The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

I'm in no hurry to TR myself, on anyone. I'd like to get Fireflash to 20 first, or at least to Shroud-running levels. Then I'd like to figure out what I'm going to do with Rachail, whose been sitting fallow since hitting 20 as a Fighter practically.

So do we gather at the usual time then?
I'm booked for tonight, so if we're going to flag Thursday to run Friday, I'll have to bring Phuury. Doesn't matter to me, but that's what it is.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
What is your time frame for a Friday run? I am level 19, flagged. Don't care about XP, want dragontouched armour and favor from quest. I would truthfully hate to rerun Enter the Kobold, unless someone has high evasion and can run straight for the boss and take him out…quick. Otherwise it will be a long battle. Might be fun to see the guild have a good time on that one though.
Session starts at 7pm eastern, which might be a little early for you. We could do some other stuff to kill an hour or two if that helps you.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Our normal time is 6pm, Central Standard time. It usually runs 4 hours now, with some of us pushing further sometimes. I'm on vacation, so I can work in pretty much anything.

I think we'll be having to run someone through to flag, if Peter's ran SoS before on his characters, regardless. Which is why I'm suggesting a session tonight. Though that'll be hard on Peter, as he's in Norway, and that puts him into the early hours in the morning. I think he starts around 11 or midnight or something but I'm not sure on that.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Peter is +6 to me (Dte Mean Time), so he starts at 1am local, IIRC. The Old Man is +16 to me, so that's 11am. The Old Man's Not So Old Spawn is +15, I think.

If we have to kill a couple hours Friday so Sherwin can get home from work, we could put a dent in flagging then, too. Probably wouldn't be able to run all 3 flags in that time unless we had a flawless jaunt, but it could be done. If we went that route, I'd probably bring Bot to the show.

edit- actually, I take that back. Those adjustments are when we're on daylight savings. Since we're on standard right now, they start an hour earlier by their silly fer-ner clocks. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Actually I work from home Friday's but sometimes I have to take my daughter to class that evening. This Friday I will MAKE time for that quest alone! Will log on at 4pm PST maybe earlier.
Jul 24, 2007
Sorry, I couldn't make it back to finish running SOS. If you haven't run it yet, I'll be available Friday to run it.
Jul 24, 2007
We just got our toons flagged, but didn't run SoS. We can surely do it tomorrow.

The group will be KarlPeter (paladin level 25), Mirys (bard level 24), Brialle (favored soul level 24), Testovina (rogue 23), Sherwinsorc (sorcerer level 19). That is 5 people.

Then we have Botdu (cleric level 23?) and Corwindd (wizard level 22) or Reywindd (ranger level 19).

That means 7 people. So we might have to split the groups or run the SoS group before the regular group start time.

Can anyone show up 1 hour early for the SoS run? The main toon for running is Sherwinsorc since we're doing it to help him get his sovereign runes. So we have to run when he can join.

I propose we run on elite so we increase the chance for the runes to drop. We need a pretty balanced group to do it on elite despite having level 25's in the group.

Is the quest defined as a raid so we can't use hirelings?
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I just read about Steal of Souls and found the following interesting information.

After completing this quest once, you may purchase any Dragonshard Essence from the Vorace the Dragontouched Vendor in the crafting section in exchange for Draconic Runes.

So if we have enough draconic runes we can get new essences without having to rerun Enter the Kobold, Prey of the Hunter or Monastery.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Here is info about the SoS end boss (Sorjec). We need to kill him to get a chance for a sovereign rune.

