I will be paying for the kick starter but i will not like it because of your attitude. I dotn mind the first few post but then you got personal.

You attitude goes a long way to be a dev imo. Learn to grin and bear it, will get you far.
Jul 22, 2012
Here's the thread where Corwin believes I "attacked" him …


No, Corwin, I attacked human evil. You should decide which "God" it is is you answer to because I think you're a tad confused.

You are however (as the drug addict Skeletony pointed out) in the majority. I guess Sermon on the Mount was wrong, might makes right.

About that he has said death to Israel and incited people agaisnt Israel.

Jul 22, 2012
I just posted a link up here to my YouTube site.

Then all these personal insults poured out onto the thread completely unwarranted. I won't make that mistake again.

As i said learn to grin and bear it. Part of being the spokesperson for a game.
Jul 22, 2012
A developer being eccentric doesn't necessarily mean that the game isn't going to worth it of course, it might even end up being a different and interesting experience.
Nonetheless if there's anything that could convince me to support a game that's going through a development that resembles Zeno's 'Achilles and the Tortoise' paradox for almost two decades, that is certainly not its developer declaring that he lost interest in ever finishing it.
Sep 18, 2009
A developer being eccentric doesn't necessarily mean that the game isn't going to worth it of course, it might even end up being a different and interesting experience.
Nonetheless if there's anything that could convince me to support a game that's going through a development that resembles Zeno's 'Achilles and the Tortoise' paradox for almost two decades, that is certainly not its developer declaring that he lost interest in ever finishing it.

So you're saying you don't appreciate honesty and next time I should lie to you. I should try to anticipate what you want to hear, then tailor my speech to make it sound like I am sympathetic to you and pander to what you want to hear as opposed to telling you the truth. Like any "normal" person would do.

Actually, I am not going to be posting any more updates on my Kickstarter on RPGWatch so that problem is solved neatly right there.
Jul 11, 2007
Deep underground in a massive fortified complex be
Come on, Cleve, you've still got to make us believe that golden babies can fly.
Mar 20, 2010
So you're saying you don't appreciate honesty and next time I should lie to you. I should try to anticipate what you want to hear, then tailor my speech to make it sound like I am sympathetic to you and pander to what you want to hear as opposed to telling you the truth. Like any "normal" person would do.
I appreciate honesty, but I won't give you money just for being honest. I'd give you money to make a game and give me a copy. If you don't want to make the game and/or give me a copy then I won't give you money - that's a very fair trade, isn't it?

I don't want you to lie, I need you to give me a clear indication that you are going to hold your end. If you can't do that without lying then this just isn't going to work.
Sep 18, 2009
Since Skeletony decided to dump his usual crap on this thread, I'll just dump on him. This guy has been stalking me on the internet for over a decade.

Now I am wondering if Cleve even knows who I am? He certainly wants everyone else to think he has a handle on things...

About twelve years ago Skeletony got hold of some beta test materials for Grimoire he wasn't supposed to have. Being a bear of little brain he also posted some contact details.

Nope! LOL! I guess you have no idea who I am. I have never gotten a hold of any beta test materials (from ANY game really...save for those which had public beta tests open for all to download) and I have never posted any contact details for you or any other developer or alleged developer, aside from linking to Tom Proudfoot's (or some similar indie developer) site (know who I am now? *chuckle*).

I called him long-distance and instead of getting him I got his mother. When I asked about Tony his mother burst into tears and divulged his life story to me, apparently unconcerned I was a complete stranger.

Ah...Cleve humor. I guess the same joke repeated ad nauseum towards anyone who has disagreed with you (for those unaware Cleve has been telling this joke about calling peoples mothers for a LONG time. Like the mulleted guy at a kegger who pesters everyone else with his favorite Carlos Mencia line...over and over.).

Skeletony is a long term drug addict who is not sure of his own parentage who has no fixed address.

Yeah but I have a good reason for doing all those drugs. You see not everyone is blessed with a 180 IQ and so some of us have to resort to desperate measuires in an effort to boost our IQs. Sadly, since I only have a double digit IQ I did not realize that crack and heroin had no positive effect on one's ability to quickly recognize patterns or recall trivia.

He has slept on couches in various homes of relatives for most of his life. His mother told me point blank he has stolen money from her, ripped off her possessions and pawned them to buy drugs. She said she was at wit's end and ready to ban him from entering her house ever again.

Yes but she made the mistake of f***ing with a drug addict and for that she will pay! She is supposed to come over today for lunch...er, I mean...to check out if I am keeping my couch clean, so I should be able to come up with a plan for revenge. Right after I am done cutting lines of meth and cocaine to distribute to all the mud people my best friend is related to down south of the border.

She said Skeletony has never been able to hold down steady work for more than a few weeks at a time and regularly goes on binges lasting months where she is not sure of his whereabouts.

