Legends of Eisenwald - Interview @ Gaming Nexus


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Aterdux's Alexander Dergay has been interviewed by Gaming Nexus about Legends of Eisenwald.

Why did you decide to do a kickstarter for the game? What additional things did the the funding allow you to do?
We went to Kickstarter when we ran out of our modest funds after two years developing the game. So, looking for funding in this fashion didn't really allow us to do many additional things, it was more a matter of being able to continue work and finish the game. However, the successful campaign and a few reached stretch goals lead us to a few additional things - the story got richer since we employed our writer then full time, plus we were able to create a few bosses and special characters. The funds from Kickstarter lasted us 10 months but still it was a great help from our backers that really saved us and our project.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I just caved in and bought Early Access. It looks very promising.
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