Type: Undead
Race: Lich
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Boss: Purple Named - Powerful Boss
Special Qualities:
◦ DR: ♦15/ ♥~30 / ♠50 /Bludgeon + Magic
◦ 100% fortification (but can still be crit/sneak attacked by using various effects which lower fortification)
◦ Low Fort save (Disintegrate works well), moderate reflex save (Fireball works well), high will save.
◦ Immune to Lightning and Cold damage
◦ Various buffs based on his mephits - See below

He gains additional abilities as he summons mephits [1]
◦ Dust Mephit (Lammania) - DR/-
◦ Ice Mephit (Risia) - very strong cold version Fire Shield, ~50-70 damage/swing, greater cold resists won't cut all the damage
◦ Fire Mephit (Fernia) - Significant Health regeneration
◦ Air Mephit (Syrania) - Haste

Recommended Weapons
◦ Greater Undead Bane blunt weapon (best with decent prefix, like Holy, Anarchic, Flaming, Acid, although ones lacking a prefix will suffice)
◦ Blunt Greensteel (any with holy/fire/acid damage should do fine)
◦ Triple Positive (Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast/Greater Disruption) weapons are by far the highest dps for him.

Note that there are no Greater Bane weapons for mephits, as they are Neutral Outsiders and neither Elementals nor Magical Beasts.

Recommended Strategies
◦ Sor'jek can be moderately effectively surrounded and kept in one place by 4 or more durable (500+ hp) characters. He can force his way out via knockback attacks, but doesn't do so often.
◦ While locked in one general area, persistent AoE damage spells like Firewall are quite effective. ◦ They can be equally effective when soloing by simply circling him, or in a group by simply holding agro. He will not pursue his target, he has caster AI and thus will simply lob spells at ranged attackers.

◦ Many groups assign one (or more) players to kill all mephits on sight while the rest damage Sor'jek and try to hold him in place. However, the Syriana mephit can be completely ignored if desired.
◦ Mephit spawn rates seem to increase over time, but only one of each specific mephit will be active at one time.

So the key is to have blunt weapons to bypass his DR 50 (on elite). Fortunately I crafted a triple positive Greensteel Maul just to deal with Sorjek and other undead. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I can also bring in Mureall, if needed. She is already flagged. For shortmanning it, that would probably be the better option actually. I did want to bring in Mirys because the armor is nice to have on a TR, and Mureall will not be TRing.

IIRC you can bring hirelings in, though it's been a long time since I've ran SoS.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
We just got our toons flagged, but didn't run SoS. We can surely do it tomorrow.

The group will be KarlPeter (paladin level 25), Mirys (bard level 24), Brialle (favored soul level 24), Testovina (rogue 23), Sherwinsorc (sorcerer level 19). That is 5 people.

Then we have Botdu (cleric level 23?) and Corwindd (wizard level 22) or Reywindd (ranger level 19).

That means 7 people. So we might have to split the groups or run the SoS group before the regular group start time.

Can anyone show up 1 hour early for the SoS run? The main toon for running is Sherwinsorc since we're doing it to help him get his sovereign runes. So we have to run when he can join.

I propose we run on elite so we increase the chance for the runes to drop. We need a pretty balanced group to do it on elite despite having level 25's in the group.

Is the quest defined as a raid so we can't use hirelings?
Actually, you've got Phuury from me, not Bot. Since you'll already have an arcane, I'll sit it out and mess around with Shadohe or something. It's supposed to be a tough quest, so splitting our power probably doesn't make much sense. When you finish, I'll jump back in. No muss, no fuss.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I guess that against these Mephits, elemental damage weapons would work, too ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hello all,

Just had a message from your DDO guild leader Reywindd to come register and post here to introduce myself, so Hi!
I've played NWN & NWN2 pretty much to death, though still drop into the Baldurs Gate PW from time to time to dust off my characters and keep active. DDO has really taken over as my game of choice though. My main is my elf ranger/arcane archer Squismitten, though she may soon be knocked out of the top spot by Squishmiten, my Drow Radiant servant Cleric. I'm only F2P, but have a premium account and a few adventure packs under my belt, and am on most weekends and evenings (London time). I have a few other toons in the wings as well- Snaga - a Dwarf Warchanter, Banshiee- a Drow Spell singer, and TootMcSmelly- A Dwarf heavy tank fighter.

Look forward to meeting some of you in game!
Feb 2, 2013
One of use will gladly send you some guild invites. Whoever logs in first. lol Welcome to the Watch and to the guild. We post game plans and questions here as you can see.

