Dragon Age: Inquisition - News Roundup


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October 1, 2010
DSO Gaming has new screenshot for Dragon Age: Inquisition from Bioware.
Electronic Arts and Bioware have just released a new screenshot for their upcoming RPG, Dragon Age: Inquisition. This new image shows one of the game’s beautiful environments that players will get to explore. Dragon Age: Inquisition is powered by DICE’s Frostbite 3 engine and is currently planned for an October 10th release.
Next The Examiner has news the game might have Co-Op added to it.
Considering that Dragon Age has never included multiplayer support added with the fact that the Bioware had never discussed the topic for Dragon Age: Inquisition does make it seems slightly odd that they would be unwilling to deny such a feature given that fans will ultimately find out when the game launches in less than three months time. Perhaps the developer simply doesn’t want to upset gamers who love to play co-op titles by confirming that there will be no such addition to Inquisition, but those players would likely already be uninterested in a Dragon Age game.

To make the matter seem even more suspicious, Bioware also told fans to ‘keep an eye’ on the developer’s official social networking accounts to future updates on the topic of co-op. Again, if the game was going to continue the franchise’s tradition of being a singleplayer-only title, why wouldn’t the developer simply confirm that Dragon Age: Inquisition won’t have multiplayer elements? By not discussing such a major element about the game this close to launch, Bioware either wants to create an air of mystery around their upcoming release or the developer does indeed have something hidden up their sleeves.
And I saved the best for last since I know most of you will like it. A site called Jump to Gamer has a list of all things Bioware has done to kill the series.
In conclusion, it seems that BioWare are happy running the Dragon Age series into the ground, and themselves with it. Rather than list to their fans and learn from their past mistakes they are more than happy to keep steam rolling ahead. Their staff are doing everything they can to appease all groups to recoup the the fans they lost with the release of Dragon Age 2, even at the expense of using racial slurs. Will Dragon Age Inquisition spell the end of BioWare and the series? Who knows, but I for one believe that it will be a financial failure for them even if the major review companies list it as the best RPG of the decade as they did with its predecessor. No words are needed when professional critics award a game 10/10 yet the user meta-critic score is below 5. BioWare are making the same mistakes they’ve made before and this time they are coming to light before the release of the game, we need only wait until October 7th to see how many fans BioWare really have lost.
Update: It seems the game is now delayed again. Executive Producer Mark Darrah of Dragon Age: Inquisition had this to say on the games blog.
I’m writing to let you know that Dragon Age: Inquisition has a new release date of November 18, 2014 in North America (November 21st in EU). We appreciate the enormous support we’ve received from all of you to get to this point, and while this extra few weeks may not seem like a lot, I know the game you’ll play will be all the better for it.

Since we began working on Dragon Age: Inquisition almost four years ago, our goal was to create the best Dragon Age experience ever. It was that goal that motivated many of our decisions: moving to Frostbite, bringing race choice and customization back, improving tactical camera, building a team of characters whose relationships evolve based on your actions, and most importantly, crafting an epic, nation-spanning story that both draws upon past games and takes you to many new places in the realm of Thedas.

I’m privileged to be a part of a team that has been working very hard to surpass every measure they’ve set for themselves. That has meant completing huge amounts of game content, fixing bugs both big and small, and improving the overall experience. This last bit of time is about polishing the experience we want you to see. Ensuring that our open spaces are as engaging as possible. Strengthening the emotional impact of the Hero's choices. And ensuring the experience you get is the best it can be in the platform you choose to play on.
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Oct 1, 2010
The Examiner making assumptions and wishes into news every day. If DAI was supposed to have a multiplayer co-op components they would have announced it by now and it would be on the game feature list.

The last article is click-bait. The dude use "Bio-haters" comments and the "non-controversial made controversial" marketing has proof that the BioWare is ruining its games.

Going by what I've seen from convention reports and the BSN, the real BioWare fans don't hate any of the games BioWare have made so far. They have criticism here and there, that BioWare even tried to "fix" which actually caused some people to get pissed of at them (DA2 combat is the results of complains about DAO combat for example).
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Oct 13, 2007
You mean that all BioWare fans are ok with DA2 and that all they have to say about it is only a criticism here and there?

