Risen 2 - Firebird Bestiary Update

I see nothing wrong with enticing people to pre-order by including some free DLC for doing so. I think it's great actually. If I gave a damn about the free DLC, I would definitely pre-order, but I don't care enough right now, and I'll simply purchase the DLC down the road when I get around to playing Risen 2.

Oh I agree.. and I don't understand why some people are bitching about it. As I've said before, PB is simply rewarding the people who buy their game early, and I have no problem with that.

Now if this was a Day 1 DLC for $10, and there was no way to get it other than to purchase it outright, I might feel differently.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
What no giant moths this time? Or no giant war crickets? Tell me there's going to be the dreaded giant war cricket!

I agree… Why not simply add to the bestiary, you know instead of replacing creatures. I have yet to hear someone complain about too much diversity within a bestiary.

That said, I know somewhat tangent here, but I've never understood certain gamers' fear of spiders(in game).

Now a cockroach the size of a family sedan would be way more terrifying. IIRC I read an article sometime back that hypothesized a cockroach the size of a car(or perhaps human not 100% sure), if speed would increase in exact proportion to size, the bugger could run 200 or 300mph. Oh and those darn insects can keep on chugging if you remove their heads, granted they die from starvation eventually… What's more, it has always been my job to kill the damn things.
Feb 28, 2010
Actually I was joking because I thought they were so comical. I mean giant moths of all things.

That was part of the appeal though(for me). Too many games fail to try anything new or they take their own lore too seriously.

Tell me a giant attack moth that makes terrible hissing sounds isn't scary?!? :p
Feb 28, 2010
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