
Cleril Calamity Studios: Words - Updated Dec 15th - Final Patch For This Release

Final patch for now, songs weren't playing when they needed to, things were broken, game should be working 100% in this release.

Concept: Take literary elements from English and make that into combat! Add in a story not about saving the big bag world and a custom rock/piano sountrack. You've got "Words."[/center]

Story: Four soon-to-be hunters, Metoh (you), Disu (a butch), Bole (a clown), and Ling (the healer) are lied to by someone they loved to hear tall tales from. Told that there was just one book, The Book of Life, which held such amazing power, and they were deceived. Ironically, the one who lied to them died that same bed time story night. They were saved by one of those with the power of a Book by the murderous bandit. It was then that they learned, there was no Book of Life, but instead just Books. Books which caused sane people to murder and maim for their power. Books that would make neither legends or heroes, just humans. Humans which with the books, could do extraordinary feats, and suffer from the constant fear of being killed for their power.

However these hunters are graced by the presence of the hunting inudstry. There's one market, featuring hosts upon hosts of hunting parties, made up of tons of hunters. These four individualists cannot compete, their pay (by the same company, as their location has a tiny market) is minimal, and their employer, Rolando, quite the stubborn mustached man.

On one hunt, the four travelled into a cave, and inside they soon found four books. They were books like any other, but they were theirs for the taking. Each person forms their book as they like, with powers they pick, and choose. With that power they could do as they wished, or be killed for it. Grave events occured on their way back home, they soon had to make a new life, not as hunters, but as a lost group. There are no destinies here, no right or wrongs, just them, their books, and the rest of their days….Tick, tock, tick, tock.

There is no saving the world here, no heroes. If you consider yourself such then by all means that is our little secret. How will you shape the world though? That, is up to you.

None of the above set in stone. Not all details given.

Main Characters:

Metoh: The leader of the group, having the most focused attention in the heat of the hunt. His personality isn't set in stone, but it can't be melded to your whim fully. His skill tree is Irony.

- Steal an ally's HP for your own.
(A) Rich Life - Use your gold up to heal by X amount. 2.5:1 ratio. (50 gold for 20 health. Increments are (regarding money) 10, 25, 50, 100). Replaces Betrayed Life. If the player chooses to, they can use more ink wells to have the ability to learn and use both skills.

Unified Strength - Causes all allies to suffer from weakened strength, Metoh gains 50% extra attack power, lasts 1 turn.

(P) Book Covering - This passive skill will raise the defense of Metoh permanently, yet Metoh will suffer from lesser strength.

Compressed Hyperbole - Inflicts a state on Bole which lowers all of his stats by 40%, Bole needs this state to use "Extended Hyperbole", Bole gains the skill "Compression" which needs to be used 3 times before Extended Hyperbole is added to his skill usage. Variable is added to whenever Compression is used (common event), which when it = 3 then it adds the skill Extended Hyperbole and removed Compression. Only Extended Hyperbole will remove the state.

Boosted Power - Raises party's stats by a certain amount. The amount is increased drastically the by the less party members that are alive. If all 4 characters are alive then the boost is negative -25%, if 3 characters, the boost is negligible, if 2 characters, the boost is 25%, and if only Metoh is alive the boost is 50%. The player picks the stat that is affected.

Strength of Few - This will boost the entire party's stats for the current battle for a certain amount of turns. A switch is set off with the skill causing Metoh to be given a semi-permanent state after the battle is over. This state will take many turns to be rid of, spanning multiple battles. The state is actually a skill inflicted which lowers max HP and MP by 20%. To prevent abuse this skill will not inflict positive changes while Metoh has the state, it will instead inflict all party members with the passive skill "Weakness of Few".

(S)(P)Weakness of Few - This skill is associated with Strength of Few. Lowers Metoh's max hp and mp by 20%. If Strength of Few is used while Weakness of Few is learned then Strength of Few will inflict Weakness of Few on all of the party. A parallel process event will run with the switch from Strength of few on which will wait a full 5 minutes before Weakness of Few for any character is removed. If used again then the timer goes to 10 min.

