Things you don't need to know...

Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Option Explicit
Dim a(1 To 29) As String

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim alles As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Ascii As Integer
Dim po2 As Integer
Dim j As Long
Dim zeichen As String

alles = ""
For i = 1 To 29
    alles = alles & a(i)
Next i

For i = 1 To Len(alles) Step 8
    Ascii = 0
    po2 = 128
    For j = 0 To 7
        zeichen = Mid$(alles, i + j, 1)
        If zeichen <> "1" And zeichen <> "0" Then Exit For
        If zeichen = "1" Then Ascii = Ascii + po2
        po2 = po2 \ 2
    Next j
    If Ascii >= 32 Then Debug.Print Chr(Ascii);
Next i

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
a(1) = "01010100011010000110100101110011001000000110100101"
a(2) = "11001100100000011000010010000001110100011010000110"
a(3) = "10010110111001100111001000000111100101101111011101"
a(4) = "01001000000110010001101111011011100010011101110100"
a(5) = "00100000011011100110010101100101011001000010000001"
a(6) = "11010001101111001000000110101101101110011011110111"
a(7) = "01110010111001110000011010010110001001100010011101"
a(8) = "01011100100010000001110111011010000110111100100000"
a(9) = "01101001011100110010000001101000011000010111011001"
a(10) = "10100101101110011001110010000001100110011101010110"
a(11) = "11100101000001010011001011100010000001001001011001"
a(12) = "10001000000111100101101111011101010010000001100011"
a(13) = "01100001011011100010011101110100001000000111001001"
a(14) = "10010101100001011001000010000001110100011010000110"
a(15) = "10010111001100101100001000000111010001110010011110"
a(16) = "01001000000110100001110100011101000111000000111010"
a(17) = "00101111001011110111011101110111011101110010111001"
a(18) = "11001001101111011101010110001001100001011010010111"
a(19) = "10000110100101101110011101000110010101110010011000"
a(20) = "01011000110111010001101001011101100110010100101110"
a(21) = "01100011011011110110110100101111010100000110110001"
a(22) = "10000101111001010001110111001001101111011101010110"
a(23) = "11100110010000101111010000100110100101101110011000"
a(24) = "01011100100111100101011111010000110110111101101110"
a(25) = "01110110011001010111001001110011011010010110111101"
a(26) = "10111000101111010000100110100101101110011000010111"
a(27) = "00100111100101011111010101000110111101011111010101"
a(28) = "00011001010111100001110100001011100110000101110011"
a(29) = "011100000010110000100000010001000101001100101110"
End Sub

ok - a bug was in ... -> but this code is right :)
Oct 18, 2006
I'm the kind of person that knows what binary is, but isn't bored enough to try and decipher it.

Fortunately, I don't have to. Google did it for me …

This is a thing you don't need to know.pibbur who is having funPS. If you can't read this, try, DS.

See? I told you te message contained a link for interpreting it easily.

pibbur who ponders even more cryptic ways to tell things without encrpting it
I'm sorry, but the following innformation is in clear text, as I haven't decided yet how to obfuscate the messages.

Oliver Cromwell (25 April 1599 – 3 September 1658) was executed by beheading 30th of January 1661, along with mr Bradshaw and Ireton. The observant reader may have noticed that said Cromwell already had been dead for more than two years. We're not talking about ghosts, his body was exhumed and said procedure was carried out as ordered by Charles 2.0. The observant reader (2) may have noticed that the 30th of january is also the day when King Charles 1.0 died in 1649. Said Cromwell executed said king on said date. It doesn't take conspirationists long to claim that there is a connection here, which for once is absolutely correct.

According to Wikipedia their bodies were displayed in chains all day on the gallows at Tyburn before the behading. Afterwards the bodies were thrown into a common pit and the heads displayed on pikes at Westminster Hall.

No last words was recorded.

