
All you need to do is buy the game.

Check it out at the official site:

Codemasters Online Gaming is pleased to announce that ArchLord is moving to Free To Play. Every ArchLord player will now be able to enjoy the excitement and danger of Chantra for free; all you need to do is buy the game.

ArchLord will continue to see fantastic content updates as well as its usual extensive PvP battles. Players will receive 3,000 credits on creation of a new account, or will be reset to 3,000 credits when ArchLord moves free to play. This is to ensure that players all start on a level playing field.

This is an exciting opportunity for ArchLord and one we expect to bring in lots of new players so I think all players can look forward to even more large scale PvP battles.

For further details on how this will work, or to get answers to any questions you may have please click the link below.

See thee in Chantra.

Perhaps the reason it is free is that most opinions echo those of GameSpot:
You probably shouldn't play ArchLord.
The Good: Familiar role-playing gameplay of "kill, loot, buy stuff" for players who might be happy with that.
The Bad: Repetitive and tedious gameplay; blurry graphics and lackluster audio; shallow quest and crafting system; pvp and high-level content take hours of repetitive combat to get to.

There is also a FAQ