Polarity - Reverses the elemental resistance of one enemy. This skill only alters the affinity of an enemy that has been altered from Bole's Protection Extension skills. This skill will lower whichever affinity the enemy has and raise its defense against the opposite affinity. If Bole used PE Fire and Metoh uses Polarity, the enemy will be severely weak to fire but be very resistant to water (more so than Bole's PE Water). This skill can be used on allies as well, though it is a separate skill (it is gotten though it's range is allies when the player gets Polarity just once).

(A) Polarization - This is an upgrade for Polarity. It makes Metoh able to reverse the elemental resistance of all enemies or all allies. The same rules still apply (it must be Bole's effect used to have any effect). It does not change the resistance values, meaning it has the same potency as Polarity.

Mark of Death - A skill which adds the state "Mark" which when placed on more enemies both increases the enemies abilities and improves the damage output. The state "Mark" however increases the stats of enemies plus gives them elements to guard. The stat bonuses for enemies increases the more enemies that you mark.

Character Skills

Calm Head - Removed status effects like romanced, dizzy, etc.

Leader - Boosts all stats by 3%.

Leader 2 - Boost all stats by 6% (removes Leader)

Leader 3 - Boost all stats by 9% (removed Leader 2)

Precise Hit - Attack that ignores enemy defenses. Very weak however.

Riposte - Inflicts the state Counter.

(State) Counter - Will counter attacks with a standard attack, it interrupts the enemies attack. This is a state inflicted on Metoh by the skill "Riposte" This state lasts 2 turns.

Imagery/ Praeteritio

Air Blades - Fires sharp wind gusts at the enemy, ripping skin.

Whirlwind of Blades - Attacks all enemies with air blades.

Choked Oxygen - Makes it difficult for the enemy to breath.

Sighing Wind - Allows the player to escape the battle via a 50/50 chance. Unless a switch is on which prevents the skill from being used, the MP used for the skill is returned if this is the case.

(D)Second Wind - Gives the player an invisible item called "Second Wind" which if the player has when Metoh dies (assuming another party member is alive) then Metoh is revived with 100 health and whatever MP he had before he died. You can only have 1 second wind item at any time, trying to gain more just wastes MP.

(A) (D) Second Wind Gust - An alteration of Second Wind that offers 250 hundred hp in revival, an upgrade essentially. The same rules apply, only 1 second wind item at any time. Higher MP cost and you of course must buy second wind first before obtaining this upgrade.

(A) (D) Gas Exchange - Alteration of Second Wind which now revives another party member instead of Metoh. The player gets to pick which dead character is revived when the skill is used. Gas exchange does not revive Metoh ever, even if there are no other dead party members. You can only have 1 gas exchange item at a time, just like second wind.

(Ax2) (D) Gas Diffusion - Alteration of Gas Exchange which will revive two party members besides Metoh who are currently dead. The player of course doesn't have to pick as this skill won't work if only Metoh remains (like all other death skills) alive when he dies. Still only 1 gas exchange item allowed.

Disu: A butch, though not afraid to let the world know she does indeed have breasts. She's tough, in fact she's the strongest of the crew. she prefers to move on quickly and be done with whatever task is needed. Though more often she prefers to just leave people to their tidings. She has a little sister, who suffers from a disease that she doesn't talk about with anyone. Fatal illness? Only Disu knows. Often she trains with her sister on practice dummies. Bole almost won a sparring match but after a somewhat foul play on Disu's part he lost, perhaps more than the match. Disu's tree is a mix of Paraprodoskian and Alliteration.

Bash Bash - Attacks one enemy twice. Has the possibility to keep repeating.

Bash Bash 2 - Increases possibility of repeating.

Golden Hit - Damages the enemy based on the amount of gold you have divided by 4. If you have 1,000 gold, the damage will be 250. The damage is direct, no resistance or defense considered. No gold is removed when this move is used.

