Two Worlds

I got the game from GoG and I'm enjoying it after a rocky start. I tried playing and concentrating on bow & arrow. Ugh. Arrows were shooting all kinds of crazy directions. They worked OK at short range but damage was horrible and I ended up running around in circles for eons to take enemies down. I started over, this time on hard difficulty, and tried to stick with just magic. Accuracy was better but again the damage was pathetic. Even with a lot of running around, taking down just one young grom would empty my mana bar. After the dozenth time having to run back to some NPCs to get them to finish off the baddies, I got frustrated, picked up a big pointed stick a grom was using on me, and gave it a whirl. MUCH MUCH better! Now I'm doing fine just using magic to buff my skills instead of trying to do direct damage with magic.

I am getting confused on one thing - the hotbar. How are you supposed to customize that thing?? The instructions say you can drag things to the hotbar. When I drag skills there, nothing happens. When I drag spells there, the card drops on the ground. Ditto for weapons. The instructions also say you can hover your mouse over a skill and press a number key to assign it to a hotbar. Nope.

I've got to be doing something wrong or somebody would have mentioned it before in this topic. What could it be??

P.S. The plot is essentially a 'save the princess' plot. I haven't had to save a princess in a video game since Donkey Kong!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
There are 3 hotbars. F7. F8, F9 if I remember correctly.
The drag&drop thing works on the F8 and F9.
Dec 26, 2006
Well that's just sneaky! Thanks Szokol! Now maybe I can actually use some of those active skills....
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I am on my first playthrough (bought it recently for about 3 Euros) with a melee char, and have to tell you: haven't invested a point into active skills. :)
Dec 26, 2006
I've actually stopped investing points AT ALL! Even on hard, this game is getting easy. Though now I'm starting to head south a bit, I'm seeing nastier things than grom and silver wolves. I suspect 25 stat points and 7 skill points might help out there. ;)

Have you done much with alchemy? Seems like every time I think about making stuff to boost my armor/weapon, I get a new armor/weapon. I've started using some of the damage improvement stones (e.g. +20% spirit) but it still feels like a bit of a waste because the loot I find is so good. I've got to start doing something, though. The first page of my inventory is completely full now!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
The alchemy part is a mystery to me. Sometimes I just drop thing in, and see what happens. Usually nothing interesting.
Dec 26, 2006
I think there might be already recipes somewhere.

I once read (maybe on GameBanshe ?) that one sould NOT mix things with TEMPORARY effects with PERMANENT effects !

Because the permanent effect would be lost, then. That's hat I read.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I never saw specific recipes in a guide, but you can buy them if memory servers as well as finding them in loot. I believe Alrick is right, mixing permanent effect items with temp ones will be a waste of matts.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
IIRC you get the best perm potions from maxed out alchemy skill and 9 identical perma boost ingredients combined with one ordinary mana or health potion, but my memory might be off.
Nov 4, 2006
Yeah, there's a loading screen hint that says never to mix temp and perma in your potions.

I'm starting to think the alchemy will be a bit of a waste, though. I *finally* bothered to spend my level-up points last night and I had over 50 to spend! That doubled my stat points! And yet, not much really changed. Loot seems to be the main ingreadient in powering up.

My alchemical ingredients are now taking over 50% of my inventory. I wonder if those ever get deleted from the game if you just drop them down somewhere? I've found critter corpses from the first minutes of the game are still hanging around until I loot them. I may have to spell out 'bad wolf' using just dropped wolf hearts.... ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I use horses parked close to teleporters as storage sheds. I usually park 2-3 horses close to the place where you get a horse as an early quest reward. The place has a teleporter close to two merchants, which minimizes walking and backtracking. I have one horse for armour sets+gems and one for alchemy ingredients.

Alchemy can make a huge difference in HP at least. There are some enemies in the south that hit for thousands of HP.
Nov 4, 2006
I still haven't figured out how to put stuff on a horse - or use traps, actually. I think it's about time I figured that out….

