Consortium - Oficially Cancelled


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Consortium is now officially cancelled on Kickstarter. They are offering to all backers a PDF document they name 'Discoveries', which gives all the details of the game once it is finished.
Some specifics on the document (estimated at least 300 pages):

  • Completely in-game and written by Thrie Desertch (my in-game counterpart, brother of Vidal Desertch; creator of the iDGi-1 satellite)
  • Full “biography section” for every single character even mentioned in the A.R.G. With over 30 names currently on this list, many of which will be a part of the 3D game series, this will make for a really helpful tool to better understand the history and motivations of everyone involved.
  • It will be written as a timeline of events, exactly as if you were playing along with the A.R.G. from the very beginning back in 2010. NO details missed.
  • Will include every piece of content so far released; and this is A LOT of stuff (every written document, journal, transcribed audio files/blogs, email, descriptions/screenshots/links for videos, mini-games, and puzzles)... complete with “Thrie’s Thoughts” on everything; an unbiased look at the information and what it all means.
  • A breakdown of the entire “in-game iDGi forum” found HERE. Over two years of fairly consistent posts back and forth between people from the other side of the rift, and people from our world (“players”). This will be a chronological point-form summary of everything posted by both players and characters.
They are thinking of returning to Kickstarter in February, but do not consider it a wasted effort as they had tthe opportunity to show the game to the world and learned something as well
For interest's sake, here are the top 2 lessons we've learned with this campaign:

  • #1: We should have announced CONSORTIUM at least a month before starting the Kickstarter campaign. Given we are a new company announcing a new I.P, this was absolutely necessary to allow knowledge of CONSORTIUM's existence to spread.

  • #2: December is not a great month for Kickstarter campaigns. People are busy visiting family, partying and spending money buying gifts, etc. We believe that this is the biggest reason it's taking as long as it is right now to spread awareness of CONSORTIUM. It's one of the busiest times of the year...
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I will back the project again as it looked interesting. Good Luck to them.
Oct 1, 2010
I'll definetly back it too when they restart it. Didn't back it in this turn.
Apr 12, 2009
The first Kickstarter that I found interesting enough and it's canceled. Nothing to see here, move along...
Jul 14, 2012
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