Saving Grace - This skill heals party members based on the amount of times you have saved. The less times saved, the greater the effect.

Repeat Hit - Let's the player select a party member other than Disu to use a normal attack again. The party member will hit the enemy last targeted.

All Or Nothing - This move randomly decides if the current battle is won, lost, or if nothing happens. This move costs 0 MP but will consume every party member's MP to 0 regardless of what occurs. The order which the game decides if anything happens is random (could be Win, Nothing, Lose or Lose, Win, Nothing). The probability of any of the three things occurring starts at 1/4. The game loops through until something happens. It loops from the beginning so the order it goes through will be randomized each time.

All Or Nothing 2 - Same as original except the chance of anything happening is now 1/2.

Gear Swap Weapon - This will randomly swap the selected party member's (even Disu can be chosen) weapon with another. Using this skill prevents all of the selected party member's words to be inaccessible (they are silenced). The selected party member must use "Remove Weapon" which will both remove the silenced affect and return their previous weapon to them. However, the weapon will not be equipped.

Gear Swap Weapon 2 - Higher odds of getting a powerful weapon, lower odds of getting weaker weapons.

Gear Swap Armor - Same as Weapon swap but with armor. However instead of silencing the selected party member this skill forbids the selected party member from using normal attacks. When the selected member uses "Remove Armor" their old armor is returned to them and they can attack normally again. However, the armor will not be equipped.

Gear Swap Armor 2 - Same as weapon 2 but with armor.

Skill Sharing - This skill will let the player select one party member (except Disu) and then select another party member (who can be Disu) which will essentially copy/paste the skills of one to another. This essentially allows players to copy/paste skill sets between characters. The cost is that because each character has unique skills whoever is sharing skills will not be able to use any of their original skills. When Disu returns the altered party member to normal they will both suffer a max MP loss temporarily.

Random State - There is both an ally and an enemy version of the skill, the player can only have one. Either one works the same, just different targets. This skill inflicts a random state on the target, there is a slight difference between ally and enemy though. Enemies cannot be inflicted with death but allies can.

Random State 2 - Same as original but this will keep cycling and adding new states until a variable = 1. 50% chance each cycle that the state additions end.

Random State 3 - Same as 2 except there is a 25% chance that the state additions end.

Encounter Nothing - This skill will turn all random encounters off. There is no cost for the skill, besides ink wells anyway.

Character Skills

Rampant - attacks 1 random enemy.

Rampant 2 - attacks 2 random enemies.

Rampant 3 - Attacks 3 random enemies.

Psyched - Boosts agility for several turns.

(P) Inner Strength - 5% bonus to health.

Dependent - Depending on how many party members are alive disu gets +% to her attack. If 3 members, 15%, 2 then 10%, 1 then 5%.


Rock Smash - smash an enemies' face in with a rock.

Earthquake - Causes earth damage to all enemies.

Mother Earth - A variable increases and as it does there is more of a chance for Disu to grow healing herbs. This skill can be outside of battle. The amount of healing herbs given is random. There is no set number for the variable to be to get herbs, may take 1 try, make take 10. The amount of herbs remains random regardless of the time it takes.

Rock Wall - Provides a barrier for all allies for a minimum of 3 turns, after that 50% chance the barrier breaks every turn.

Rock Wall 2 - Same as Rock Wall but the chance is lowered to 40% after 3 turns. MP needed increased.

Rock Wall 3 - Same as Rock Wall 2 but chance lowered to 30% after 3 turns. MP needed increased.

Bole: The clown of the bunch, an optimistic sort though with a possible anger management problem. He's been known to succumb to a blind rage now and then. He has a scar on his face, got nicked by the bandit who killed the story teller Nep. And of course he has a hobby of cartography, quite odd, actually. His tree involves Hyperbole.

]Protection Extension — This skill raises everyone's defense (including enemies) and will be needed to unlock elemental Protection extension skills. This is done with a barrier.

PE Water — Defends everyone from water.

PE Fire — Defends everyone from fire.

PE Air — Defends everyone from air.

