A home power plant


The Smoker
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
April 12, 2009
You'll definelty need one if you're planning to buy a certain console.

Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox One consume two to three times more annual energy than the most recent models of their predecessors.

I'm not buying myself a console. And this research kills every possibility I could do that in the future. What about you?
Apr 12, 2009
I'm quite appalled by this news. We're supposed to be engaging in world-wide reductions of energy use and this just shows that some people really don't give a...
Feb 10, 2014
I'm quite appalled by this news. We're supposed to be engaging in world-wide reductions of energy use and this just shows that some people really don't give a…

The common folk are being taught to make sacrifices for the environment, even though they're not the problem at all. For eg. Australias 10% "carbon tax".

There is suppressed technology out there you literally wouldn't believe. Free energy is very much an easily achievable, yet viciously suppressed, goal.

I don't want to say too much because the closer to total truth I get the less you'll be able to believe it, due to your conditioning by various corrupt institutions.

But I'll give you some good starting off points:

The United States Dollar is only being held up by the fact oil trade has to be done in USD. This has very far reaching implications...

I think that will do for now... But please check out Pure Energy Systems website for information on alternatives to oil. http://peswiki.com/index.php/Main_Page

Try searching Youtube for videos on running cars on water, 100% pollution free.

I'm sorry to be the one to break this news to you. Be prepared to react with anger or ignorance, as these are very normal reactions to this information.
Jul 10, 2007
More on the matter?
Seems there will be nonkinect camera version of Xbox one:
Sadly, the reason is not the power consumption but the price. This "sight impaired" console will have the same price as PS4.

But that's not the end of this story. Fresh rumors say that PS4 tools got even more optimized, but for the sakes of performance, not for the sakes of energy saving. :(
Apr 12, 2009
The United States Dollar is only being held up by the fact oil trade has to be done in USD. This has very far reaching implications…

Umm, not it isn't. In fact, if countries started using something other than the dollar for the oil trade, it wouldn't have that much effect. That oil trade is done in dollars is a function of the faith in the US currency, not the other way around.

The dollar is still at a traditionally weak spot (12 years of continuining soft dollar policy will do that), but despite the issues in the US economy, the US is still considered the best medium of exchange in the global economy. Capital continues to flow into the US (particularly in the real estate space driven by Chinese and Russian concern).
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Some truth to 'petrodollar' stuff but it's way overexaggerated. The car running on water is a joke, though...seriously, use some common sense. Fusion and solar could become cheap and almost free power but not if no one invests in it.
Apr 10, 2011
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