Torchlight II - PAX Walkthrough Video


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Rock, Paper, Shotgun highlights a narrated walkthrough video for Torchlight II from PAX East. From the accompanying blurb:
Yeah, so the interesting things: Runic have locked down all the content, and are now just polishing things to a mirror sheen. And that sounds like a lot of content: Schaefer boasts that by the time you’re through the first two thirds of the first act, of which there are three, you’ll have seen as much content as there was in the entire run of the first game. Extending that are three major hub cities and day/night and weather cycles affecting the overworld, of which is promised a “vast” randomly generated map with random events, as well as all the randomly generated dungeons in which to collect all that randomly generated loot. Mmm, aren’t procedurally generated things tasty. Thank goodness it’s a good source of nutrition.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I feel 0 immersion from this. I really don't see the point of its existence.
Who would prefer this for pathofexile for example, without even bringin D3 in the mix
Aug 7, 2008
I think this looks great! Graphics look good and the game looks FUN .
Oct 8, 2010
I feel 0 immersion from this. I really don't see the point of its existence.
Who would prefer this for pathofexile for example, without even bringin D3 in the mix

I understand what you're saying and after putting in a multitude of hours in Path of Exile, they're basically two different games in the same genre. While I see POE as being all about immersion, I see Torchlight 2 as a hack n' slash loot fest to play through casually with your friends. It's the casual against the hardcore theory I believe.
Apr 24, 2007
I understand what you're saying and after putting in a multitude of hours in Path of Exile, they're basically two different games in the same genre. While I see POE as being all about immersion, I see Torchlight 2 as a hack n' slash loot fest to play through casually with your friends. It's the casual against the hardcore theory I believe.

Completely agree with this. Torchlight II is on a diferent market than PoE. Torchlight is basicaly a hack n' slash game more action oriented with gigantic loads of free loot to keep you motivated and now with random generated scenarios to keep the replayability fresh.

I see torchlight II as an action game to release daily frustrations in a fun but casual game. Its not a game i would dedicate dozens of hours with gamming passion per week like i would do baldur's gate or torment for example, but a game i would pick up ocasionaly just to have some mindless fun now and then and have raw unpreocupied fun.

Its cheap though, at $20 and inserted in this "casual action fun" category, i think the game is nearly perfect and briliant.

If you expect a game to change your life and be immersed for a full cold rainy week-end and daydream about it than forget it, its not made for that.
Oct 30, 2009
Looking good! Yes, it's a much more light-hearted, fast-paced, casual feel than Path of Exile or Diablo 3, which will suit me fine if I'm in the right mood for it. I'm interested in all three of these games for different reasons.
Aug 19, 2011
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