"DA2 combat is the results of complains about DAO combat for example"… that's a great example of Bioware's logic! "We know better what people want from DA franchise that they do. Except for the combat bit"…
Jan 10, 2008
Wait a bit… IIRC noone, including me, never complained about combat as a combat in DA2, but only about their 3-4 mobwaves appearing out of nowhere repetitive design.
But even those who didn't have a problem with that, were not happy with poor story/graphics compared to the predecessor.
And noone hates Bioware. Those who hate, hate EA's, if we're going to be politically correct we'll say business models, if we don't care about correctness we'll say scams. Unless you're suggesting noone cares for the fact you can't buy DA2 on Steam.

But I'll agree on MMO part, if it was planned to be in the game, we'd certainly already hear about it from EA. There is still a possibility it'll be added as an additional option (DLC), but in the release version? Don't think so.
Apr 12, 2009
But even those who didn't have a problem with that, were not happy with poor story/graphics compared to the predecessor.
Not exactly true. I loved the faster combat and, actually, thought DA2's story was superior to DAO, because it was a story about the character and not just saving the world. It's just not the way Bioware normally does storylines, it's the Obsidian way of storytelling. But IMHO it was more interesting than DAO.
Oct 18, 2006
Speak for yourself joxer :) I dislike Bioware as much as I dislike EA. You still honestly believe that poor, innocent Bioware wants to do what's just and proper but is prevented from doing it by the big, bad EA?
Jan 10, 2008
Ah well I love when I'm saving the world, what can I do. :)

Yes I still believe Bioware is poor and innocent. But you knew that as I've already written it.
I never blame hands (devs) for the murder.
I blame the head (EA CEO).
Apr 12, 2009
There is actually a strong "liked DA2" core of BioWare fans, and even a "not quite small" group who liked DA2 more than DA:O.

"BioWare fans" are not really monolithic. You can't paint with a broad brush any fandom, honestly.

And that last article seems more of a "I dislike David Gaider" piece than anything really about Dragon Age. Gaider is sarcastic, combative and gruff, true. Well, yeah, true.

But writers having to listening to feedback and adjust? Uhm, just no. Game companies, sure, where it clearly is a collaborative effort to deliver a product to a certain audience, yes. But just by fiat stating that writers have to adjust to feedback from their audience is pure BS. A writer CAN choose to, that is his or her prerogative, but the writer can also just tell the story he or she wants to tell and let the reactions fall where they may.

I understand - being ONE of several writers on a game project is vastly different than being the solo author of a novel, but still.


I'm past skeptical into cynical when it comes to BioWare games, so I can attest, at least personally and anecdotally, to the disillusioned state of many "fans" of BioWare games.
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
Honestly, I think people writing articles should just wait until it comes out before using apocalyptic rhetoric like "it'll be the end of the series" and "they're not doing anything to cater to the fans". Honestly, it seems like we know very little about it - they're staying fairly tight-lipped, and we aren't gonna know whether they've implemented the features we want until release...or at least closer to it.

Talk about jumping to conclusions! My, my.
Dec 16, 2013
…so another delay was announced today. This time 1.5 months. After a previous 1-year delay.

This latest delay combined with the ad-nauseum 'info dumps' (trying too hard?) has me officially concerned now on several levels with DAI, despite how nice it looks from what we've been able to see.

At the very least, they have to be horribly over budget at this point, meaning anything less than blockbuster sales may put the kibosh on the franchise.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
…so another delay was announced today. This time 1.5 months. After a previous 1-year delay.

This latest delay combined with the ad-nauseum 'info dumps' (trying too hard?) has me officially concerned now on several levels with DAI, despite how nice it looks from what we've been able to see.

At the very least, they have to be horribly over budget at this point, meaning anything less than blockbuster sales may put the kibosh on the franchise.

1.5 months is a relatively minor delay; my gut feeling is that they always considered a november release likely, but aimed for october so that, if they did not quite make it, they were still in time for november. December would be cutting it a bit too close, given the Christmas season.
Mar 9, 2014
Germania Inferior
So the new release date is November 18, 2014.

