Unsung Story - Switching to PVP


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Kotaku reports on how Unsung Story has left backers demanding refunds.

The impressive Kickstarter pitch promised a story-heavy strategy-RPG that sounded like the Tactics sequel fans have been craving for years now. I backed it, and I wrote about it several times on Kotaku. Now I regret that. Unsung Story has become yet another one of Kickstarter's many disasters-a frustratingly opaque project that's apparently switched focus and has left tons of backers asking for refunds.
Here's the new timeline from yesterdays update:

Phase One June 2016: Initial PvP beta release for online testing. This will include multiple arenas and two character schools with fully functional game play.

Phase Two August - Sep 2016: Additional schools will be added, post beta feedback from the previous phase. Other online features TBD will come online.

Phase Three October 2016: Online skirmish mode against the A.I. will be added, allowing for A.I. balancing and testing that will include all of the feedback gathered from the online PvP beta game play. The Design and Art backer tiers will be involved with their respected character and scenario creation process.

Phase Four Post October 2016: While the online PvP beta testing is going on, the scenarios for the first two episodes will be blocked out and built, and the scripting will be adjusted as the A.I. is balanced from the beta feedback. When these episodes, along with character creation and item collection are polished, the first two episode campaigns will be released.
TLDR; This is down to the change to PvP over single player. Understandable.

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
According to the latest backer update this is being somewhat blown out of proportion. If I remember correctly The Banner Saga had Factions which tested out classes first before the game was released. It sounds like this is exactly the same thing Unsung Story is doing also. This is the latest update:
Hey all, Joel here, and thank you for the support and understanding following the most recent update concerning the delay to the game. Though unfortunately common in this industry, delays are still none the less difficult to convey and not the ideal development situation any developer wishes to be in. What is most important though, and this goes to all KS backers, is delivering a final game at the highest quality, that is fun and compelling to play. And that is what we intend to do.
An article was run today that I believed was going to aid in clarifying the PvP aspect of our development approach, but unfortunately it set out to do the opposite. So if I may, I'm going to re-address the facts again concerning what we are doing with the PvP mode of Unsung Story, and how the single player narrative game is unchanged by this. First, here is the quote I gave for the article:

"The PvP focus is not a sudden switch, but more importantly to the backers, it does not impact the single player campaign mode as far as content and depth. We have been focusing on developing the game play, as you can imagine, as nothing else matters if the game is not fun to play and challenging as a tactical experience. The best way to ensure that the campaigns have balanced scenarios with good A.I. is to gather play testing data from online players in head to head matches, and then polish the game with that feedback. We have utilized this method in our board game development, and it works very well. Not all players will participate, but many will choose to play online, and therefore will provide us with data of what works and what needs modifying. This does not change the single player game in anyway, but adds to its depth and polish. All of the campaign scenarios and story that were a part of the original game idea and KS are all there, and will be released. Again, this first phase merely allows us to have a method to help tune the game."
To ensure there is clarity on this development plan as opposed to sensationalism, the facts concerning the modes for the game are as follows:

1. The single player narrative game as outlined in the KS is intact, in every way. The world story is complete, and narrative for five episodes, including scenarios, is also complete. This entire single player experience will be rolled out to all backers. Meaning, nothing has changed to the single player game that you backed due to a PvP mode.

2. The game has not been turned into a PvP experience, and PvP is not required to play the single player game. Again, players may play the single player game without ever having to play the PvP mode.

3. PvP is an additional mode of game play that complements the single player game. PvP mode will also be made available for all backers, and players will be able to skirmish against the A.I. in this mode.

4. Releasing a PvP mode first is an iterative step in development only, and will allow us to play test the game before we release a single player mode that needs to have a balanced, competitive A.I. We did not invent this development approach, as it has been used by other developers to great affect in game balancing. As stated in my quote above, it is a tuning, balancing step for us.

5. Players who wish to join in the online PvP balancing portion may do, and those who do not can begin playing when the single player is balanced for release.

6. The rich narrative driven single player game will be released with a strong A.I. that provides maximum replay value, via the data tuning that we will get from the PvP mode release.

Those are the facts, and I understand they might run counter to what is being said, but the best we can do at this point is provide the actual facts to you, the backers, and get back to the development plan we are on, making the best game possible. The game that you pledged for is being made, nothing has changed that, and we will fulfill the game and rewards that you backed for, which is a great tactics RPG with a strong narrative game.
In our update next month, we will have some in-game video to show you as well as our UI progress. Thank you all for your support and understanding, and we're looking forward to sharing the update next month.

Nov 10, 2006
Thats pretty shoddy of Kotaku; I thought they were improving however it seems there journalism has not improved one iota.

Kotaku is a site that praise EA's decision to make more cheats than actual content in Sims 4.
What can you expect from a site like that?

Occassionally though they do make a quality article.
Apr 12, 2009
Thats pretty shoddy of Kotaku; I thought they were improving however it seems there journalism has not improved one iota.

The developers themselves are pretty shoddy and very opaque at that. Kotaku is indeed nearly as bad, but in this case I think the developers are to blame just as much. They go months and month without giving any news or showing anything.

The game should have been made by Japanese people. I don't think Westerners can do it justice.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
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