The image below is from Australia.

pibbur who
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The picture above was of an orchidometer, a tool for estimating the volume of testicles (orchis is greek for testicle (to be confused with orchids, which are named so because they look like testicles (the root (of the flower)))).

As I said, the picture was from Australia, but I have no idea if that's significant or not. Here are some more information about down under:

Australia is one of the safest places in the world, with a murder rate of 2 per 100,000 people. Right. Also:
  • There are 1,500 species of Australian spiders (including the worlds most deadly ones (for instance the funnel spider)).
  • Out of the top 25 deadliest snakes in the world, 20 ((deadly)snake species) are found in Australia
  • Australia has the world’s largest population of wild single hump camels.
  • The deadliest jellyfish in the world is found off the Australia coast.
  • The most dangerous ant in the world are the Australian Bulldog Ant, (which is up to 4 centimetres long (which is yeecchy (according to pibbur)))
  • Eric Bana is Australian
New South Wales is inhabited by cockroaches.

If the rails of the Ghan((not)burighan) train track weren't restrained properly, on a hot Outback desert day they would expand at 200km/hour. Which seems a lot (not sure I believe it). However, it's also said that the railway station of Darwin, presumably also Darwin itself (surely the railways is properly fixed to the city), would stick out 1.1 km into the ocean (which, compared to 200km/h (not sure I believe it)seems fairly modest). Unless Australians are very different from Europeans (Scandinavians (Norwegians)) I'm sure that a significant part of the people down there would consider this to be good.

Vegemite is made from yeast ((brewers)leftovers) and is common around Australia. They eat it, despite it being one of the grossest things ever eaten by humans.

pibbur who observes that there are some likeness between the post and the lisp (also lithp (one of the esoteric programming languages (another is C-))) programming language
Pibs, how many people die each year in Australia from snakes, spiders and jellyfish? That's something I'm sure all potential visitors would like to know!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I bet less total than from sharks.
Apr 12, 2009
Pibs, how many people die each year in Australia from snakes, spiders and jellyfish? That's something I'm sure all potential visitors would like to know!! :)

An educated guess would be approximately 736. Or 42 (approximately).

But as an HL7 V3 RIM expert I would say that it's all about the Exposure class, which we use to describe situations where a participant is exposed to something which has the potential to cause harm. It doesn't matter if people actually are hurt or not, it's enough that it's there. Like the Inland Taipan who AFAIK has the most powerful venom in the world. The fact that it hasn't killed anyone in years (real conspirationists don't believe that, NASA spent a lot of time down under during the sixties where they, in stead of going to the moon was training taipans to change their MO) is of no importance. Going to Australia=Exposure.

Then there's cricket, of course, which is named after insects known to cause illness and death.

pibbur who realizes that his newfound HL7 expertise comes in handy almost everywhere.

PS. Admittedly they play cricket in the UK as well, but there's a huge difference between UK and Oz. For instance, unlike Australia, in the UK winter takes place when winter is supposed to take place. Hah!!! DS.
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Yeah, there's a huge difference; Australia just demolished the UK at Cricket in all forms of the game!! :D

Winter?? What's Winter?!!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I read the news today, oh boy.

About a woman who's ultimate desire is to be as barbie-like (not Klaus Barbie, the Hauptsturmführer) as possible. Naturally that involves surgically enhancing body parts, probably also unhancing (I know it's not a word in English, but you get my meaning. It should be a word) a few.

The enhanced parts are so much enhanced, that even an URL would not be SFW (safe for wife).

Additionally she's taking hypnotherapy to become more stupid. Something tells me that is not nneccesary.

It's not true that "at one time in the history of the [Forth] bridge repainting was required and commenced immediately upon completion of the previous repaint".

pibbur who would like to remind the watch that he never checks his facts when posting (in this particular thread). And who actually has taken a course in hypnosis, but is still not sure that the phenomenon exists.

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Once this one sells millions she needs to change back.
Aug 30, 2006
The musketeer is right.

pibbur who spent 1 1/2 years studying anatomy at med school.
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