Kickstarter - Sui Generis

Absolutely, could be :) Though why not give it to them directly then and avoid the fees to KS? Would be more beneficial for the devs.

Could be 3 people who really wants the game. But i must say its slightly odd to have 3 really super hardcore fans and almost 0 other fans ;)

Well, anyway, did you look at the right page for this comment? Because there is no $2000 level (only a £3000 one, and that currently has no backers)?
Oct 18, 2006
Wow that game looks great and the combat is like a more dynamic version of the combat from the Gothic games. The tools look like they may be better then Bethesda has and may be easier to use. It has better animations and physics then any other rpg ever made. The only thing that needs to be changed is to have a normal save/load system and have their system as an option. If they use the system they suggest then there is no way I would be able to play the game since I would have to constantly start over from the beginning. (if it was turn-based I may be able to get through but not a real-time system)

PS. It is amazing that they could make a game that looks better then any other rpg.
Oct 19, 2006
The only thing that needs to be changed is to have a normal save/load system and have their system as an option. If they use the system they suggest then there is no way I would be able to play the game since I would have to constantly start over from the beginning. (if it was turn-based I may be able to get through but not a real-time system)

Why do you think that you would start over more often? Due to dieing in combat?
In that case I'd suggest to just tune down the combat to easy or something like that.
Playing on a "no-load" mode isn't just to make the game harder - it is to make decisions matter. Especially in quests and so on. And as written in the description combat is not the focus of this game (though the video does hardly show anything else). It is a completely different feeling to play a game like that.
Jun 2, 2012
Wow that game looks great and the combat is like a more dynamic version of the combat from the Gothic games. The tools look like they may be better then Bethesda has and may be easier to use. It has better animations and physics then any other rpg ever made. The only thing that needs to be changed is to have a normal save/load system and have their system as an option. If they use the system they suggest then there is no way I would be able to play the game since I would have to constantly start over from the beginning. (if it was turn-based I may be able to get through but not a real-time system)

PS. It is amazing that they could make a game that looks better then any other rpg.

Yeah, I found the animations VERY impressive and the most realistic I've seen in a CRPG. It will be interesting to see how the controls map to all the different moves shown in that demo. I wonder if it was human controlled or just AI?
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
In the whole combat parts I don't think I've seen a single animation repeating. I really wonder how they've done that. It's awesome and I've pledged =D
Apr 11, 2012
Yeah, I found the animations VERY impressive and the most realistic I've seen in a CRPG. It will be interesting to see how the controls map to all the different moves shown in that demo. I wonder if it was human controlled or just AI?

Neither. I doubt the kind of combat, even well done, will gather support from players.

When looking at the cursor, plus the depiction made by the developper, the inputs are well-timed mouse movements (plus clicks?) to manage the balance and the momentum of the PC, giving the right impulse to build up on speed and avoid breaking chaining attacking movements.
My bet that players will find this annoying as it does not allow to be blocky.
Mar 29, 2011
Many KS report the state of video gaming accurately. This guy is right, yep, video gaming did not evolve as it was expected.

Looking forward to seeing where all the experiments, based on accurrate observations, lead to.
Many they will return the answer that there is no expectation to have as the expectations can not be delivered on.

This project looks like a re-activation of the fairy tale adventure for the little shown. A lot of ambition going into it.

The one life per pc gameplay has been passionately sought for by many developpers, a kind of holy graal.
So far, nobody managed to deliver because it demands full command on the resolution system as every event's outcome as it plays in the game must be predictable by the player.
The player must have a rather accurate appreciation of most situation, to be able to get involved on self preservation basis. That is a lot of information to convey which is usually taken away in other games as the run in, discover who the foe is, prevails.
Very hard to achieve as the player's mood can play a part (a potentially lethal encounter requires all the player's attention) and a consistent system of resolution which is not yet achieved. Save/reload comes as a handy way to hide the failures of events resolution in video gaming.

One of the few KS video gaming projects that I know of that wants to experiment and provide something new or forsaken.
Mar 29, 2011
Many KS report the state of video gaming accurately. This guy is right, yep, video gaming did not evolve as it was expected.

Looking forward to seeing where all the experiments, based on accurrate observations, lead to.
Many they will return the answer that there is no expectation to have as the expectations can not be delivered on.

