Batman Arkham Asylum

It's got a few bothersom things - like the pure checkpoint save system that doesn't let me go back and replay parts I want to see again - but it has been very fun. It should tide you over nicely until Risen comes out.

You can backtrack quite a bit, but just beat the game and you get access to the entire island.

Batman: AA and Ghostbusters stopped me from selling my PS3. Batman is good enough just to keep the system for that (though Gran Turismo 5 will kill it...). It is just like being in one of the more major comic arcs, and very well written at that. And I'm not a fan of 3rd person action titles at all...
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I've had a chance to get about 5 or so hours into AA, and wow, it's pretty good. Good story, great characters, atmosphere and voice acting, and I've yet to find a single bug or typo. It's really a professionally done game, IMO.
Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
I only found one bug, when I leaped for a platform I missed, and drug against a wall. I got caught in the wall, and couldn't get out. Had to wait until the one remaining thug in that room found me, and starting shooting me. Other than that, it was pretty solid. I did lock up my PS3, but I think that was due to heat; I played for a LONG time straight with no breaks; bought it and played from Friday night until Sunday night, with only minimal breaks.

Sadly, the supposed, "awesomests!!!" titles like Oblivion, GTA4, and RE5 I never got much into. Only this, Ghostbusters, LEGO Batman, and Mega Man 9 have really kept my attention this gen. I just traded 5 PS3 games in for Civ: Revolution, though I haven't popped it in yet. Only paid $2 for it though, after credit.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
It took awhile for the PS3 to be worthwhile imo. It was grossly overpriced at release, but I'm thinking about getting one now that they're only $299.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
For the number of worthwhile games, it's still not all that grand. The PSN saves this. There are several good classics on there, as well as Mega Man 9. There are very few good titles on it, and 99% are available on the dies-every-week-box360. If you can keep it running long enough.

I still haven't managed to justify buying a Wii yet.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
My wii has been gathering dust since I bought it. The only games I enjoyed for it were resident evil 4 (port) and, uh...uhm...that's it.
Mar 5, 2009
My wii has been gathering dust since I bought it. The only games I enjoyed for it were resident evil 4 (port) and, uh…uhm…that's it.

Mine gathers dust as well, but that's because I simply don't have time to play it due to so many titles on the PC. That's why I never got an Xbox or a PS3, because I know they wouldn't be getting used at all.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, Batman AA does have an ugly blemish - the final boss battle. For whatever reason, they stop using the awesome fighting system and instead use the system they have for Scarecrow's levels. The system works fine for Scarecrow's craziness but for a big fight at the end? Not so much.

Just grit your teeth and plow through. It's a lot more difficult than it should be because of that system but you'll get through it eventually. Half an hour of pain isn't too much to ask for this great game. (And, if you aren't into achievements, you can always just declare victory when you win the next-to-last battle, which is a very fun one.)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I'm not sure what you mean by dropping the fight system for the last battle. Except for the viewpoint, your still fighting the thugs in the exact same way. It's only Joker who you have to deal with a little differently. Since Bane and some others require something more than button mashing to counter, it's not unique to that fight. In fact, nearly every boss was something more than just fighting like you do the thugs.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
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