Mount&Blade - With Fire and Sword Preview @ Gaming Nexus


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Gaming Nexus serves up a preview of With Fire and Sword:
Although the graphics and sound are quite dated, the action of the battlefield is still somehow engrossing. At first, when it was just me against a handful of troops, things weren't all that exciting. However, after I began amassing a small squadron of my own, and could take on larger numbers of enemies, the appealing chaos of the fighting system began to shine through. Controlling the character initially took some work to get used to, but after a while combat felt almost natural. As the title suggests, players can spend a great deal of time fighting from horseback if they choose. Charging a horde of enemies, gun blazing or saber flashing, while being flanked by dozens of friendly pikemen and musketeers, was a surprising amount of fun. Battles always had a largely chaotic feel, which only grew with the size of the armies, and this barely-controlled, frenetic pace did keep me on the edge of my seat throughout.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
by the way to all the folks out their "opting" out of this expansion, it should be noted that the price for it is only $15 and can be preordered on some sites for even less. That's half the price of warband and I'm sure some won't be willing to pay anything for it, but hopefully that draws more of a crowd. I probably won't be playing it til at least june at the earliest due to the eminent new vegas dlc, the witcher 2 and of course I've got quite a bit to go before then with two worlds two (they should spell it that way as its the most ridiculous sequel title ever) which i just started this week and am enjoying far more than the original which is one of the few games i've not finished.
Oct 26, 2006
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