Dark Souls 3 – How I Git Gud!


October 8, 2009
Tldr: DS3 is the second best game I have ever played and the best game in the last 10 years. The best game ever being Morrowind.

I haven’t finished 80% of all the games(mostly RPGs) I have started in the last few years. I will play them for a while and then take break for whatever reason and then I don’t really have any motivation to go back to those games. I just drift away from the modern RPGs. Few months ago I was wondering maybe I am done with gaming for good! This was kind of scary since gaming has been my major hobby and I didn’t want to lose that. I decided to break away from my comfort zone and try something completely different so picked up DS3 since it just got released and was in the news. I avoided the souls games in the past since people say they are really difficult and you need to have good reflex to play them so I had my doubts about DS3 as well.

I played Knight class and clocked in around 100+ hours and got to soul level 90. All bosses down.

Combat and Difficulty

DS3 is the hardest game I have ever played but at no point during the game I felt it was impossible. I died in excess of 30 or 40 times to some bosses and in other games I would have rage quite by this point but not in DS3. At this point, think of the Mario games. You know that a jump in Mario is never impossible it’s just matter of get your timing and technique right and you know that it will come with practice so you don’t have to give up the game. This is exactly the same feeling I got playing DS3 and I was actually treating DS3 as a Mario game! I think this is a very clever game design by From Software. They let the player know that mobs are not impossible to beat so your don’t feel like you are hitting on a brick wall.

Another very clever game design is that there are multiple ways to beat mobs. If you have good reflex/timing skills then you can simply dodge/parry the mobs and kill them easily. You can ignore the RPG side of the game and still beat it. Apparently someone beat the entire game as level 1 character! However leveling up your character and gear makes a huge difference as well but never trivialize the encounters. One of the big problems in some recent RPGs is that leveling up and getting gear doesn’t really matter or that leveling up and getting gear makes you a god. I think DS3 balances this out very nicely. Leveling up and gear makes a difference but I can easily get killed if I wasn’t careful or get cocky.

For me personally and I guess for most people, its combination of learning do dodge/parry as well leveling up and getting gear got me though the game. I have only learned to parry some mobs towards the end of the game and I am still not very good at dodging so you can see that you don’t need huge reflex skills t beat the game.

One of the side effect of the high difficulty is that you are forced to learn the systems in place. You have to learn the mobs attack pattern, you learn the terrain/environment, you learn the attack patterns on your weapon and how they sort of interact with the endurance etc. In effect you learn what you can do and what you can’t do and then you look for loop holes and exploit them to the fullest and the payoff is the great feeling of triumph! I hardly go up one on one against most “elite” mobs. I normally hide behind or climb up something and shoot arrows at them, run away from them and then shoot more arrows. Or I will use silence spell to sneak behind them to get nice backstab attack etc. The game allows so many tricks like this to beat the mobs and its really rewarding once you learn do these things.


Moving away from combat, the game has an excellent atmosphere. They capture the Gothic horror world feel perfectly. There is something off about the whole thing and you get very unsettling feeling. There is also danger too lurking behind very corner so you need to be careful and weary. The high difficulty of the game actually plays even into this. One of the most beautiful and rewarding sight in the whole game is the sight of a bonfire! You feel sort of relived upon reaching a new bonfire since you know that all your precise souls you collected are now safe! Another rewarding sight is coming across a friendly NPC. After countless hours of killing those undead (or are they hollows?) and feeling depressed, now a friendly soul who might say something!

Level design

As with the rest of the game, there is no hand holding here as well. The game doesn’t have any mini map or even a world map or even quest markers etc. You are on your own to navigate and find your way around meticulously designed zones. Many of the zones loop back on themselves. There is loads of verticality as well in the design. Its great feeling to find shorts cuts and learn your way around the maps finding treasures in all sort of nooks and crannies. There are loads of unique and epics zones to explore. From some high places, you can sort of see the whole of the game world and see where you have been and where you are going. One of my favorite zone is Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. It has amazing art direction and for me the hardest boss in the entire game!

Story and Lore

DS3 says so much with so little words. The theme of difficulty strike here as well. Story isn’t spoon fed to you and you really have to dig deep to figure out what’s going on. To be honest I don’ think I have figured out exactly what’s going on with the story but I think I have some understanding of it. Anyway enough to make sense of the world and what I am doing in relation to game ending and NPC quests and how I resolved them etc. This again is another clever game design since I think different people are going to come out of with different understanding of the game’s story and lore.

The most important thing about story and lore in DS3 is that, they don’t get in the way of game play or game play get in the way of story! The story never take over the gameplay as well, and its mainly there to give you some motivation for killing all those bosses. I think recently, story was taking over from game play in many RPGs. I don’t have huge issue with them but I found that game play systems were lacking and not interesting so I was just putting the game on easy setting to get through it.

DS3 also allows players sort of create their own stories as well. My story of how I defeated some bosses, how I cleared some dungeons etc. I can talk about DS3 how I did certain stuff all day with someone and I can’t say that about any other game other than Morrowind!

Technical stuff
I played DS3 on PC. All setting maxed and I was getting 60 FPS steady on GTX 970. No crashes or any other technical issue with the game. I played with mouse and keyboard and no issue with controls. I know some people say controller is better but I don’t better and I didn’t feel the M+K was lacking in anyway. The help text on UI assume a controller and won’t change even if you are using mouse and keyboard.


