Risen Fell from a cliff - West coast


Keeper of the Watch
November 4, 2007
Quebec city
Fell from the cliff while fighting some skeletons on the west coast and after “drowning”, I found myself on a beach with lot of those killer worms, black wolves… I found my way up to a cavern just to find it inhabited by at least one ghoul, a room with 4 skeleton warriors… bref, more than what my level 9 character can handle.

Now my quick save and automatic saves are over there and I feel kinda… stuck. Has anyone else been there? Any easier way to get out of there?
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
try swimming out to sea again or running past them drinking potions
Oct 2, 2009
You're in a fairly dangerous area. If you are capable of killing skeletons, you will still be able to get back though.

Instead of climbing up to the entrance where the ghoul is, go further north along the beach across a river. Once you reach the end of the beach, there is a road up to your right. Follow this road. You'll get to a cross road where one leads to a tunnel, and the other to some ruins. Go through the tunnel (it has some gold ore in it, so it's easy to identify). Beyond that, just follow the road past the waterfall to some ruins. This is the only heavy part of the journey - these ruins are filled with skeletons and skeleton warriors. If you get past that, you're pretty much home free. After getting past the ruins, stick to your right on every cross road, and you should be in familiar territory fairly soon.

Good luck.
Oct 18, 2006
I think the auto-save system sucks in Risen, I edited the config file to disable it.

I disabled that maybe 4 milliseconds into the game lol. Now if I could only figure out how to disable the dam shaking caused by the volcano.

To the OP's question...Maylander is getting you out of there as best as can be expected. But if you decide to lure the skeles one by one and get in a lil fight practice, there is a somewhat secret and very well hidden cave you can rest at....provided you can beat the gnome and cheiftain that live there.

There is a bridge between the two ruins Maylander mentions. It has a waterfall and is dam hard to miss lol. After you cross the bridge the hidden camp is on your left well hidden by trees. I can't remember(I was drunk when I counted and have forgetten :p ), but I think it is like 18 jogging steps from the bridge, then turn left into the trees by a blackish boulder next to the path.
Oct 18, 2006
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