What games are you playing now?

When I look at the last two posts, I have to chuckle :).

I just finished Drakensang: TRoT. I liked the game better than the first one. The story was very down to earth, most of the filler combat was gone (except in the Efferd Temple), and it had much more freedom of how to do your quests. As a result, you could do several boss fights in a row.

One thing where I am not 100% percent sure what to think about is that the game was full of déjà vu moments, even down to the quests. It reminded me a bit of an attempt to redo the first Drakensang and fixing everything that was wrong with the first game. As a result, I don't think I would recommend to play both games in a row.

That said, I am playing Mass Effect now. I have had that game for years, but for some reason never got around to play it. It looks much like KotoR copy with focus on ranged combat so far.
Mar 28, 2008
Right now I'm playing Defense Grid (again!), Torchlight and Nehrim.

Defense Grid will be regular game of mine for the next few days until a I beat all the new maps I haven't seen before.
Torchlight on the other hand...I don't know. The game is quite nice but not really all that fun. The mage is a bit overpowered and I just can't play more than maybe an hour before getting bored. Seems like I have to wait for Diablo 3 to get a real good Action RPG again (the last one being Diablo 2 incidentally).
And Nehrim is quite nice but I crashes (freezes) for some reason occasionally. Not really all that often but still annoying. Oh, and I now discovered what I couldn't stand in Oblivion (besides the main quest, the bloom and the graphic engine): The combat system. God that thing is awful, especially in close combat. The magic combat is not bad but the close combat is just bad.
Oct 24, 2006
Defense Grid is quite good, I didn't knew a new version had more maps. In case you haven't notice the game yet, you could check Anomaly: Warzone Earth.

Torchlight difficulty level is on purpose low, Normal difficulty is more between Easy and Casual. You should not hesitate higher the difficulty level.

The Destroyer class is probably the most interesting to play. But both other class worth a try, the Vanquisher have some very special skills/attacks that are quite interesting to experiment.

Otherwise I'm playing Mass Effect 1 mainly.
Oct 14, 2007
Saints Row 2 - Xbox 360.

I like it better than GTAIV - so far, though it's not as smooth or pretty.

One day, I hope developers will get the same dream I have - and take the GTA genre, turn it into a more cerebral CRPG (keeping the freedom and feel) and applying it to a Shadowrun setting with ninja motorcycles, magic, and cyberspace hacking.
All I can say is that when playing a Rogue, drop a point in "Tactical Withdrawal" (the addition to "evade") you wont regret it. I rush my rogue headfirst into the fight, launch the withdrawal backflip back out of the fight pretty much stunning all immediate enemies. Then stealth, and wade back in w/ a backstab critical on whoever needs to be taken out first. Very effective.

This game is an explosion of carnage and at first it's too much, but I'm getting the momentum down and it's getting fun. Still have to pause a lot tho.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I'm *broke* at the moment - not a single ducat to my name! Might post in the Drakensang forum about this… maybe I'm doing something wrong :)

Try collecting herbs, and stuff from animals - and sell them. Loot also.

It reminded me a bit of an attempt to redo the first Drakensang and fixing everything that was wrong with the first game.

Indeed : this was intended to be so, I mean the "fixing" part.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Um... Drakensang. Slow start, clunky controls. Not sure if I'll like this one.
Aug 31, 2006
Started playing Realms of the Haunting again last night. I recently purchased the GOG version, and I plan on finishing this time.

What can I say? Those who have played it already know it's awesome. Those who haven't…should. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Still slugging along in EVE online. It's nice to have something to do (hisec mining) while doing homework.
Feb 2, 2011
Started playing Realms of the Haunting again last night. I recently purchased the GOG version, and I plan on finishing this time.

What can I say? Those who have played it already know it's awesome. Those who haven't…should. :)
THE best game ever :).
Aug 31, 2006
I've been stubbornly insisting on playing The Witcher again (on hard) to FINALLY get through it, so I can be ready for the sequel.

I just…. can't… do it.

Currently in Chapter 2 - just about where I stopped last time.

It seems all I do is run back and forth doing menial tasks or getting people to talk. More like an adventure without the puzzle elements. All non-boss fights are completely trivial and there aren't enough to keep me excited about that aspect.

I spend most of my time fiddling around my inventory - trying to figure out what to keep on me, what to store, and what to sell. It bothers me that I can't find people who buy books - when I know it was possible to sell some in the first chapter. So, I guess I should dump them?

I truly HATE that sort of inventory juggling - but since I'm still early in the game - it's pretty impossible for me to guage what will be needed later on. I assume, since I'm playing on hard, that I'll need to conserve stuff for the tough fights.