I think I posted this before but in most RPGs the character levels up but I feel that me the player has leveled up in DS3! It’s an amazing feeling which I haven’ t had it in long time. Also it has taught me that I can still play games without the modern tools such as mini map etc and in fact the game is much better without them. You get much more immersive experience. Anyway if you are someone who is bit bored of the current games you are playing then give DS3 a go and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised!


I have seen in some forums people asking for game to have multiple levels of difficulty. I think it will be mistake in that difficulty is *the game*. Overcoming the difficulty is in all aspect of the game. It’s there even for story. So if you remove that, you will not have the same experience most people have with the game and everyone will be worse off for it.

Dark Souls 1, here I come!
Oct 8, 2009
Nice write up lostforever. I think your in for a real treat with DS1 the atmosphere is incredible and better than DS3 imo. Also I think it's harder. You'll have to post and tell me how ornstien and smough treat you. I spent 8 straight hour fighting them over and over. You'll have to mod it to get proper M&K but once you do it works great with them.

P.s. I got you message on steam, I'll trade with ya next week if you want I'm just a bit busy this week with work and a lot of DS3.:biggrin: I'll message ya next week.

Oh, also, are you sure you fought all the bosses? Some are hidden.

bosses in archdragons peak or smoldering lake.
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I hope DS1 isn't too hard compared to DS3 but still I am looking forward to it :) I heard about the DSFix mod for it so will use it as well.

I did kill all the optional bosses as well. In fact the last boss in archdragons peak is my favourite in that it was an epic looking area with awesome music and sound effects. Anyway I cheesed him like most bosses by hiding behind a shield :p

Don't worry about the cards. just send me a trade whenever you are free :)
Oct 8, 2009
I loved it while it was new enough that when multiplayer fucked up I could just ignore it and keep going in SP, assuming it was launch issues or whatever.

But while my first run took 50 hours, NG+ and 5 new characters only took another 50 and trying to get into multiplayer was just an exercise in failed summons, laggy as fuck 1v4 invasions with way too much rolling around, no walking animations, sometimes people can't enter the fog gates, etc.

Dark Souls 2 team really listened to the community about the issues from Dark Souls 1, like its peer2peer netcode that hardly works, low frame rate areas, overpowered level1 invaders, etc. We got the dedicated servers, they tried solutions like soul memory that made griefers very vocally concerned.

Dark Souls 3 doesn't even have a PVP arena. I was invading as a damn sunbro and that just ain't right! The multiplayer interactions are half the game to some people. Even if I scored the singleplayer part 100% the multiplayer is just rubbish compared to DarkSouls2 with its dedicated servers and that would bring my overall score down. It's solution to the OP level1 invaders from DS1 is to matchmake invaders with co-op groups for a really unfair fight and expect you're smart enough to be twinked as fuck that it doesn't matter.

For a game in general its awesome but I expect more from a Souls game and certainly don't expect them to roll back the best additions like dedicated servers!
Jul 10, 2007
Multiplier is one aspect I haven't used at all. I doubt I will be any good at PVP so really didn't take part. I got invaded only once since I was embed after a boss but thats it. I use up all my embers for boss fights etc so I don't really run around zones embered so I guess thats why I don't get invaded much.
Oct 8, 2009
What does "git gud" mean ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
More specifically, "Git Gud" is something the thirteen year old children tell you when you complain about the difficulty of the game. It's become something of a meme.
Jul 8, 2009
Thank you.

I was reading about the Geats this afternoon - "Geat Gud" ! :lol:
( My invention. Appears nowhere else. :p )
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Multiplier is one aspect I haven't used at all. I doubt I will be any good at PVP so really didn't take part. I got invaded only once since I was embed after a boss but thats it. I use up all my embers for boss fights etc so I don't really run around zones embered so I guess thats why I don't get invaded much.

Well, there's still NPC phantoms which kind of simulate online gameplay moments for offline players. In fact, if you want to unlock all the gestures a lot of them come from seeing a summoned NPC do it. But there's often a prerequisite for the sign to appear. (eg. Sword Master won't show up near Vordt unless you killed him outside firelink shrine) If you've spent a lot of your time unkindled you'll likely have missed a lot of these NPC invasions and their rewards. (eg. Murakumo and Alva armour?)

Just being kindled isn't enough to get PVP invasions because the matchmaking will match an invader with co-op groups first, then kindled who've used the dried finger, then kindled. A lot of players play co-op!

1v1 invasions are pretty much gone for people who don't want them. If you do, you use the dried finger and can play like normal. Everyone should remember to use the dried finger after every death to make sure you can be invaded properly! If you like the added excitement, that is. If you don't want to be invaded for a friendly duel, well… Git Gud! :p

Now, if you want to also show youre a learned, oldschool darksouls1 pvper there's some simple etiquette which many of the newbs won't display. If you get invaded you can heal up before the invader gets to you, but once the fight starts never be the first one to heal. If they estus in a duel they're either a dick with no honour or a newb who doesn't know any better. Once they've healed feel free to heal too and since the invader has half the estus charges of the host you'll win easily. If they dont heal then you don't either and just take the loss with grace.

This all comes from Dark Souls 1 days when phantoms couldn't estus at all. Even the friendly ones. So the community decided these rules to make it fair, but then DS3 just lets everyone heal and duels get a bit too lengthy when people are rolling away to heal 15 times.

If a second invader comes along don't panic heal until you're sure he's not going to wait for the 1v1 to end, which is the correct DS1 etiquette. If it gets to 2v1 then you can heal and the 2nd invader is to blame for ruining the firsts match, not you!
Jul 10, 2007
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