There are some pretty good quality missions in here and there's definitely a huge quantity. I can see why so many people said they pretty much forgot about the main quest!

"I told him I am I, but he said that's what the other I said!" ROFL!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Figured out the horse thing fast - just hop on and you've got a double inventory. That saved some jump-back-to-town tedium.

I found an interesting thread on GoG talking about the lip sync issue. Many of the NPCs don't move their mouths at all while they speak. It looks like this is some sort of bad build issue because, if you get the lip sync file from version 1.6, it's about twice as long and works for far more NPCs. I played about 6 hours with it and haven't had any issues.

P.S. The what monks!? Are they going to be in TW2? ;)
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Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I made a point of selling items to just a few vendors here and there, at least the ingredients, so I could go back and buy them if I needed to. I usually found more then I ever needed as time went on so holding a bunch of them is not needed.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
You would have to go back pretty fast! Vendors' inventories seem to reset every day or two.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Well, I finally decided to go and spend points again. Again, I waited until I had more skill/attribute points to spend than I've spent through the whole game. There are TONS of quests in this game - many of them variations of go-fetch quests which you could easily solve at level 1, so why level up? Well, sometimes you do actually need to defeat critters instead of just running on by them…

Anyway, with all these points to spend, it made it easy to test things out. I tried out some of the magic.

Summoning is nice early in the game but higher up it fails. The things you summon just aren't high enough level. I think the highest you can pull up is level 28, which isn't going to be much help to a level 40.

Attack spells seemed to fail really bad. Even with the Overpower going, spells only did so so damage and burned a lot of mana doing it. One swing of my two handed axe would do as much damage as a lightning storm and I could do it all day without running out of mana.

But I did find a spell in the earth list that did great - a vines spell that would immobilize critters for 'a short time.' I managed to find four of those cards and 'a short time' translated to 96 seconds! Fire that thing off and bam! I've got 96 seconds where I can take on enemies one by one instead of half a dozen at a time. No more silly games where I beat on one, run away from it and its friends, then finish it off when it keeps chasing me while its friends turn around and go back home.

The two-handed weapon fighting isn't working out so great. The skill where you can swing your weapon in a circle and hit all the enemies around you isn't very good. It's got a long animation and, if you've got that many enemies around you, you need to be running, not doing a silly little dance. Honestly, by the time the animation is done, I probably could have swung my weapon three times anyway and done more damage.

The kick-dust power drives me nuts. I've got a friggin' full helmet on but, since I don't have a shield, many of the orcs will kick dust in my face and make me run around for 30 seconds. Then I go back to fight with them, get a couple of swings off, and they kick the dust up again. <sigh> The dust doesn't do any damage, all it does is make the fight 30 seconds longer each time it's used - and the orcs that have the skill use it a LOT.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
You seem to be getting your money's worth. :)

Sounds like one-handed weapons+shield is the way to go in the late game?

Probably going to play this after FO:NV.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Hehe, yep, definitely got my $10 worth! It's kind of like those pizza buffet places. The pizza isn't great but there sure is a lot of it!

Switching from one weapon to the other is pretty easy. I probably should be using a shield when I fight orcs and then put the shield away when it's time to fight something else. I haven't even tried using two weapons at once yet.

I get the feeling Minsc from Baldur's Gate designed this game. Magic and arrows are nice but now, Minsc designs! Swords for everybody!

If you don't like how your character is doing, you can respec. Each major city has a guy in blue robes that, for a few coins, will make you forget all your skills. In other words, you get to spend all your points again. I don't remember if it affects stats, too, but it might.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
If you don't like how your character is doing, you can respec. Each major city has a guy in blue robes that, for a few coins, will make you forget all your skills. In other words, you get to spend all your points again. I don't remember if it affects stats, too, but it might.

I know a lot of people probably like having that option, but I actually hate that they included that in the game. It really cheapens the importance of any decisions made regarding your stats.

Since you can reset your stats anytime you want, it basically makes your choices irrelevant because there are no consequences to face.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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