Frankly, I'm having a really hard time seeing the appeal of this game. The dialogue is stilted and unnatural - a translation issue I guess. There ARE occasional pearls during conversations, but they are few and far between.

The combat system remains clunky and keeps glitching if you don't click precisely on the enemy and so it resets animations. Really bad - but I concede that the moves look great when they work as intended.

The character models are mostly awful and they repeat endlessly. It's like I'm talking to the same person over and over, and the voice actors are the same like in Oblivion for most characters.

The C&C aspect is ok - but I get nothing out of them shoving it down my throat with a voice-over and panning still image for every major decision spelling it out, like I'm a moron.

So what's left that I enjoy?


I find the story interesting and I really like the plausible setting, coupled with the nuanced presentation of personalities.

I like the whole "Witcher" concept and Geralt himself.

I just don't enjoy the actual game - and at this point it's all about forcing myself for each step I take. It pisses me off, because I expect the sequel to appeal to me a lot more - based on what I've heard - and I'd really like the story and experience of the game.

Guess I just have to give it up :(

Yesterday, I moved to Two Worlds 2 - with all the recommended mods. Definitely a "light" actiony CRPG - but it's a LOT more entertaining so far. I'll probably stick with that for the time being. Maybe I'll get back to The Witcher - but I kinda doubt it.
Still slugging along in EVE online. It's nice to have something to do (hisec mining) while doing homework.

Nothing like being a businessman earning fictional cash ;)

Nah, I really like the concept of EVE - but I think the actual game is supremely boring.

I'm sure it gets exciting once you've invested a lot into it, and you start PvP'ing with consequences. But, personally, I can't pour that much time into a spreadsheet in space for fictional rewards. Just can't....
I've been stubbornly insisting on playing The Witcher again (on hard) to FINALLY get through it, so I can be ready for the sequel.

I think the sequel is actually a prequel... so fortunately I don't think you need to get through the really bad first one to be prepared for the hopefully much improved second one ?
Oct 25, 2006
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands

(might install The Witcher 1 to replay it once before 2 get released).
Oct 13, 2007
Dragon Age II still..

Has some annoying things. Inconsistencies like only being able to give your party members certain stuff here and there, but most other things (like almost everything from merchants) are for your main PC only. Just when I think I can trick out my main tank or mage w/ something i see in a shop - nope sorry, "for Draconia only" in the item description. lame

And why they even bother w/ "junk loot" is beyond me. At first it seems like a good idea to have an automatic filter on it, but why even have it in the first place? To just add chest/barrel busywork? Adjust the financial end of the game accordingly and cut out the BS loot entirely.

and while I'm on the subject of BS loot - what's up w/ the re-occurance of the same magic loot over and over? I keep getting multiples of the same rings, belts, all that. Sorry, that's just lazy design. Ive heard complaints on the graphics, now I think that's one area the game definitely shines. Looks awesome on my rig, this is one game that makes me thankful I splurged on the extra-large video card. Some great stuff to be seen - too bad it's used and re-used so much!

and the next day…
Bummed that they also relegated the Mabari War Dog an auto-pilot minion summons w/ no customization options, and no control whatsoever. In DA:O, my Mabari was w/ me from the time I got him til game end, and just like any other party member he leveled/had skills and even gear. There's none of that here, he's a berzerker mob summons on your team. You have no control whatsoever over him, which can be detrimental when youre holding the whole team back. I used to really like my war dog's abilities like the ol' "pounce and chew"(tm) which was great for mages, basically taking them out of the picture as soon as he was within pouncing distance. No love for Bio on this particular move
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I went from Mass Effect right into Mass Effect 2. I just finished the second, and I have to say, I liked both games very much. What I didn't like was the change to the cover system. This basically meant that you could see from far away when the next ambush would take place. It also didn't really matter whom you took in your squad in ME2, unlike in ME1, which made squad composition more a style question than one of complementing abilities (this might be different on hard difficulty, though). On the plus side, you can try all combinations without regard for your own class. I am a bit conflicted here whether I like that change or not. Also, that Hammerhead was stupid. Either it hovers or it doesn't.

Anyway, despite those minor criticisms from above, the game itself was nicer in ME2 than in ME1, especially the quests, which were much more varied. I enjoyed it very much.
Mar 28, 2008
Still playing Drakensang, and I must say - love it so far. It really grew on me, especially after I figured out how to counter the horrible camera behavior. My fast-talking burglar is ultimately doing what he's doing for sports... opening doors and chests just to see what's inside. Most of the time he doesn't even take the stuff.
I'm about halfways through the game, and it's pretty neat. While I find it a bit sad that there is not nearly enough variety in clothing (or NPC models, for that matter), it's still a tad better than in Risen.
Aug 31, 2006
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