I have been a respected drug dealer and part-time strawberry picker for at least 6 weeks now so you can f*** right off sir.

This was over a decade ago so I don't know if his situation has changed. You can imagine what sort of person the guy is that his mother breaks down and tells all these things to a complete stranger on the phone.

Yeah I am going to take my coke line-cutting razor blade and cut her phone lines to make sure she does not accept any more collect calls from Australia.
Aug 18, 2010
Tacoma, WA
Wow. Was just reading the "Israel" thread. So much quotable greatness going on in there!

Here are a few priceless samples of Cleve's "wisdom":

Cleveland said:
Corwin said:
]Actually Iran has threatened Israel!!
No, it hasn't.

It would seem the only jew you are not terrified of is Jesus Christ, Corwin. I think it is supposed to be the other way around. Wisdom begins with the fear of God, not the fear of jews. You are just parroting their war propaganda because you are scared to contradict them. Rather, you are supposed to fear God but otherwise no man, especially not jews.


*wipes tears away*
Phew...okay, first off we have the bit about wisdom beginning with fear of imaginary beings. Hell even if you believe such things are real, how does one arrive at the conclusion that WISDOM begins with fear?!

Secondly, it seems fearing human beings is one thing but to Cleve fearing Jews is especially horrific! I do not know what fear of Jews had to do with what Corwin was saying but why would fearing Jews be any less sensible than fearing any other humans?! Why "especially"?

Another quote:

If you believe Israel has God on it's side, why do they need military and money from Australia and America? Couldn't they just get it from God? Couldn't God whip up a pillar of fire to burn their enemies away?

Wow. Cleve's first taste of critical thinking and atheism. I would welcome you and encourage you to explore this whole rationality thing more but...we really don't want you around. Because then we would be forced to deal with the fallout from the absurd, factually void things you say and we have our hands full already trying to explain why Stalinism and Chaiman Mao were not motivated by atheism ...

You talk about God but why does God need other people's children to protect his holy land? Is God too weak to defend Israel against it's enemies? Or is it that deep down, you don't really believe in God … you only believe in jews.

Corwin is believing in the mud people who carelessly flit about smelling of feces and urine because they would rather start wars with larger, angrier nations full of people who saw the heads off of dissidents?! Damned 'cultural enrichment' zealot!
Oh wait...you were trying to paint him as an atheist who only professes belief in God to...trick you?! Because he rightly does not blindly believe the insane bigotry directed at Jews? Tell you what, when I see video of angry Jews sawing through someone's neck with a dull knife because they do not worship Yahweh then I will concede that Jews are just as bad as the neo-Palestinians.
Aug 18, 2010
Tacoma, WA
TLDR version:

Arrogant, racist, liar seeks adoring fans to feed overdeveloped ego.

Don't kid yourself Cleve. All it would take is someone emailing a few choice links and neither Kickstarter, nor any other similar company would have anything with you. Go crawl back under your rock.
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May 3, 2008
It's amusing how this thread and the thread above this one vary, but both are interested in getting support from people that frequent this site. See any differences in the various posts? I do!!!

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Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yes, Carn, one of the thread creators understands the adage that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Jul 9, 2010
After seeing the videos one can definitely say there is a very well thought of RPG system implemented. It resembles very much Wizardry, which I like a lot. There should be more games like it.

I can see a huge problem though if this is to be distributed for iOS. The buttons are just too small to be touched comfortable. And there are lots of these small buttons. All of them are required for the micromanagement, but this just won't do for the small touchscreens. No one will playthis game with a pencil. Grimoire can only be a PC game.

If you insist on porting it to iOS I'm afraid you'd need to purge a lot and simplify the RPG system, basically a complete overhaul, a rewrite with an all new interface featuring big buttons, less micromanagement. This would probably kill what the initial game was meant to be. There are some dungeon crawlers released for iOS, and they all have much reduced interface e.g. google for "Undercroft".

If you worked 18 years on it, I would try to finish it and release it. That's one thing I always tried myself: what has been started must be ended. You may and should need to cut lots of the features you initially wanted in the game, in order to finish it, but you will be proud of it. It's a fact that game development is a very time consuming and challenging task, no matter how simple the game looks like. An RPG isn't simple.

I suggest either to finish it by yourself and shape the game in a way it can be released (by that you may need to remove certain areas or maps which are not yet populated etc.) or to hire additional people working on it.

I don't know if the latter one will work. Poetential artists or programmers are maybe turned off by the fact, that this dungeon crawler style is at least 10 years too old. I don't think there exists a big enough fanbase for it anymore. I also personally favored the 3 dimensional Wizardry 8 much more compared to the older titles of the series. But that's just my opinion.

If it's really true, that you could have finished the game anytime (by yourself), give it a shot and apply for a Steam-Release.
Sep 9, 2012
Personally I think it is time to lock this one. It has become a flame fest and useless now to further the game info it seems. :cm:
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
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