Diablo 3 - Opening Cinematic Revealed

Yeah. The stupid "thing falls out of the sky!" smacks of Warcraft. Uninspired at best, unintentional comedy at worst. *sigh*
Oct 18, 2006
everything is wrong with this
1, assuming its Cain, he looks senile in comparison to other versions
2. a young girl .. wow , inspiring
3. dialog PLEASE, diablo1 trailer with no voices was 10 times better, at least follow that example
4. really smart plot

Honestly, after seing the gameplay og D3 I was really starting to grow hope, but The plot quests dialog seem trash as far as I've seen in beta.

Maybe there is still time for them to tweak players motivations,
I don't give a fuck about MY SISTER , that I haven't even met. Come on, its better to have a dark hero wanting power for motivation than this shit.

Another sweet part, there is no way to submit feedback on the game unless you actually take part of the beta.

Well, at least its gonna be a cool hacknslash, forgetable but cool
Aug 7, 2008
Yeah, can't say it blew me a way. When I was younger and watched the intro to Diablo for the first time, it really set the mood for me. After watching this, I just have a lot of questions about the setting and plot.
Sep 16, 2011
I liked it a lot...

Played the first 2 games a ton over the years, mostly DII ;)

It seems that some are far more cynical and critical than I am...

I think the game will be a lot of fun!

Guess we'll all see one way or the other, hopefully soon :)
Jan 2, 2008
Well, you're probably right about the cynical part at least. I think it will be fun too, the intro didn't do it for me though.
Sep 16, 2011
People are talking about the plot for Diablo? What plot?

I gave up on the story for Diablo ever since D2. D1 was great in that regards, but once you see the cut-scenes in D2 then that is enough. I skip them on replays/different difficulty levels. D2's power wasn't in the plot. It was in the gameplay, loot, difficulty levels and even the setting, but it was never about having a great story.

Great monsters and setting I can handle, but the actual plot to D? Let's see the story had everyone:
Kill a multi-armed hotness demon.
Kill a maggot demon.
Kill a demon demon.
Kill the the big bad devil himself
Oh wait. Let's throw in one more demon for you to kill. Big D wasn't the big bad demon we thought him to be…….yeaaaa I'm not really there for the story ;)

As for the video itself, I really liked the animation for D2 and D3. There's something about the style that I just like. It's funny though that the quality seems just as good now as it did in D2. Back when D2 was released the cut-scenes blew me away. They're still as good, but not really that much better. That being said, I don't really care how much of an upgrade it has. I still like the style.
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Feb 3, 2007
The concern in my mind is style. Yes, plot has never been a strong point of the D series, but style and atmosphere sure as hell have been (pun intended). Just compare the D2 cinematics to the D3 ones. D2 is creepy, personal, dripping with evil and good writing. D3 cinematics so far are EPIC and BIG and OBVIOUS and bereft of good writing. Like WARCRAFT. It's not a big concern, but it is a concern. I don't think there is any arguing that Blizzard North had a certain artistic and stylistic sensibility and maturity that it appears Blizzard South just doesn't and can't imitate, at least when it comes to the cinematics. We'll have to wait and see how that difference plays out over the course of the actual game.
Oct 18, 2006
So to boil it down, you're in the "It's too pretty" camp. JK ;)

I doubt I'll pick this up right away in any case. The 'prettiness' or the 'epicness' was never a concern of mine. I'm just about sure the game is going to be good.

It was that damn internet connection for single-player that got my goat. Otherwise this would have been a day one purchase.
Feb 3, 2007
Technically, it's far ahead of Diablo 2 cutscenes - unless you're blind.

But I have to agree that it's too "epic without soul" and doesn't seem to have the magic of the old Blizzard videos. Then again, ever since WoW hit it big - I've seen this as the new Blizzard. They lost Bliz North - and they've gotten increasingly predictable.

The StarCraft 2 story and cutscenes (well, the 5-6 missions worth I experienced until I stopped playing) was incredibly cliché and mediocre. It's like they don't have the edge they used to have, even if they've always been appealing to the large crowd.

Still, one can't deny they're still masters of the technical side of things. That video is absolutely beautiful in terms of animation and art direction.
People QQing about D3 already? o_O

I agree with skaven over here. What plot? Even if it has a plot, who cares? I just want to play LAN with my friends and get 2314213472134214 items from 1274137123721 mobs.
Aug 7, 2010
Vivec, Morrowind
It was that damn internet connection for single-player that got my goat. Otherwise this would have been a day one purchase.
I hear you. I don't take a lot of stands regarding games business models, but despite my having a reliable internet connection this one really aggravates me.
Oct 18, 2006
@skaven: I have no problem with the art direction. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about thematic and stylistic elements underpinning the game. Even aRPG's like Diablo have an overarching style and atmosphere. My concern is that Blizzard South undermines the usual sense of tension, doom, and grimness of the old D's with the shallow and clichéd adolescence typical of the Crafts.

@DArtagnan: I'd argue Blizzard South's never had an "edge". IMHO, they've always been sort of childish in their stylistic approach to the games they made.
Oct 18, 2006
I'd agree that the video is not up there with some of the great Blizzard cinematics. There's nothing wrong with it, I don't think we would have any objection if that were an opening video to a game like Skyrim or Dragon Age. It's just that Blizzard has a reputation for doing some great cinematics and this isn't one of them.

At the end of the day though, I could care less about the opening cinematic as long as the game is great. As Skaven says the plot has always been secondary to Diablo and even if say D2 has a great opening cinematic it didn't necesarily mesh with the gameplay of hacking armies of monsters to pieces.
Apr 14, 2011
People QQing about D3 already? o_O

I agree with skaven over here. What plot? Even if it has a plot, who cares? I just want to play LAN with my friends and get 2314213472134214 items from 1274137123721 mobs.

Sorry, no LAN support!
Jun 14, 2011
I liked the video, still better than most games.
But I agree with fadedc it's the gameplay I'm most concerned about and that's looking to be good.
Also agree with skavenhorde on the online all the time thing, I wouldn't have minded a once a week authentication or something similar, but as is it's keeping it from being a day one purchase for me also.
Mar 28, 2010
Vancouver , Canada
I thought the video was pretty badass!

Told me absolutely nothing about the game but as a video its top-notch.
Technically, it's far ahead of Diablo 2 cutscenes - unless you're blind.

Technically, only a jerk would make this comment.

@skaven: I have no problem with the art direction. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about thematic and stylistic elements underpinning the game. Even aRPG's like Diablo have an overarching style and atmosphere. My concern is that Blizzard South undermines the usual sense of tension, doom, and grimness of the old D's with the shallow and clichéd adolescence typical of the Crafts.

Yea, I get what you're saying and I wasn't really talking about art either. The crafts are 'pretty' in their atmosphere.....or at least Warcraft strategy games were. Even the bad ass orcs were 'prettier' or at least funnier than something that Diablo would dish out. I have no idea about WoW, but I imagine it's the same.

I don't think it'll be all that bad. Not unless they want it to feel like Torchlight or Fable.
Feb 3, 2007
Well, this being the Opening/Intro Cinematic...I'm pretty sure there will be more throughout the game, probably more than in D2, to continue to "flesh out" the story line, this simply sets the tone for what's coming...I'm not worried ;)
Jan 2, 2008
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