Unbended - New Development Update


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Developer Impressum released a new website update that has more information on the development of Unbended, and answers why updates are slow.

Dear community,

we know there hasn’t been much news lately and that you’re starving for information like a parched horse looking for water in the desert. Most recently, there were the texts on Crafting and Crafting accidents – just a proverbial drop in the ocean. Thus now we’re proud to announce.

By now, UNBENDED has become such a household name that we can’t afford to not publish it. But how it came to this may alarm one or the other. Here now the true story about UNBENDED:

Everything began last year when we were sitting together and over two to twelve glasses of wine debated how we could once again paint the town – that is, the gaming industry – red. The problem was only that no one had enough time or money. But what could be cheaper than the illusion of a game? Quickly a website with a countdown was created, a community brought to life. The skeptics that suspected an April fool’s joke could be silenced by painstaking work. The rumor “UNBENDED” was born and the longest April fool’s joke in the German game industry could run its course.

But after some time this otherwise harmless joke became independent. We would never have dreamed that the donate buttons would actually be clicked, making such an obvious April fool’s joke an immediate success story. Hastily an account was registered so that we wouldn’t be found out quickly and so that donations wouldn’t come to nothing. But as the donated money in our account increased, so did the pressure to publish. Questions by gaming magazines and critical users about news on the game had to be answered. But where to get those from?

For a long time we simply sat around in a loose circle and devised up news, but it couldn’t continue that way. We started to entangle ourselves in our own constructions and the guilty conscience even drove one of the moderators to flee for a while. We’ve since then were able to restore her enthusiasm about UNBENDED.

It is done, dear community, we indeed will make this game a reality. This post is meant to enable you to throw a first look on the actual game world and slake your thirst of news. Even the Great Creator of this world couldn’t be dissuaded from giving frentmeister an exclusive interview which you can read here.
More information.

Edit: This was an April Fools’ Joke though they are still making the game.:biggrin:
Everything that you can read below was of course our April Fools’ joke of the year. Nothing is the truth but that we of course are continuing to develop UNBENDED for you.
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Oct 1, 2010
Finally! Was disappointed when the news of holding off on this was dropped last year. This is great to hear this.
Jan 25, 2015
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