Mass Effect 3 - Casey Hudson Interview

Couchpotato you read the leaked script for ME3 right? Did they change the endings or anything significantly from the leaked script?

Also, they were flirting with the idea of Shepard getting indoctrinated at the end as one of the endings, but they couldn't get it to work, so they cut it. It's in the Final Hours app. The signs at the end of the game might mean he's in the process of it but I don't think he ever was. For Shepard to be indoctrinated would mean that humanity lost and the Reapers won. No sequels to that game, and it hasn't been that long since humanity has discovered the Relays. Wouldn't be much room for prequels. I just can't see why people would want him to be indoctrinated. Makes no sense.
Jun 1, 2011
Couchpotato you read the leaked script for ME3 right? Did they change the endings or anything significantly from the leaked script?

Yes they took out dialogue and even changed some the scenes were characters were supposed to die.
Oct 1, 2010
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