Pillars of Eternity - Small Review Roundup


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Here are a few more positive reviews for Pillars of Eternity from a few less known sites.

Invision Gaming Community - 4/5

Overall if you’re a fan of a game which you can get lost in for hours then this game will enrich your life too no-end, with its simple too get combat mechanics that are highly flexible too your needs at the time whether a novice expert or beginner or the amazing world it builds.
Those Gamers - 9.5/10

Overall, I am quite impressed by Pillars of Eternity, not only does it have a gripping story that is also massive in length but it has enough choice and character customization to play the game for years and not finish the game with every single character. I was admittedly hesitant when starting up Pillars as I had no clue on what I was in for. Now, Pillars of Eternity has a permanent spot on my PC’s hard drive. I am glad I played and still am playing Pillars of Eternity, it doesn’t have the best graphics, nor does it have explosions as far as the eye can see, but to me, Pillars of Eternity is one of the best games of 2015.
Popzara - No Score

Really, if silly memorials and high difficulty are all I can complain about, it’s easy to say that Pillars of Eternity is a fantastic game. There’s a staggering amount of content here, a new setting to immerse yourself in and plenty of tactical combat in which to indulge. The first time I booted this one up, I lost four hours to it in the blink of an eye. I’m sure it’ll do the same for anyone else who enjoys CRPGs.
Awesome Games - 9/10

Pillars of Eternity is so much more than a nostalgic journey of old-school adventure; it has reinvigorated a genre that was destined for the history books. The nods to its predecessors are all there, and why it may not be called Baldur's Gate 3, or be set in the same Lore, it is undoubtedly the spiritual successor to one of the best RPG franchises in history.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
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