SW: TOR - Rumors on The Future


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
SWTOR Strategies talks about a few rumors that might be in store for future of the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO. Here is a sample of the article.

What could happen in the future of SWTOR? That’s probably a question that all fans could speculate on and the truth is, most of us never would have guessed SWTOR would end up where it is now from those early beginnings and pre-launch info. It’s no surprise then that fans like to speculate on what the future might hold for our game and how it could change in coming months or even years. The truth is, we don’t actually know for sure. One poster on Reddit claims to have inside knowledge about the future of Star Wars: The Old Republic but as always, take this info with a grain of salt. We have no proof that this is real insider info and even if it was, companies often change the plan when sensitive info is leaked. What we do know is that it’s fun to speculate so here we go!
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Sounds almost too good to be true.

As of right now, only one class appears to be able to survive until SWTOR 2 (Sith Inquisitor), but that might change.

Ah, yeah, their typical faction favouritism (yes, I'm becoming nearly obsessed with that crap).

What I don't understand is this "newgame+" stuff. I'm 44, and what is this ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I don't really see how Disney/EA can bring SWTOR into the new canon when said canon is only going to be SWVII and up time wise. Saying they are keeping SWTOR canon would be more appropriate in this case.

The rest sound like wishful thinking (same-sex romance doesn't fit into the teen rating), improbable because of the cost (engine improvements, finishing the individual stories, etc) and some already exist (companions already have appearance changers, they are preset but it's there). The dig at the Sith Inquisition is funny though.


A Newgame+ is restarting the game with your character, usually at max level, but sometimes it's a new character with buffed stats too (DDO version with reincarnations). ESO Veteran levels could be considered a newgame+ as well.

I don't see the point for SWTOR though, the grinding is painful enough as it is.
Oct 13, 2007
What grind? If that's how you view playing the game, why play it? SWTOR was an ok gaming experience but ultimately a crappy MMORPG, just like all the other crappy MMORPGs that keep getting vomited forth.

Solo belongs in single player games. PvP minigames, housing, dressing up your barbie, and all the side crap they add to MMORPGs are ok but are really not what makes up a good MMORPG.

All the stupidly easy mode and nonstop gratification for doing next to nothing isn't what makes up good MMORPGs either.

Refurbing crap into the same crap isn't going to transform the game into a worthwhile MMORPG.
Apr 22, 2013
I liked SWTOR for a few months, while I played through a few of the storylines. But since your quests constitute like 30% of the quests you do to finish, that means you'll be repeating 70% of the quests every time you play a storyline in the same faction. Ultimately I couldn't do that (I was hoping to play all the storylines, I could only finish 4 of them, two on each faction).

Maybe they could have sold the game with one storyline per faction (where all quests are storyline-specific) and then add more storylines as DLCs, I would have preferred that really.
Sep 23, 2008
Sounds like some semi-plausible ideas mixed with utter rubbish and lot of wishful thinking.
Aug 24, 2010
Game would be a lot better with the Frostbite engine, but I doubt that would happen - no matter what.
Game would be a lot better with the Frostbite engine, but I doubt that would happen - no matter what.

The bit about Frosbite seems to refer to the alleged SWTOR2 - although I shudder to think how a designed from ground to be F2P version of SWTOR would look like. Engine huge change in already running game would be very hard - and certainly not profitable.
Aug 24, 2010
The bit about Frosbite seems to refer to the alleged SWTOR2 - although I shudder to think how a designed from ground to be F2P version of SWTOR would look like. Engine huge change in already running game would be very hard - and certainly not profitable.

I honestly couldn't make much sense of this alleged "plan"…

But I had already entertained that engine notion a while ago, as Frostbite has been marketed as the ONE engine they're going to be using for pretty much every game from now on.

I guess it would depend on how easy it would be to convert assets - and if they could re-use all the animation work and what not.

If that's possible, it might actually be profitable to redo the game in a new engine - but it smells of being WAY too much hassle and risk for a company like EA.

That said, the engine is probably the biggest factor in why SWtOR wasn't a larger hit in the longer term.
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