Skyrim - Hi-Res Screens

It looks good, I'm not knocking it, but from the style and geometry you can tell it's the same basic technology.

Um, no. Art style is a function of the artist, not the engine, and geometry is a function of the the artist and the target hardware platform. Since both Oblivion and Skyrim are aimed at the XBox360, a device whose technological capabilities haven't changed, it stands to reason the models won't be dramatically higher poly count. The art style from one TES game to the next is unlikely to change, only what the art is of.

DA2 went for a different art style to DA, but that is the exception, not the rule.

I've little doubt the kept some of their technology, it would be stupid not to. But there is nothing stopping them from rewriting the renderer, the part which most laymen think of as 'the engine'.
Dec 6, 2007
That has to be from the console version.... look at the low res textures on the moss ?
Oct 25, 2006
Gamebryo is not one single engine style though, it is more like a technology base from what I understand. Both Morrowind and Oblivion used "Gamebryo" and yet when Oblivion was announced they said it used a "new engine."

They did not say they had developed a new in-game engine for Oblivion. If they did i need a source for that.. I read almost everything i could find during its development.

people imagine the difference of something like switching from Unreal Engine 3 to id Tech 5… it won't be anything like that.

No, people are expecting to see a game that looks a bit better than Oblivion, same art style etc.

What you should be looking for is not art style, but rendering techniques (lightning especially). It does look quie similar, but i bet the Risen engine with only assets from Skyrim or Oblivion would look "Gamebryo" too, people would recognize the color palette and textures directly..

GothicGothicness: yeah since the resolution is 720p i would think so..
Jul 15, 2009
Faces are looking good. I have to agree, the art/graphic style remains the same as oblivion. O well iam not gonne be excited about it. Dont like to be let down again as i was with oblivion.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
Um, no. Art style is a function of the artist, not the engine, and geometry is a function of the the artist and the target hardware platform. Since both Oblivion and Skyrim are aimed at the XBox360, a device whose technological capabilities haven't changed, it stands to reason the models won't be dramatically higher poly count. The art style from one TES game to the next is unlikely to change, only what the art is of.

DA2 went for a different art style to DA, but that is the exception, not the rule.

I've little doubt the kept some of their technology, it would be stupid not to. But there is nothing stopping them from rewriting the renderer, the part which most laymen think of as 'the engine'.

I'm not talking about art style at all. It has zero to do with it. I don't really know how to explain what I am saying better though, so again I will just leave it be. We shall see when the game comes out how new the engine really is, like I said.
Jan 28, 2011
GothicGothicness: yeah since the resolution is 720p i would think so..

I really hope they'll have much higher res textures for the PC version this time!
Oct 25, 2006
They did change how textures were streamed and loaded with Fallout 3 - and I expect them to improve it even more with this game. So, I don't think we have much to worry about in that way.

Fallout 3 was already pretty smooth, and the occasional pause to stream content was hardly noticable, even on the Xbox 360.

But it looks like they're sticking to the dreadfully dull skill-up system - and I hope the perks will be enough to give me that feeling of progression. It's one of the most vital aspects of character development, that it feels like a constant evolution - and it hasn't worked in any of the previous TES games.

But, I'm sure it will be a game worthy of playing for a while - and if nothing else, mods will eventually fix the streamlined game design.

Let's see if they finally implement true dynamic lighting - like they originally promised for Oblivion :)
The only reason I will have to start this up is to marvel at the graphics for awhile ( hopefully there'll be a demo… but I guess there won't be ) …… I seriously doubt there will be any reason to play it. Pretty expensive to buy it for a visual showcase!

So this might be the only time in history I only care about the graphics.
Oct 25, 2006
We`re of course limited by the consoles here, as said above.

Still, there`s no excuse not to overhaul animation, general fluidity, framerate, pop in etc. It`s been 4 years ok? Back in the day, with first Playstation , dev`s were doing incredible things after four years - because the they got to know the hardware and squeeze every last bit of performance out of it.

There`s also no excuse not to give PC`s better resolution textures and other gimmicks…but I`m afraid no one needs excuses with PCs these days :(

(Also that maid looks EXACTLY like the ones in Daggerfall ;)
Dec 18, 2010
I'm not talking about art style at all. It has zero to do with it. I don't really know how to explain what I am saying better though, so again I will just leave it be. We shall see when the game comes out how new the engine really is, like I said.

What Gareth is saying is you might think you can tell the engine from a still screenshot -- but you really can't. You may well be right about what is new and what isn't but that would mostly be luck more than being able to tell from a screenshot.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Personally, I think it looks great. Like others have already mentioned though, it's hard to tell from a simple screenshot. I really need to see this game in action before I can fully judge it.

Morrowind and Oblivion both looked great from a visual standpoint when they were released, but the animations in both games left a lot to be desired.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I needed a game to play in the quiet week leading up to Christmas, so I got DKS (and LOVED it!). Then for Christmas I got Fallout New Vegas (never played FO3). After finishing DKS I moved on to FNV and just laughed out loud at the joke that was the 3rd-person view, and how horribly it compared. I've played most of the TES games, but hadn't fired up Oblivion in 4 years and forgot how awesomely amateur their animations are. I used to think that I was an RPG snob who didn't care about graphics (and I really enjoyed Oblivion until I got bored wading through endless Oblivion gates), but I must admit that after playing the Gothics, Risen, and now DKS, my standards for character animations have risen dramatically.

Bethesda needs to learn how to do 3rd-person views right, or drop it as a feature altogether…
Mar 10, 2009
After finishing DKS I moved on to FNV and just laughed out loud at the joke that was the 3rd-person view, and how horribly it compared.

I think you're comparing apples to oranges there. Divinity II was designed from the ground up to use a 3rd person view, while those Gamebryo titles were designed to be played primarily in first-person.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
These screens leave me non-plussed. Nothing breakthough in them. Just looks like a slightly (and only VERY slightly) upgraded Oblivion. Is that the best they can do? Sigh....
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I really liked the new screens, the lightning in this shot is superb! the trees are just phenomenal.. the bump mapping on that bearded fella isnt that hot though, he looks a bit plastic..

They've tweaked the HDR/Bloom just right, in Oblivion it was awful. The ligntning looks a LOT better than in FO3 / New Vegas too..
Jul 15, 2009
I think you're comparing apples to oranges there. Divinity II was designed from the ground up to use a 3rd person view, while those Gamebryo titles were designed to be played primarily in first-person.

Right, that's my point, there are a lot more games out there nowadays that have raised the standard of 3rd-person view, and Bethesda needs to decide if they're going to do it right, or abandon the feature altogether. It used to be they could include in the feature list, "Play either in 1st or 3rd-person view!", but those days are gone if they don't drastically improve in this area.
Mar 10, 2009
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