Kingdom Come - Alpha 0.2.1 Released


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Warhorse Studios released a new patch fo the Alpha version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance that fixes a few issue from the latest alchemy update released last week.

We have released an update for the Tech Alpha 0.2 originally released on December 20. This new update addresses the following issues:

  • Grass shadows as well as that of other objects are no longer disabled when Advanced Graphics Settings are modified.
  • Skip Time background is now black. This removes annoying flicker in fullscreen mode. Skip Time is also a bit faster.
  • Sky after load is no longer dark and the Sun appears at the right place.
  • Sky after Skip Time is now properly updated
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
If you haven't played this alpha and are thinking about it, I would suggest you wait for now.

The main problem with the game is that you cannot walk. There are 2 movement speeds that they call sprint and run. Sprint is running fast and run is like you are shot out of a cannon. If you are indoors, you cannot walk, you are running around bouncing off walls and this will make you a little sick in no time at all. The devs have to be aware of this since there are lots of posts complaining about it on the game site as well as Steam and they apparently can't fix it, or don't care. Because of this the game is completely unplayable in it's current state. At least for me.

Also, there is this ridiculous, over the top motion blur that you will have to turn off with a console command or every slight movement blurs everything out of focus.

I get between 15-25 FPS on this game with everything set on high. That's with a pretty high end system with 32g of ram and 2 video cards with SLI. I can play any game currently released on high settings. But that's not the real issue with the game right now, it's that you cannot walk. But combine that with the low frame rate and that crazy motion blur and most people are not going to find this a pleasant experience at all.
Sep 20, 2012
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