Indie RPGs - Roundup: Boot Hill Heroes, Rodina, FTL, Blood Rune


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I have a number of indie RPGs in my inbox, so I thought I'd collect them into a roundup.
First off, Experimental Gamer let us know about their Kickstarter for Boot Hill Heroes, a Wild West retro RPG with 1-4 player coop. They are asking for a modest $5000 and seem to have a fair chunk of the game done, needing the money for music, sound and possibly more art:
Take three parts Earthbound, one part Chrono Trigger, add a dash of Final Fantasy VI - then dip the whole thing in spicy Wild West sauce! Boot Hill Heroes is a true retro RPG set in the American Wild West. You'll find all the trappings of a spaghetti western - gunslingers, saloons, Indians, ranches, spittoons, Mexican standoffs, heroism, villainy, and everything in between. Boot Hill Heroes has adventure, drama, and a fair helping of humor. It's just like the classic RPGs you remember from yesteryear but with an inventive new spin!

Jonathon writes in with Rodina, an indie "space exploration RPG inspired by games like Freelancer, The Elder Scrolls series, Deus Ex and System Shock." The video on their site is pretty rudimentary but the planned scope is quite exciting. This one is self-funded because "I'm not comfortable taking money from people unless I can immediately give them something in return".
  • Explore Space, Inside and Out
    In Rodina, you can explore the world both inside of a ship and outside of one. You will find yourself having dogfights in space, gun battles on a planet surface, defending your ship from boarding parties, and capturing ships belonging to your enemies.
  • Huge Seamlesss Procedurally Generated World.
    Explore procedurally-generated planets with millions of square kilometers of surface area. Seamlessly travel from a planet's surface to the depths of space, with no loading screens, warp doors, or invisible walls. Investigate asteroids, moons, space stations, and stars.
  • Open-Ended, Simulated Gameplay
    Rodina will boast a game world simulation which supports player creativity and rewarding feedback. Release toxic gas into the engine room. Fly a false flag in order to trick your opponents into thinking you are their ally. Hack into the ship's computer and delete the source code that fires the weapons, rendering them useless. In Rodina, experimentation and creativity are valued over following a game script written by a desginer.
FTL (Faster Than Light) was actually the first Kickstarter I contributed to - it's probably a stretch to post it at RPGWatch but jhwisner sent it in, so what the heck. This is a "Rougelike Spaceship Simulation" and their Kickstarter was hugely successful, raising $200k from a $10k goal:
What is FTL?
FTL is a spaceship simulation roguelike-like. Its aim is to recreate the atmosphere of running a spaceship exploring the galaxy (like Firefly/Star Trek/BSG etc.)
What is the gameplay like?
The game is split into two major parts: exploration and combat. You explore by making faster-than-light jumps over vast distances in space; arriving at locations containing text-based events that have a variety of choices and outcomes. Your crew will improve with experience, while your ship can be upgraded with advanced weaponry and equipment purchased with collected scrap metal. Fighting enemy ships involves real-time management of crew, power distribution and weapons. Check out the video on the front page to see it in action.
That’s too long, what’s a shorter description?
Tom Francis of Gunpoint described it as “Firefly by way of Spelunky.” It has also been compared to Weird Worlds and Battlestations.

Blood Rune is inspired by classics such as the SSI Gold...More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Love the reference to the Bonanza title screen in the Boot Hill Promo video. :)

FTL: Looked at the video and dind't really get it - so gameplay is mostly you managing the crew in your spaceship and your spacesships functions?
Oct 18, 2006
Dudes, I hope you got permission to use the theme from my favorite Western, Sergio Leone's immortal, "Once Upon A Time In The West". If not, the copyright owner is going to be pissed.
Jan 23, 2009
Love the reference to the Bonanza title screen in the Boot Hill Promo video. :)

FTL: Looked at the video and dind't really get it - so gameplay is mostly you managing the crew in your spaceship and your spacesships functions?

And upgrading the ship and choosing how to deal with various encounters, combat, etc. - ie, do you risk fighting the powerful slaver ship that ambushed you or do sacrifice a crew member to get them to let you pass. If you actually begin to defeat the slaver ship do you accept their attempt to placate you with slaves of your own or do you continue firing. Do you trade with the seemingly friendly ship or turn pirate and attack them - perhaps teleporting over some of your crew to kill them and capture better rewards than scrap but at higher risk. You can purchase specific upgrades (like cloaking, additional weapons, etc.) or spend scrap incrementally improving specific existing systems and ship attributes. You can also spend it trade with other ships and sometimes satisfy pirates so you don't have to fight (might be the only way to survive if you just fled from a system where you were getting your butt kicked in the middle of an asteroid and your oxygen system is already failing for example.)

The other gameplay videos on their own website give a better idea of what you can do in the game. This pre-beta gameplay video is probably a better rundown of some of the gameplay than the one from the kickstarter page or on their homepage.

The trailer really doesn't present that there are actual decison/special events beyond just clicking on your crew

As Dhurin said (and as I said when said when I submitted it) it's not really much of an RPG in the sense of having character interaction and player agency in the wider world, but sort of space-ship version of a random dungeon crawler, or roguelike. Since some of the older style games like LoG seemed to hit a chord on here, I thought people might find one that harkens back to old rogue-like dungeon-crawlers and even Zork-like text adventures to a degree might pique people's interest. The conceit you have to accept with this one is that your ship is the character (in the sense of stat/equipment progression) and your crew are more-or-less meat-based components.
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Nov 20, 2006
That FTL gameplay video looked amazingly fun. Is the playable demo available to the hoi polloi?
Oct 18, 2006
Rodina looks very interesting to me - I'll be keeping an eye on that one.

That FTL gameplay video looked amazingly fun. Is the playable demo available to the hoi polloi?

They had a demo playable through the streaming OnLive service during their Kickstarter campaign but unfortunately that's over now. I don't think there is a playable demo out there at the moment.

I was able to play it some during that time and it's definitely an interesting game.
Aug 19, 2011
FTL Has a new gameplay video. They've implemented quests, different races, and more complex interactions (the video shows the pacifist special option to avoid conflict as a 3rd blue choice in one encounter) and the ability to recruit crew with special abilities.
Nov 20, 2006
Anyone else playing the FTL beta right now? Pretty damn addictive; also loving the addition of sector story elements and leveling up crew members.
Nov 20, 2006
Here's a working link to the Rodina website. Still very early in development, but I like the potential.

Boot Hill Heroes sounded cool, but I wasn't impressed by the gameplay video. I think I'll pass on that one.

Not sure what to think of FTL...
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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