the process of getting your LI's, but you do not go in.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
But the quest line sends you into that first part of the Moria instance, right? There's a dwarf standing next to an instance and it's level 50. He tells you to talk to dwarves in the instance. That's what I started. I didn't actually go into Moria or even get close to it, I just did a few things in the surrounding area, like bring the lunches to the dwarf workers and find the missing dwarves in Brackwater cave. That's all I did. So if that's the quest chain that grants you your LI's, then I have it, just need to finish it.
Yeah, that's the chain leading to Moria proper. It will be obvious once you've completed the introduction to receive your first legendary.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Bottom line is you are unlocking the Moria gate. To do that you need the LI. Once the gate is unlocked you can go in or leave. Most like to get their LI's early to start collecting LI's with Legacies worth applying to better LI's sooner rather than later. If you don't, it means you'll have to wait longer to apply preferred Legacies to the better LI's you get in the mid 50's. That may make no sense to you having not seen the LI system, but once you get them it will.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Reached Kindred with the Lossoth last night. I cheated once again and purchased a stack of 20 rep items from the auction house. They are pretty rare and cost me 30 gold pieces. Ouch. Worth it though as it cut down the grinding time by about an hour or so. Then I just killed Gauradain for an hour or 2 and got the rest of the items to reach Kindred. Pretty sweet. I was determined to get a full set of Lossoth armor to craft (they have a full set of recipes for tailoring when you reach Kindred) and a Tundra Steed. Also, they have 3 really cool looking ceremonial cloaks that you can buy. Pretty cool stuff.

I'm going to finish up the Goblintown quests in the Misty Mountains now (I'm level 48) and once I'm done there it's on to Eregion. Probably going to disable XP from level 49-50 or so, so I don't outlevel the beginning of Moria. Can't wait to check out Moria but I'm taking it slow to get there. Should be fun.
Lothlorien is fun but making Kindred is a long haul and you can only do it questing. No rep items!!!
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Nothing screams epic journey to Mordor like delivering flowers and chiding drunk elves for several weeks on end. :)
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I'm looking forward to Lothlorien a lot. Any zone that has elves and beautiful nature scenery is a win in my book.

That said, just visited Angmar for the first time last night to do some epics. That zone is just nuts. I love the atmosphere, and some of the locations in that zone are just crazy. The forest in the southeast and the area around Gath Forthnir are my favorites. The endless bog in the south is pretty sweet too. Killer zone.
Got a Lossoth smoking tent outside my house on my front lawn. Haha. Pretty cool.
Only disappointment with the Lossoth was that I waited too long to craft the armor sets they have for rep rewards. As a set, they offer great frost mitigation, but by the time I crafted it all I was done with Forochel, so frost mitigation becomes pretty pointless. Oh well. It still looks cool, so I'm wearing it for awhile.

Just got done running around in Goblintown for the first time ever. Me and a friend got lost, and overall spent at least a good 2 hours killing goblins and searching for our quests, if not longer. We finally found the slave pens which led us to a few new quests, and overall it was just a blast to play there. Came away with ridiculous amounts of loot including tons of Elvish rep items which sell for big money. I had XP disabled at the time to park myself at level 49 until I head back to Eregion. Want to hit 50 there and head for Moria perfectly on level :).

But yeah, Goblintown is sweet. Very fun area.






Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Great screens, Todd. Looks beautiful there.

I just noticed there's a deed for becoming kindred to all 3 elf types. You get a Steed of the Elf-Lords as a reward. Awesome. I am definitely going after that.
Great screens, Todd. Looks beautiful there.

I just noticed there's a deed for becoming kindred to all 3 elf types. You get a Steed of the Elf-Lords as a reward. Awesome. I am definitely going after that.

That's true. I finished Lothlorien Kindred. No rep items, all quests. Very peaceful region for the most part. I'm in Mirkwood now, what a contrast!
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I just bought Mirkwood. That's another area I can't wait to see.

By the way, if you use the coupon code "cart13", you will get 25% off your entire order. You can use this code many times as well. Very useful.

Congrats on getting Kindred!
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