Anyway, I like the fact that the mage paths are always a bit trickier to get onto with the gothics. Gives the (IMO quite appropriate) sense that the secrets of magic are jealously guarded, if it's just a matter of "would you like to be a mage y/n" then it loses something for me.

That's an excellent point you make. Maybe if 'magic' was discussed a bit in the game manual, that it's a secrative group, hard to infiltrate and become a part of, players would be better prepared when starting out.
Hmm, that is actually true Benedict. There's hardly someone standing around with a big ad going: "Want to blow your enemies away with a fireball? Step right up! Two-week-crash-course in magic is available for the low price of nothing at all!"

Most games actually have that approach if you think about it. I greatly enjoy playing a Mage in all of PBs games, and the approach to magic is certainly one of the reasons (in PBs games you actually feel special because you're a Mage).
…Maybe he did and I didn't catch it, but it's not like the game would become all hugs and hand-holding after this one clarification. It would still likely murder you in the woods a couple minutes later. :)

I laughed so hard when reading this! So true! :p This made me become a member, and i'm also gonna dust off Risen now lol >.<