Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Games You Won't Uninstall

You must have the world's largest hard drive. :)

Or world's smallest collection of games ;)

I will never uninstall:
Baldur's Gate 2+Throne of Bhaal+Mods
Icewind Dale+Heart of Winter+Lure of the Trial Master+Mod
World of Warcraft
Age of Mythology
Neverwinter Nights

I actually regret uninstalling DA:O, not because I play this often but now I forgot my login details, I've lost all my purchased DLCs :(
Ya I'm a collector/hoarder. I've got copies of games that I've transferred from PC to PC over the years, some going back to the late 90's. A short list though. Trying to rebuild my mod setup would be all nigh impossible on the last two.

Neverwinter Nights - so many mods
Morrowind - again modded out the window

Apr 9, 2015
Whew. I've got a lot downloaded. Purposely kept a secondary HDD on the home theater system.

- All Borderlands games
- Elder Scrolls from Morrowind up
- Fallout from 3 up
- All Shadowrun games
- Might Magic X
- Kerbal Space Program
- Mount & Blade Warbands
- Cities Skylines
- Endless Legend
- Homeworld Remastered
- Divinity: OS & Divinity 1
- Civ V & Civ Beyond Earth
- Xcom: EU
- Xenonauts
- Stardew Valley
- Starbound
- Shovel Knight
- Pillars of Eternity
- Sins of a Solar Empire (Rebellion)

Most of them stay until finished at least. A lot of the open-ended ones like Skylines and Kerbal will stick around because they're essentially playsets. Civ has great replayability. Borderlands because of multiplayer coop. Elder Scrolls because I either haven't finished or just want to revisit.
Feb 23, 2009
For me its only CiV IV and FTL right now

But its good to see blob back. Didn't notice you sneak in there.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 has been on every system I have owned since it release.

Other games if I want to a replay they should be still installed system I am using. I only uninstall games I didn't like. Though the ones I liked doesn't mean they get carried over when a new system is bought.

Heroes well if I want to play a map it is there. Other games if I was to replay them I would do a full replay.
Apr 2, 2011
Unreal Tournament GOTY.

That's it, really. Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings will stay on my disk too, until they get a next iteration. Then I'll most likely move on. Stellaris is here to stay too, I think.

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot about Gothic 3. I will never uninstall that one either. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
I've uninstall from time to time, and of course I've changed of computer a few times so that's an obligatory uninstall.

Anyway, when it comes to the games that I've had longer on my disk it should be Heroes 2 and 3 by far, followed by M&MVII. I also get back a lot to point and click adventure games like Discworld 2 and Discworld Noir (especially Noir), Grim Fandango or Monkey Island 3, but those I normally uninstall them after replaying them.

Gothic and Gothic 2 are other good examples as well.
Aug 11, 2009
Since my current gaming drive is a 500G SSD, and I own a lot of games, and also have very fast internet, I install and uninstall games all of the time. I think the one game that I've never uninstalled in the last year is Rebel Galaxy, currently probably my favorite game. Oh yeah, Fallout 4 is the other game I've never uninstalled since installing it.
Sep 20, 2012
Games I won't uninstall? Pretty much 95% of the games I install I will never uninstall because I'm lazy and have lots of disk space.
Funnily another game I remember sitting on my HD like forever : The Trasure Planet : Battle Of Prokyon. Why ? Because it's like Homeworld on 2D ... Every once in a while I dig it out ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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