No Mutants Allowed - FO: Brotherhood of Steel 2 Design Docs

The overview and key points make it clear to me that Brian Freyermuth didn't view Fallout's potential all that much differently than Bethesda. The illustration says it all. As does his summation where he concluded that his design would take the series back to its roots while staying true to the console fans.

He sites the film Mad Max and its prequel, The Road Warrior as inspiration (appropriately) but I find that a little ironic. Soon after its release The Road Warrior was every film student's inspiration. Not only was it a great idea, it was cheap. Get a few old cars and a bunch of junk; find a stretch of deserted dusty road, somewhere, and you were in business.

The films that came after it were all bigger and greater successes, but none were as good as the original. Sounds like Fallout.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
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