Which means…
We just got D:OS and are getting Unrest in a few days.
Next month it's Risen 3 and Wasteland 2. For those who want/can there will also be Eternity beta (test).
September… Erm… Let's hold the thought.
October… Nothin'.
November is now DA3.

No RPG in september and october? The actual question should be: no EA game in september/october? Nothing in those two months that DA3 could steal the focus from and impact it's sales by being a major competition?

Oh but there is an EA game in september! Why would EA be a competition to itself?
I bet the decision to postpone this release was EA's.

Sure, we'll now see a classic polish PR crap, but don't believe them a word. Unless they postpone that no-pools game from september for 1.5 months too!
Or unless Steam adds DA3 to it's catalogue. Which is highly unlikely - Steam doesn't do money laundry with nonexisting currencies.
Apr 12, 2009
Well I seem to recall most Bioware RPGs get delayed to November. Can't really see why maybe their afraid of competition from other non RPG games in October.

At this point its not about fixing the game. As ChaosTheory said already the game was already pushed back a whole year. I'm a little worried myself now.
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Oct 1, 2010
Couch I really wanted to buy EA no-pools game, I did. Till yesterday and news about their pathetic excuse of a new scam scheme called "premuim".

People are not walking credit cards. Not everyone has so much money to buy any game out there they want. And if someone has so much money in a couple of months to afford only one EA game, which one would that be? DA3 or no-pools?
I put my bet on DA3. Apart from questionable items preorder DLC there is nothing else suspicious in it's release. Unlike shady stuff with no-pools.

This way they just made sure such people who's butt doesn't produce money like EA thinks it does, imagine that, buy both their games.
Apr 12, 2009
I remember reading an interview with someone who worked at Bioware (if memory serves they were fairly high on the ladder) quite awhile ago where they said EA is pretty hands off and Bioware is freer to do stuff now than they were before (due to increased budgets/security). If so, Bioware is 100% to blame for any missteps.
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
I guess it's also because of the holiday sales. Christmas typically is fantasy season and as there is no strong competitioner, DA:I should easily outsale them. The press reception is also positive and indicates a favourable launch.

I remember reading an interview with someone who worked at Bioware (if memory serves they were fairly high on the ladder) quite awhile ago where they said EA is pretty hands off and Bioware is freer to do stuff now than they were before (due to increased budgets/security). If so, Bioware is 100% to blame for any missteps.
I remember having read something similar from Trent Oster, but it was in a german Gamestar article. BioWare have always been free to decide on their own.
Oct 18, 2006
DA3 will outsale no-pools, regardless of it's release date.
I have that feeling in my gut!

Just went on Bio forum and made a douchebag post.
Apr 12, 2009
EA also posted their next Quaterly Financial Report. Just visit the following link if your curious to know what they made in revenue, and what they wasted.

Link - http://www.businesswire.com/news/ho...eports-Q1-FY15-Financial-Results#.U87lwbHiFc9
“It was a strong start to the year for Electronic Arts. We are committed to putting our players first and delivering the entertainment, innovation and creativity that our players want,” said Chief Executive Officer Andrew Wilson. “Through exciting new titles and fresh content in our live services, we are well-positioned to deliver on that commitment in FY15 and beyond.”

“EA delivered first quarter EPS above prior year and our guidance through a combination of revenue growth, higher gross margins and lower operating expenses,” said Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen. “We have gotten off to a great start and are encouraged by the trends in our industry and business."
This may also be why the game got delayed to move it into a different quarter. Plenty of publishers have done this before so it's not new.
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Oct 1, 2010
At this point its not about fixing the game. As ChaosTheory said already the game was already pushed back a whole year. I'm a little worried myself now.

I think only DA2 was not pushed back, most of their games get a one to two months delay at the end. DAO had two delays itself (one for a common release between platforms and one for polishing).

Also, they might have had a year delay, but they only hit feature complete (alpha for them) in early June. The delay wasn't to polish anything, it was to make the game they wanted to make.
Oct 13, 2007
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