Baldur's Gate: EE - Editorial @ Gamasutra


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Gamasutra has a new blog post with Dee Pennyway about the process of rebranding, and beta testing for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition.

Imagine the scenario: a massive repository of bug fixes and new features, a hungry community waiting for a patch, and limited time and resources for thorough testing. How do you make sure the patch is stable before releasing it?

That’s what we were facing with the 1.2 patch for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition. Well over six-hundred changes needed testing, and after a summer spent in development limbo our players were beginning to wonder if the game would ever see another update. We needed a way to get those people involved, we needed to do the kind of intensive testing that was necessary but beyond our limited resources as a small company, and we needed to make it fun for everyone.

We started by calling it an Open Beta about two weeks before we launched the event. We were surprised to see a great deal of negativity toward the term, which is understandable; if you’ve been waiting for a patch to fix a major bug, the last thing you want to see is a months-long testing process before it’s released, and that’s what people think of when they hear about an Open Beta. So okay, we went back and looked for a better way to present it.

In the end we settled on The Road to v1.2. We wanted to make it clear that this wasn't just any beta. We wanted to tell people, This is the light at the end of the tunnel, this is what we’re working toward, and this is your chance to be a part of it.

The community jumped on board immediately. We were amazed by the enthusiasm and precision of the feedback we received. On our forums, people talked about The Road to v1.2 as though it were an event, not just a beta test. It was great to see the community get involved so readily.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Another win for the marketing folks. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck,... It must be something totally different and awesome! Beta? Nay nay! I say Community Project To Exterminate Unforseen Programming Monsters.
Occasionally I weep for the future of our race.
Aug 13, 2013
Only occasionally? :)
Jan 10, 2008
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