Neverwinter - Review @ PCGamer


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
PCGAMER has finally posted their review of Neverwinter and it's not excalty positive.

Mechanically, Neverwinter is solid, but its content is painfully behind the times and far too dull to stand up against the competition – especially when that includes (shudder) buy-to-play games rather than simply other free ones. Factor-in the chance for playercreated content to fill that gap, however, and for improved design features to enable that player creativity, and it seems likely things will feel much fresher in a few months’ time. Being this reliant on players to compensate for its lack of creativity isn’t exactly a point in Neverwinter’s favour. Giving them the power to do so, however, is. And that’s something other MMOs need to copy.

This is yesterday’s MMO by the merits of its own content, but compensates by potentially ushering in a DIY revolution.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
It's a crappy game/MMO and it deserves reviews like that.

Almost everything about the game is poorly done. The F2P element blows (all F2P blows but the F2P in NW is crappier than many). The game is an insult to D&D and the only way WOTC/Hasbro/whatever scumbags currently own D&D let this happen is as a cash grab and to play D&D lovers for suckers.

Why do you need PvP in a D&D MMO when D&D has nothing to do with PvP? D&D is the grand mack daddy of group-based PvE. You get together with friends and you beat up content as a group. Period. But, in order to qualify as a crappy MMO clone trying to be everything for everybody including wannabe eThugs and griefers, you need that slapped on, meaningless, pointless, never to be balanced, craptastic MMO PvP.

The foundry is the one decent thing about the game but when the toolset is ultra simplistic there's only so much authors can do (great general idea though that hopefully some MMOs that don't suck miserably will take to greater heights).

I found some of the foundry content to be very clever and well done. It would be awesome to see what some of the better authors could do within a game that didn't suck.

There is nothing else about NW that isn't done far better by other MMORPS without the lameness of the NW cash shop and archaic look and feel of a stripped down cash grab of a lame game.

TESO looks like it's going to be crap. I find it hard to believe that FF:Reborn will end up anything but a grindfest of crap but you never know...maybe it'll have some old school feel that's BADLY missing from the MMORPG scene that caters to these days. Can't wait the EQNext reveal next week to see if that game will be the MMORGP messiah... someone who played D&D back when the old paper back basic manuals released, and as someone who's been obsessively a part of the MMO scene since EQLive released, I find Neverwinter to be complete and utter garbage.
Apr 22, 2013
So there is yet another review not impressed with Cryptic/PerfectWorld MMO?
Why am I not surprised.
Apr 12, 2009
EQ Next will be shown this week. Please have a MMO that brings me back to that genre because DDO is the only MMO that has been decent in the last few years.

Neverwinter looked promising when it was announced but I did not even try it because of the bad reviews and what I heard about the cash shop. Had some hope for GW2 and that was a let down because it is no fun to get max lvl in a week. EQ Next is the one hope out there and if that lets me down I may be done with MMO's.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
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