Din's Curse question


July 18, 2007
Hi, I just downloaded the demo yesterday and played briefly. It's fun, my only real complaint is the dungeon scenery is too barren and repetative.

So as I was exploring the character generation options and the skills for my warrior wondered if this game employs a threat mechanic a la World of Warcraft (e.g. the character generating the highest threat on a foe becomes the target for that enemy and possibly others)? I realize monsters don't stay alive all that long when fighting them such that this would be really needed, but was curious because if I buy this I would be playing multiplayer predominantly.

Thanks in advance
Jul 18, 2007
Hmm...I only played MP briefly. I can't answer, because in hindsight, I didn't notice. Most mobs didn't last long enough to tell, given the short time I played MP. Steven Peeler drops by occasionally, so maybe he'll answer.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
About your question: Trickster class have various skills to lower aggro and Gladiator has one for increasing aggro. Hunter has also a skill roughly linked to aggro as he can summon a lure that will tend to attract attention of monsters.

During the game I definitely noticed aggro like behaviors but not sure it's a real classical system implemented. Monsters are enemies to many other monsters and when fighting some mini boss with some other monsters fighting him too, I noticed typical aggro behavior of the mini boos switching his target during the fight.

Even in single player it is handy because monsters aren't all allies and in fact often you'll reach little wars of monsters fighting each other and in this cases some aggro tricks can work well. For increasing your aggro there's less occasion but still some through quests for rescuing someone or to escort someone. Also some classes have summons and a bit of aggro control can be handy then.
Oct 14, 2007
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