The Hobbit movies

July 31, 2007
I'm surprised no one posted about this. It seems after a lot of trouble that filming for The Hobbit will begin in February. And it seems they have all of the cast from LOTR, plus a few that will be featured as cameos, like Elijah Wood as Frodo and Orlando Bloom as Legolas.

One thing kinda bothers, not so much actually but a little. People seem to suspect that the start of the movie will be during LOTR with Frodo and Bilbo probably talking about Bilbo's past adventures for the mountain of Erebor. Kinda like a flashback to the start of the The Hobbit. It sounds decent I guess, but I'd expect they either come up with something better or just let The Hobbit have it's own start.

Anyway, great news that it's finally coming, with an expected release for the first part in December 2012. And I'm happy they have everyone back. Especially Andy Serkis, Ian McKellen and Christopher Lee. :D
Jul 31, 2007
And it seems they have all of the cast from LOTR, plus a few that will be featured as cameos, like Elijah Wood as Frodo and Orlando Bloom as Legolas.

I'm already getting pissed off if that's true. Why can't Jackson just stick as close to the original story as possible? He ruined some of the best scenes from the LotR books with his own little "additions".
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
indeed - If Mr Jackson has just asked my opinion on what should have gone in ;-)
I enjoyed the LoTR but there were some really bad decisions…which we won't revisit here. I just hope they stick as close to canon as possible - the hobbit was enjoyable (it has a dragon for pete's sake! and gollum in the darknessss….) - there's no need to hollywoodize it. But I'm sue they'll introduce a love interest for 'young' Bilbo or something :-/
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
I'm already getting pissed off if that's true. Why can't Jackson just stick as close to the original story as possible? He ruined some of the best scenes from the LotR books with his own little "additions".

Those almost seem like marketing decisions coming from corporate trying to appeal to the stars' fanbase. Makes me ill...
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
JDR13 said:
Why can't Jackson just stick as close to the original story as possible?

The original story is a bit thin, and lacking in detail. eg the journey to Trollshaws is scarcely noted and Gandalf "just showing up" at Bilbo's will look a bit odd without a bit of backstory. I hope they draw upon some of the material in eg. Unfinished Tales to flesh things out.

What I hope they don't do is the sort of complete WTF nonsense that occurred in the Battle for Middle Earth 2, such as Dragons in the Ered Luin, Corsairs of Umbar attacking the Grey Havens. I really enjoyed the original BFME game; I found BFME2 to be tripe because of how far it strayed from Tolkien's lore (and sheer common sense).
Aug 12, 2007
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