why anyone wants an "assault rifle"

Oh cmon. If 15 minutes of targetted google (I was already aware of several of the quotes since, apparently unlike many others I actually pay attention to what's said) produced 3 posts worth of wall of text from prominent lefties from government and media, to try to say it's some sort of smoke screen is either psychosis-level denial or flat-out dishonesty.

I am not saying there isn't a segment that isn't for gun bans ... but what I AM saying is that is on the extreme end, and it IS balanced by those who put gun rights over human life period.
Oct 18, 2006
Oct 25, 2006
microstamping requirement on semis sold in CA, SW and Rugers threaten to leave the semi market.


Another law that seems like its heart was in the right place but head was out of whack. I don't care about the cost of guns or bullets - hell, make it $100 a bullet to fund victims medical expenses for all I care - but this law seems so fraught with potential problems ...

Oh, and if you read that article you see it is ONLY S&W raising a stink.
Oct 18, 2006
just I thought you get some sense! bam! $100 per bullet to pay for gun victim expense? Victims should get all they can from the aggressors, but why should the rest of 99% gun owers also have to pay a price?

nothing unusal, cops' guns are exempted to microstamping since they are incapable of murdering people, just like govs are capable of govnerning by definition.
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Oct 25, 2006
"that a society where peaceful citizens are armed is far more likely to be one where Good Samaritans who voluntarily go to the aid of victims of crime will flourish. But take away people’s guns, and the public — disastrously for the victims — will tend to leave the matter to the police. Before New York State outlawed handguns, Good Samaritan instances were far more widespread than now. And, in a recent survey of Good Samaritan cases, no less than 81% of the Samaritans were owners of guns. If we wish to encourage a society where citizens come to the aid of neighbors in distress, we must not strip them of the actual power to do something about crime. Surely, it is the height of absurdity to disarm the peaceful public and then, as is quite common, to denounce them for “apathy” for failing to rush to the rescue of victims of criminal assault."

Oct 25, 2006
The very fact that most people can't own one make's kind of want an AR-15. I can own one and you can't, no background check, nothing but the 2nd amendment! It SO makes me want one, if I had the cash, or better yet a Desert Eagle, I just wish I had the money!
The more other's don't want me to have it the more I LOVE the fact that I can own one.
Feb 6, 2014
Jan 10, 2008
Seems like good data. Unfortunately, there's a big difference between eliminating background checks and pissing on the 2nd Amendment. While there are extremes on both sides, you'll find that the VAST majority of pro-Constitution folks support background checks to keep guns out of the hands of loons, as opposed to unconstitutionally taking guns from law-abiding citizens. In fact, were the gun control folks to cease their openly advertised deceptive negotiating, we might be able to patch the holes in the current background check laws, and everybody wins.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
DTE is spot on, background checks on pistol purchases is something that almost no pro-gun people have a problem with. (And I associate with some so hard-core most anti-gun folks would have embolisms within seconds of meeting them)
May 3, 2008
Here is the problem - IF this were true, then given the GOP controls congress and many states, we would see moves in that direction . We do not. Instead, after yet another person 'exercises his 2nd amendment rights' and properly uses a gun for the singular purpose of its design, but on a human target ... it is always 'too soon' to talk, or the blame is on 'mental illness' (but they refuse to support any concrete steps to weed out people based on mental illness based on ... that's right, 2nd amendment.

In other words, if you want to claim that 0,1% of democrats are 'total gun ban' - which I think is fair since you trot out the same 'talking points' 12 videos of up to 20 years old or more ... then you must surely agree that at least 50% of republicans are totally opposed to gun control.

Otherwise they would have used their dominant position to enact gun control ... but what do we see? Dismantling gun controls.
Oct 18, 2006
You seem to be having a hard time with that whole counting thing. Republicans do not control congress. Democrats hold a fairly large majority in the senate, particularly given that the two that identify as independent generally lean left.

At least my wall of actual quotes from prominent democrats is based in reality. When you start off with something that's clearly false, it certainly calls into question the value of everything that follows.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
You seem to be having a hard time with that whole counting thing. Republicans do not control congress. Democrats hold a fairly large majority in the senate, particularly given that the two that identify as independent generally lean left.

At least my wall of actual quotes from prominent democrats is based in reality. When you start off with something that's clearly false, it certainly calls into question the value of everything that follows.

OK, so I mis-stated areas of control. HOWEVER, you chose the coward's path of using that to ignore reality - Republicans control more and HAVE controlled more ... and while they have been in control they have systematically eviscerated gun control, enacted 'stand your ground' laws, and so on.

The DIRECT result - and dramatic ramp up in killings by guns.

If republicans actually believed in anything other than 2nd amendment = right to kill, they would DO something about it. Instead they go with ideas that have been debunked again and again. You want to talk dishonest? How about not allowing anyone to get an opinion of any substance and instead just blocking progress?

'prominent'? Hell, some of those people are freaking DEAD!!
Oct 18, 2006
Here in Germany you have to have a certain "license" to csarry guns, too.
Even more, since the shooting of Winnenden, the bearers of guns are required - by law ! - to place them into steel tresors which must be tightly shut. This is controlled by the police every few years, as far as I know.
If you want to learn how Germans think, read the last chapters of that linked article through.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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Oct 25, 2006
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