Divinity 2 - Preview @ Kotaku


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
An E3 preview of Divinity 2 with a few negative remarks on the Xbox 360 version can be found on Kotaku.
I sat in on a demonstration of the game at E3 2009, and everything started well enough. The PC in publisher DTP's tiny booth launched the game smoothly, and the graphics were crisp, smooth, and vibrant. Intrigued, I leaned in closer, only to have the PC sputter, stutter, and die.
Then my demo pilot switched to the Xbox 360 version, where the graphics were noticeable darker and the frame rate nowhere near as smooth. Now I know which version I'll be picking up.
Ego Draconis is a 3D action roleplaying game, much like Fable or Gothic, only with a twist. After a certain part in the story, the player gains the ability to transform into a dragon, covering long stretches of terrain in minutes, while having to face off against much larger foes.
The character-driven section of the game is rather nice. All NPCs in the game are fully voiced and animated using motion capture, giving the world a very lifelike feel.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
The PC version would run better with an early unoptimized version of the game since the PC they were using probably was far more powerful then that XBOX 360. Games don't get optimized until near the end of development cycle. When the game is released it will probably not look quite as good on the XBOX 360 as a high end PC but it will look far better then that demo.
Oct 19, 2006
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