Might & Magic X - Interview @ RPGCodex


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
RPGCodex talked to CEO Stephan Winter, Writer and Designer Julien Pirou and Producer Gary Paulini from Limbic who are working on Might & Magic X.
Ubisoft is the first AAA publisher to venture into old school RPGs. What motivated this move, and how long has Might & Magic X Legacy been in development? To what extent did the Kickstarter-driven "old-school renaissance" and the success of such titles as Legend of Grimrock influence your decision to make the game?

Might & Magic X - Legacy has been in development for almost 7 months. To be honest, this title was in our minds for a long time... It was hard for us to be sure there was an audience for such titles, but many Kickstarter successes (all those old-school IPs and genres) and also the triumph of games like Legend of Grimrock (kudos to Almost Human guys, and thanks for this great title!) have proved the audience IS there.

Could you elaborate on how training for skills is going to work in Might & Magic X? When will you need to look for a trainer and when will you not?

While, as mentioned earlier, you don’t have to train just to level-up and gain your skill points, we did keep the idea of teachers that can allow you to reach the next tier for your skills.

You start as a Novice, and then you can become Expert, Master and finally Grandmaster by locating the appropriate teacher. Of course Expert teachers are fairly common, while there’s only one Grandmaster teacher per skill and they can be pretty hard to find. And when you do find them, you never know what they’re going to ask you to do before they grant you the title. : )
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
looks more and more promising!
Dec 28, 2007
Great article. The Codex folks asked all the right questions and the answers were largely what I had hoped to hear.

I'm starting to allow myself to get just a tiny bit excited about this title.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Might & Magic X - Legacy has been in development for almost 7 months. To be honest, this title was in our minds for a long time… It was hard for us to be sure there was an audience for such titles, but many Kickstarter successes (all those old-school IPs and genres) and also the triumph of games like Legend of Grimrock (kudos to Almost Human guys, and thanks for this great title!) have proved the audience IS there.

This is another great aspect of crowd sourcing. For over 10 years publishers haven't wanted to look for 'old school' audiences while they were busy bees cranking out FPS_3_Million_With_Different_Textures or Action_Adventure_Game_2_Billion_With_RPG_Elements. If they wanted to they could have discovered this audience long before the mainstreaming of crowd sourcing.

So another hooray for crowd sourcing, it seems to be single handedly saving gaming from the endless rut of boring rehashes.

There will be no scaling of the monsters depending on your level. We feel it’s one of the great pleasures in RPGs to become a demi-god and then return to those Cyclopes and teach them a lesson

A BIG 'Amen!' to that.
Oct 18, 2006
"However, implementing Uplay is a Ubisoft corporate policy and Might & Magic X - Legacy will not be different from any other Ubisoft title. So yes, Uplay will be in "

Well there goes another game down the tubes, but hey this is from Ubisoft who only a while ago called all PC gamers thieves and pirates some of us remember their crap and will be taking our money elsewhere.
With the success of many indie games and several great Kickstarted games by the likes of in Exile and Obsidian Ubi can take a long jump off a shot pier.
Jan 8, 2008
Vegreville, Alberta, Canada
So another hooray for crowd sourcing, it seems to be single handedly saving gaming from the endless rut of boring rehashes.
"Crowed sourcing" ? Isn't this another name for We, the people ? If only that could help us understand that We have the power, as individuals and customers… despite what they try to make us believe (we are niche markets and the Market rules us all, the puppets).
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
"Crowed sourcing" ? Isn't this another name for We, the people ? If only that could help us understand that We have the power, as individuals and customers… despite what they try to make us believe (we are niche markets and the Market rules us all, the puppets).

Oct 18, 2006
"However, implementing Uplay is a Ubisoft corporate policy and Might & Magic X - Legacy will not be different from any other Ubisoft title. So yes, Uplay will be in "

Well there goes another game down the tubes, but hey this is from Ubisoft who only a while ago called all PC gamers thieves and pirates some of us remember their crap and will be taking our money elsewhere.
With the success of many indie games and several great Kickstarted games by the likes of in Exile and Obsidian Ubi can take a long jump off a shot pier.

I don't mind. It's a one time activation so no different than what Steam does.
Sep 23, 2008
This, to me, validates to some degree the insane amount of money I've put into RPG kickstarters over the last year.

When I back a project, I almost always put in quite a bit more than I would if I were just purchasing the game, mainly to try and tell the universe, "Yes, dammit, this is the kind of game I want!".

Amazingly enough, the universe may actually be listening...
Mar 10, 2009
*hums the Xeen city music*…^^

Geek that I am, I still *know* it, hehe. God, I played World of Xeen over a dozen times I guess. I hope they have some retro-ish music in "X" too. ^^


EDIT: Playing World of Xeen on DOSBOX again now. lol. XD
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Aug 24, 2007
We were a niche market, so they said but wait… did someone lied to us ?!

Oh we still are a niche market. I guess Ubisoft just suddenly realized they can make money off of niche markets.

After Grimrock and the Kickstarters proved that niche market still has money.
May 4, 2011
"However, implementing Uplay is a Ubisoft corporate policy and Might & Magic X - Legacy will not be different from any other Ubisoft title. So yes, Uplay will be in "

Well there goes another game down the tubes, but hey this is from Ubisoft who only a while ago called all PC gamers thieves and pirates some of us remember their crap and will be taking our money elsewhere.
With the success of many indie games and several great Kickstarted games by the likes of in Exile and Obsidian Ubi can take a long jump off a shot pier.

You could always do what I do with every drm filled game and get a crack so that you don't need to deal with it.
Oct 19, 2006
I don't mind. It's a one time activation so no different than what Steam does.

Yeah I'm baffled people are willing to accept whatever Steam does and whine whenever someone else is doing it basically.

Dec 12, 2008
It had to come up one day. An AAA publisher/producer claiming the influence of KS.

Ubisoft is in a sad state but not yet enough to be satisfied with KS sales level.

I had figures for the last year, the market is small. Besides, amongst all the games that were tagged old school, same customers bought several different titles. For Ubisoft, it means that they look at 30,000 KS customers at most.

Their announcement on the game site is more relevant: game design tried and tested tradition. No innovation, no risk, do what was done before. Do not try to push the throttle on.

KS or not, many studios are going to go that way because it decreases the cost of production.
Mar 29, 2011
These answers have quenched my fears about the game. Especially the 25 hours part. Anyway Uplay doesn't have a problem for me. One time activation DRM is a small price to pay seeing my one of the favourite franchise to reboot. I wish more big publishers will do that. Then I can live with even an always online DRM.
Oct 30, 2006
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