We have a regular session starting around 6pm CDT. Kind of late for you, but if you have a toon in the level range and can stay awake you are more then welcome to join in.

There is a guild chest and items in there are up for grabs so help your self. Our crafters will take them out after a few weeks if no one claims. We all try to help pay for the ship buffs. If you have some plat to spare, help out, if your plat is low, no worries.

We use skype rather then guild chat, much better quality most of the time. If you have a mic and want to join they chat, just grab the free version and let one or two of us know your details either here, in a pm or in game.

Hope to meet you soon and welcome again. Any questions just post here or grab anyone in game. One reminder, when you log into the game it does not ping others already in, so feel free to send a tell if you say hi and get no answer. When questing those messages in guild chat can scroll off and be missed very easily.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Welcome both here and to DDO. Most of us played NWN (1&2) together online for several years before switching to DDO when we ran out of mods. Most of us try to keep a toon at different level ranges and usually, at least one of us is logged in. If you get our skype details and find no-one logged in, but showing as available on skype, just send a quick message and often a session can be arranged. See you in game soon.
Aug 31, 2006
I sent an invite to your first listed character. If you need one for the other one just yell. Corwin usually promotes at least one of our characters so we can invite our own alt toons ourselves.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Mirys's current TR planning, with multiple choices!

Half-Elf version

[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.02[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

Level 20 True Neutral Half-Elf Female
(20 Druid) 
Hit Points: 302
Spell Points: 1566 
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 9
Will: 21

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U](36 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Strength             14                    18
Dexterity            14                    17
Constitution         14                    17
Intelligence         10                    13
Wisdom               18                    28
Charisma              8                    11[/COLOR]

[B][U]Tomes Used[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Balance               4                    14
Bluff                -1                     0
Concentration         6                    26
Diplomacy            -1                     0
Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
Haggle               -1                     0
Heal                  4                     9
Hide                  2                     3
Intimidate           -1                     0
Jump                  2                    10
Listen                4                     9
Move Silently         2                     3
Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
Perform              n/a                    n/a
Repair                0                     1
Search                0                     1
Spot                  6                    32
Swim                  2                     5
Tumble                3                     4
Use Magic Device      1                    11
[B][U]Level 1 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Rogue[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Past Life) Past Life: Bard[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Past Life) Past Life: Favored Soul[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Toughness[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Wolf[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 3 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Quicken Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 5 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Bear[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 6 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Shield Mastery[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 8 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Winter Wolf[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 9 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Natural Fighting[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 11 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Dire Bear[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 12 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Fire Elemental[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 14 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 15 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Natural Fighting[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 17 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Water Elemental[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 18 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Empower Healing Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 20 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Natural Adept[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Beastial Nature I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Beastial Nature II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Blood Moon Frenzy I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Blood Moon Frenzy II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Celerity[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Essence of the Shrike I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Essence of the Shrike II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Fatal Harrier[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Nature's Warrior I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Nature's Warrior II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Shifting Rake I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Shifting Rake II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Vengeful Hunter I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Vengeful Hunter II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Improved Rogue Dilettante I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Improved Rogue Dilettante II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Adaptability Wisdom I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Improved Recovery I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Improved Recovery II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Waxing Hoarfrost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Waxing Storm I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Waxing Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Zenith of the Storm I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Zenith of Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Hoarfrost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Hoarfrost II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Hoarfrost III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of the Storm I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of the Storm II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of the Storm III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life IV[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Strength I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Wisdom I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Toughness II[/COLOR]

Half-Orc version

[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.02[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

Level 20 True Neutral Half-Orc Female
(20 Druid) 
Hit Points: 322
Spell Points: 1566 
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 6
Will: 21

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U](36 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Strength             16                    23
Dexterity             8                    11
Constitution         16                    19
Intelligence         10                    13
Wisdom               18                    28
Charisma              6                     9[/COLOR]

