Forum Bug Reports and Feature Requests

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What HiddenX said and while you're at it, I feel like it may be worthwhile to increase the latest comments section to show the latest 10 topics instead of 5 (or any number between 5 and 10 that doesn't ruin the layout)?
Oct 18, 2006
If we didn't have the P&R forum, those 'topics' would still appear, but probably in the Off Topic forum instead!! :) This way, we only clutter up one place while leaving OT free from much of the rubbish. The other alternative would be stricter moderation, but the boss is opposed to that and I do my best within his guidelines.
Aug 31, 2006
That section should remain there although I don't visit it at all. For reason Corwin explained.
But most definetly it's topics should not be displayed on the front page if it's possible at all.
Apr 12, 2009
I disagree with removing the sub-forum.

Whilst we've always had some crazy attention seekers there, and it does seem to have increased, many valid opinions ARE put there.

HHR for example has very strong views, but he does show his reasoning pretty well and does not insult other people all the time.

I think these threads are very useful.

I do understand people not wanting to see them on the front page and I would have no problem at all with that, as long as they still appear on the "New Posts" button :D
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
The P&R forum can stay as a garbage bin. I simply would avoid to show the topics on the front-page.
I agree with Moriendor's suggestion to increase the number of the latest comments section.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm willing to compromise and agree because of crazy posters. I still think removing the sub-foum is a better idea though, and can't understand why members want it.

As for more space for the latest comments section it's possible, but Arhu would have to verify that. It would probably mean less news-bits on the top, or bottom page.:thinking:
Oct 1, 2010
All that's really needed is to actually enforce the Forum Rules, as they already stand.

…the administrators and moderators of RPGWatch Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum…

…By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
Nov 8, 2014
I do Ripper as I'm the harshest of the mods on this site. I edit comments and eventually ban members if they act the same way they do on that sub-forum in the news section.

I can't speak for the other moderators though.:)
Oct 1, 2010
I appreciate that Couch, and I don't see it as harsh at all.

EDIT: Perhaps we should open a dedicated discussion about this, and thrash out the issues. Left as things are, there's just going to be more and more trouble, and it's doing the site no good at all.
Nov 8, 2014
The problem is that what one person finds objectionable, another person doesn't. What I find vulgar, or sexually offensive, for example, someone else considers fine and I'm "too sensitive" because of 'my beliefs'!! We also have the issues created by living in many different countries with many differing cultures. What is acceptable in one country may not be in another. This makes absolute moderation a challenge. Finally, the P&R forum was established as a place for debate and disagreement with the knowledge that it could become confrontational and upset some people. The answer there is STAY AWAY!!
The bottom line is that Myrthos will decide and I'm guided by his wishes. I try not to lock threads without checking with him since he has in the past unlocked threads which I closed when posters complained. As I've said before, I do my best.
Aug 31, 2006
I'm glad he did; I was close to asking his permission to do so myself.
Aug 31, 2006
The problem is that what one person finds objectionable, another person doesn't. What I find vulgar, or sexually offensive, for example, someone else considers fine and I'm "too sensitive" because of 'my beliefs'!! We also have the issues created by living in many different countries with many differing cultures. What is acceptable in one country may not be in another. This makes absolute moderation a challenge.

I agree that the term "objectionable" is very open to interpretation, and problematic. I think the way that GoDaddy descibe it in their terms of service is best, because the "reasonable person test" is what a court would apply.

"material that, to a reasonable person may be grossly offensive, vulgar or malicious"

However, the other section of the RPGWatch rules is already quite specific:

"you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws."

The most crystal clear of those is "or otherwise violative of any laws", because the laws are very clearly written, and I guarantee you they are being broken at the moment.

Finally, the P&R forum was established as a place for debate and disagreement with the knowledge that it could become confrontational and upset some people. The answer there is STAY AWAY!!

This is the part that I strongly disagree with. It is a peculiar convention on many (but by no means all) forums that the answer to people who are being abused is that it is up to them to ignore it. This is not reflected in the norms, or laws, of almost any society - the responsibilty is on the relevant authority to stop it and deal with the abuser.
Nov 8, 2014
Ripper, nearly everything we do violates some country's laws. There are places where you can be put to death for disagreeing with a law, or for not attending a 'religious' service. Every atheist is breaking the laws of certain countries, so whose laws apply here?

I don't ask people to ignore what others post if it upsets them; they are free to respond. What I do suggest is that if you are easily offended then STAY AWAY from the P&R forum where you KNOW you will be offended. To me that's just common sense. :)
Aug 31, 2006
Ripper, nearly everything we do violates some country's laws. There are places where you can be put to death for disagreeing with a law, or for not attending a 'religious' service. Every atheist is breaking the laws of certain countries, so whose laws apply here?

Well, if you apply that logic, then since you can't decide which laws apply, then no laws really do, and it's pointless referring to them in the rules.

However, luckily, there is a definitive legal answer. Three jurisdictions apply. The jurisdiction of the site owner's nation, the jurisdiction of the poster's nation, and the jurisdiction of international law. The poster is culpable, and the site owner is too, once they have been made aware.

Let's say, for example, that's The Netherlands and Brazil, and the offence is racial abuse. In The Netherlands that's a crime under Article 137c. In Brazil, it's a crime under the Constitution. And under international law it's a breach of Articles 19 and 20 of the Human Rights convention.

In addition, the web host would also be responsible in their own jurisdiction, once they are made aware.
Nov 8, 2014
I'm not a frequent poster here but presumably the least work for maximum gain is HiddenX's suggestion of just not including that forum in queries on the front page.

To go one step further I would recommend, that the sub-forum be hidden by default if you are not logged in as a registered user or at least the posts hidden with a stickied closed thread explaining the forum. The next step would be to require the users to "subscribe" to that subforum to read and post via the user preferences. (Similar to the Divinity rewards forum was only visible to donors.) But that sounds like work and I dont want to wish work on Myrthos .
Apr 23, 2010
The forum should no longer shown on the front page and is not visible to unregistered and banned users anymore.

As to moderation, I have a somewhat different opinion than some other mods. However I normally do not unban people who I would not have banned myself and normally also don't unlock closed forums, unless there is a very good reason to do so.
Aug 30, 2006
the P&R forum is invisible on the front page now?

:cake::w00t::party2: :party::clap::iloveyou::boogie::rotfl::flower:

After all these years, you finally granted my request.

thank you


On a different note, are there any updates on this on forum system that would allow for responsive design. I do dislike the "mobile first" minimalist approach that is trending in web design today, but these 4x3 page sizes with the large borders are starting to make this site look legacy.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Yes thanks for the P&R forum change. Its been a good month.

On a related note to the mobile, is there a way to get rid of tapatalk permanently? Seems like it is constantly asking me if I want to install it. Granted I frequently browse in private mode and am not logged in so presumably that is why so I guess I'm an fault there.

Is tapatalk actually useful for browing this sites forums? I dont really want another piece of tracking software guised as an app as android already has enough of that (after all it has Google Play and related services).
Apr 23, 2010
I use it all the time ...
It's a great app for forum navigation and allows you to easily see unread threads or theses you have participated in a simple screen rather than having to click links and zooming in and out...
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
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