NWN2 Thinking of buying MotB...

Neverwinter Nights 2


I'm at Act III for the OC... it wasn't too bad after all when I've got over frustration on camera issues. So here's my question.. is MotB worth playing?

I really don't like the fact most of companions from OC are dead... and also the fact I will see my fav char Bishop stuck in this freaky wall... (they've even changed his voice! yuck!). Ofcourse, there's new romance interest for both male and female PC... are they any better than Casavir/Elanee??

I couldn't find MotB in any stores so I'd have to buy it off from ebay.. and I'm wondering if it's worth going through all that trouble.
Personally I think it is ... and I think it is sad that MotB sold pretty poorly and NWN2 is fading fast in general ...

I'm enjoying it on my Mac right now ... but haven't managed to get MotB going on it yet.
Oct 18, 2006
lol just one reply. it doesn't matter. I will def pick it up when I have chance. I loved OC =)
MotB is the best D&D experience since Baldur's Gate 2 in my opinion. The gameplay is smoother than NWN2, the characters are more interesting, and the story is better. It's a bit more intense and challenging, but that's not really a bad thing.

Also, yes, the romance NPCs are better, but they're still no Viconia/Jaheira.
Oct 18, 2006
I missed this thread.

Yeah, it most definitely is worth playing. The epic-level pyrotechnics are a bit over the top sometimes, but the characters, writing, settings, and plot are excellent -- much better than the OC. I'm pretty sure you'll like it.
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Oct 19, 2006
I you loved the OC you'll almost surely like MotB, I'm not a huge fan myself but they did polish up a lot of the issues that annoyed people in the OC.
Jan 12, 2008
I've finally ordered MotB on amazon. I think it will be here less than a month time and by then my exams are all finished!!! *dying to play it*
I'm pretty sure you'll like it. It is very BG2-esque in style, although smaller and more linear. You might want to do your first playthrough with a tank-type character; until you figure out the right spell combinations, it's brutally hard to play as a spellcaster -- you're constantly running into critters with some serious immunities. Plus your first party members will be badass spellcasters, and it'll be a while until you get your first tank.
Oct 19, 2006
I'm pretty sure you'll like it. It is very BG2-esque in style, although smaller and more linear. You might want to do your first playthrough with a tank-type character; until you figure out the right spell combinations, it's brutally hard to play as a spellcaster -- you're constantly running into critters with some serious immunities. Plus your first party members will be badass spellcasters, and it'll be a while until you get your first tank.

thanx for the advice... well that sucks. I love playing casters in nwn series and atm my char is 9 mage/ 10 eldrich knight. and I like this char too :( I suppose in that case I will be battle cleric. should be fine, yeah?
thanx for the advice... well that sucks. I love playing casters in nwn series and atm my char is 9 mage/ 10 eldrich knight. and I like this char too :( I suppose in that case I will be battle cleric. should be fine, yeah?

S/he'll do great. If you're good at playing casters, you'll be fine with MotB too; just expect a bit of frustration in the beginning as you figure it out, and do consider avoiding combat as a viable strategy too. For example, if you see two really nasty beasties guarding an entrance you need to get through, you might want to try sneaking or running past them.

Keep your Premonition up, and your eldritch knight will rule.
Oct 19, 2006
It is very BG2-esque in style, although smaller and more linear.
It's certainly less open, but it's a lot less linear in another way (i.e. choices and consequences galor, unlike the few actual choices you had in BG2).
Nov 18, 2006
S/he'll do great. If you're good at playing casters, you'll be fine with MotB too; just expect a bit of frustration in the beginning as you figure it out, and do consider avoiding combat as a viable strategy too. For example, if you see two really nasty beasties guarding an entrance you need to get through, you might want to try sneaking or running past them.

Keep your Premonition up, and your eldritch knight will rule.

awesome. then when i get it, i will try eldrich knight first and if that turns out to be too frustrating, i will start with battle cleric! thanx :D
It's certainly less open, but it's a lot less linear in another way (i.e. choices and consequences galor, unlike the few actual choices you had in BG2).

Yes, that's true. Thanks for the correction, I used the word carelessly.
Oct 19, 2006
Congratulations. Keep us posted on how it goes. :)
Oct 19, 2006
I need to play this myself. I bought it, but I despise high-level AD&D. Still, the story should be enough to keep me interested.
Oct 18, 2006
I need to play this myself. I bought it, but I despise high-level AD&D. Still, the story should be enough to keep me interested.

If you despise high-level D&D, it's very unlikely you'll enjoy MotB.
Oct 19, 2006
Hmm so far it's been meh. It feels like a mix of PS: Torment and BG2. And gods, I hate the new spell effect sounds.
Finished Act I and started Act II. It really does feel like I'm playing Torment with nwn2 graphic. Not too bad so far. I've cheated and read lots of plot spoilers here and there. Sounds pretty good although *spoiler* this *hunger* thing is getting annoying since it affects my stats constantly. Not to mention I die in middle og travel or sleep *end spoiler* Oh, and yeah, *another spoiler* I sooo knew Leannah(or whatever her name was) and Safiya's mum are the same person. But obviously didn't know safiya is also same person as well *end spoiler*
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