[B][U]Tomes Used[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Balance               1                    11
Bluff                -2                    -1
Concentration         7                    27
Diplomacy            -2                    -1
Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
Haggle               -2                    -1
Heal                  4                     9
Hide                 -1                     0
Intimidate           -2                    -1
Jump                  3                    12
Listen                4                     9
Move Silently        -1                     0
Open Lock            n/a                    n/a
Perform              n/a                   n/a
Repair                0                     1
Search                0                     1
Spot                  6                    32
Swim                  3                     7
Tumble                0                     1
Use Magic Device      0                    10
[B][U]Level 1 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Rogue[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Past Life) Past Life: Bard[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Past Life) Past Life: Favored Soul[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Toughness[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Wolf[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 3 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Quicken Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 5 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Bear[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 6 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Shield Mastery[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 8 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Winter Wolf[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 9 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Natural Fighting[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 11 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Dire Bear[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 12 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Fire Elemental[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 14 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 15 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Natural Fighting[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 17 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Water Elemental[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 18 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Empower Healing Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Druid)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 20 (Druid)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Natural Adept[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Beastial Nature I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Beastial Nature II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Blood Moon Frenzy I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Blood Moon Frenzy II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Celerity[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Essence of the Shrike I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Essence of the Shrike II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Fatal Harrier[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Nature's Warrior I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Nature's Warrior II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Shifting Rake I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Shifting Rake II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Vengeful Hunter I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Vengeful Hunter II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Orcish Strength I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Orcish Strength II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Waxing Hoarfrost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Waxing Storm I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Waxing Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Zenith of Hoarfrost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Zenith of the Storm I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Hoarfrost I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Hoarfrost II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Hoarfrost III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of the Storm I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of the Storm II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of the Storm III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Eminence of Life IV[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Strength I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Strength II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Wisdom I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Wisdom II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Druid Toughness II[/COLOR]

These are both Melee Wolf/Healer hybrids, with some investment into Cold/Acid and Electric/Sonic for their main DoTs. The Half-Orc version could actually boost Fire/Positive as well.

Half-Orc -
+ Up to +4 STR over the Half-Elf version, for +2/+2 to hit and damage
+ Higher CON due to not being as MAD
- More investment into INT required to maintain 4 skill points/level
- Penalty to CHA means 1 lower UMD, not a huge issue given the class though, mainly I'll be UMDing Blur wands, Shield wands, and Raise Dead scrolls. 11 (levels) + 2 (+6 CHA item) + 4 (Greater Heroism Clicky) + 3 (Golden Cartouche) +2 (ship buffs) +1 (Spider Mask) +1 (Voice of the Master) +6 (GS CHA skills item) = 30 UMD at level 20. Higher depending on ED, party make up (eg Bard) and of course +5 from Epic levels.
- No Healing Amp enhancements

Half-Elf -
+ 3d6 Sneak Attack damage stacking with capstone, Winter Wolf form, and Nature's Warrior SA boosts, for a total of 7d6 SA damage.
+ Skill boost to bump UMD higher
+ Healing amp enhancements make self-healing easier
- Heavy investment into DEX for Rogue dilettante drops STR and CON
- Heavy AP investment for Improved Rogue dilettante makes enhancements tighter
- SA damage is situational at best, no us vs Undead or most constructs, less use against many bosses due to Fortification, and the build lacks feats for Fort-reducing effects.

On a side note, Druids are incredibly feat-starved. Wildshaped ones moreso. I need Toughness, Quicken, IC:Bludgeoning, Natural Fighting x3, Shield Mastery, Imp. Shield Mastery, Empower Healing, and Maximize at minimum, and I'm leaving off Power Attack's dps gains. Caster Druids are far easier to build, requiring only really Quicken, Toughness, Empower Healing, and Maximize to be effective. Empower can give them a boost when high dps/low efficiency is required, such as boss fights. But so many of their spells are either high level (Earthquake) or don't have saves anyway, so Heighten is of questionable use.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I think that the Druid is 'better' using the elemental forms in preference to the wildshape, but that may be just me since I haven't 'charted' it out. Still not sure which weapons are best; I've tried a few combinations and nothing stands out so far. I'd like to hear more feedback on that, though I'm not really interested in 'blue tin' builds!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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