This project looks like a re-activation of the fairy tale adventure for the little shown. A lot of ambition going into it.

The one life per pc gameplay has been passionately sought for by many developpers, a kind of holy graal.
So far, nobody managed to deliver because it demands full command on the resolution system as every event's outcome as it plays in the game must be predictable by the player.
The player must have a rather accurate appreciation of most situation, to be able to get involved on self preservation basis. That is a lot of information to convey which is usually taken away in other games as the run in, discover who the foe is, prevails.
Very hard to achieve as the player's mood can play a part (a potentially lethal encounter requires all the player's attention) and a consistent system of resolution which is not yet achieved. Save/reload comes as a handy way to hide the failures of events resolution in video gaming.

One of the few KS video gaming projects that I know of that wants to experiment and provide something new or forsaken.

And that's why it's called Sui Generis =D
Apr 11, 2012
Why do you think that you would start over more often? Due to dieing in combat?
In that case I'd suggest to just tune down the combat to easy or something like that.
Playing on a "no-load" mode isn't just to make the game harder - it is to make decisions matter. Especially in quests and so on. And as written in the description combat is not the focus of this game (though the video does hardly show anything else). It is a completely different feeling to play a game like that.

I die in these games even on easy and especially on harder to use controls. If they had this kind of system in the Gothic games I would never be able to finish.

PS. I have played some no save games in the past and have had to abandon them because of it. I think it should always be the players choice on how to use saves and I rarely actually save before a choice and reload to check choices.
Oct 19, 2006
I used to save and reload just to see how different dialogue choices would come out, but now I just try to consistently roleplay and take the consequences as they come, and don't bother figuring out what I may have missed.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
This project really inspired me. I truly hope these guys succeed. They have still 28 days to meet the goal, but they need start making more noise. :)

Only thing I'm not really "buying" is having no save/load system. I wonder how such thing could work. Maybe they should consider making such feature optional.
Oct 19, 2006
They need more than a tech demo. At little more info of substance on controlling combat, character building, story, enemies, puzzles (hopefully), world lore, questing, NPCs, etc…. But no romance, please. ;)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Sorry about my previous post, I got carried away a bit.
Now I watched their tech-demo on their web-page.
It is very impressive!
I will wait with pledging though until they present a little bit more about the world, the settings and character system.
Sep 1, 2007
I'm not that concerned about the lack of save/reload.

They said that death will have consequences, and all the lack of a save/reload means is that we'll have to live with those consequences. Now, I agree that it would be helpful to know what those consequences are, but perhaps those consequences tie into the story or the world that they don't want to spoil right now.

The best example I can think of for such a system is Dark Souls. There's no saving and re-loading there; if you die, then you end up back at a campfire and need to kill everything again.

Granted, not everybody likes this mechanic, but it does show that this feature isn't completely foreign to mainstream games. Personally, I think it lends some credence to the notion that these guys have some hardcore gameplay in mind, where if we're faced with some decision or choice, then we'd better be damn sure of which decision we're making...

Color me intrigued...
Mar 10, 2009
This sounds really cool, but why are all Kickstarter projects PC-only? Are there any RPG projects announced for consoles? Or is it just for PCs? This game sounds really cool and would love to see it on consoles.
This sounds really cool, but why are all Kickstarter projects PC-only? Are there any RPG projects announced for consoles? Or is it just for PCs? This game sounds really cool and would love to see it on consoles.

Bringing a console game to market requires a massive investment in marketing, replication, packaging, etc., not to mention certification for the console manufacturers and splitting revenue up among retailers, wholesalers and Sony/Microsoft. Unless such a game were selected for one of the downloadable indie releases for Xbox Live, etc., there really isn't any way to do this without the support of a large publishing partner.

These PC games you see on Kickstarter will likely be released digitally on Steam and similar platforms, with very minimal marketing. As a result, they don't need to sell as many copies to break even compared with a packaged console game.
Jan 15, 2011
I'd imagine the tools for development and testing for console platforms are expensive, and may require costly licensing, whereas PC development just requires PC hardware. Totally guessing here, though.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Mount & Blade also used a save on exit scheme as a default. Worked very well there, I thought. Death isn't permanent, but comes at a price. In a sandboxy game its a viable choice.
Oct 18, 2006
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