PE Earth — Defends everyone from earth.

Cloudy Blur — Reduces everyone'¢s hit rate.

Cleanse Immunity — Cures everyone from poison.

Eye For Eye — Hurts everyone for a specific amount of damage, as the skill is upgraded it requires more MP but does more damage. The first skill hurts everyone for 25 damage. This damage is straight and ignores defense or element resistances.

Eye For Eye 2 — Hurts everyone for 50 damage.

Eye For Eye 3 — Hurts everyone for 75 damage.

Eye For Eye 4 — Hurts everyone for 100 damage.

Character Skills

Easy Going — Removes states like paralysis or silence.

Rage — Increases strength but lowers spirituality.

(P) Constant Optimism — Permanently increase spirituality by 5%.

Moral Encouragement — Boosts a party member's spirituality and provides a bit of MP to the whole team (except Bole). The player can pick who to encourage. If the party member has fear then that is removed because the state added from ME is — Courage — which would ONLY cancel out fear. Meaning this skill also protects from fear.

Riposte — Same as Metohi's except it does not interrupt the enemy attack. Only works for enemy attacks.

Clown Around — Can cause the enemy to laugh (if they are intelligent enough to laugh) making them unable to move or evade for 1 turn. Can be used on allies for lulz only.


Fireball — hits 1 enemy.

Imploded Explosion — More damage than Fireball, 1 enemy.

Fire Pillars — Hits all enemies with pillars of fire.

Melting Pot — Removes Freeze from selected party member.

(not in the game) Steam Shot — Unleashes a cloud of steam on one enemy. This requires Ling to have used Wet Rat on Bole. Steam Shot does damage and may inflict a state known as "Watery eyes". Steam Shot is neither fire nor water so no elemental resistance to either hinders damage output.

Ling: Metoh's adopted sister, of a difference species. Nobody knows exactly what she is, Metoh's parents just sort of found her really, on the ground, nobody else in sight. She's grown up with humans just fine and fits right in, except for her long ears that is. Her role is that of healing within the hunting party. She's also keen on cooking, though Metoh would of died long ago if he was the chef in the house. Her tree involves Antithesis, Aposiopesis, and Hysteron Proteron.

Mutual Healing — Heals both an ally and an enemy. Only the ally skill type is accessible to the user, the other one is force-used when the skill is used. It targets the last enemy ever targeted.

Cure All — This skill is available fully without any pre-requisite. The skill costs less to gain as well. The catch? This skill inflicts either freeze or silence on Ling whenever she uses it. If you choose to get this skill then all other cure skills will be removed from the tree, unavailable forever.

Cure All With Freeze — This alteration for Cure All makes it so Ling will only freeze. The benefit here is that the skill costs less MP to use.

Cure All With Silence — This alteration for cure All makes it so Ling will only be silenced. The loss here is that the skill costs more MP to use.

(1) Cure Poison — Removed poison, this is the first skill in a line separate from cure all. This line makes it so the player must go in order. The benefit is that these cures have no penalty in use, besides some MP loss.

(2) Cure Fear — Removes fear.

(3) Cure Blind — Removes blindness

(4) Cure Silence — Removes silence.

(5) Cure Paralysis — Removes paralyze.

(6) Cure Confusion — Removes confusion.

(7) Cure Blind Rage — Removes blind rage.

Restore Ink — Restores a users MP (ink)

Heal — Heals minor wounds. Removes state wounded.

Heal 2 — Heals wounds. Removes state wounded.

Heal 3 — Heals major wounds. Removes state wounded.

Unity — Heals allies minor wounds. Removes state wounded.

Unity 2 — Heals allies wounds. Removes state wounded.

Unity 3 — Heals allies major wounds. Removes state wounded.

Full Heal - Sacrifices 1/2 of the users health in exchange for a full heal to 1 person.

Full Ink — Sacrifices 1/2 of users ink in exchange to restore 1 allies ink fully.

All Heal — Heals party members fully (no state removes), however Ling loses a level each time the skill is used. If it�â�����€š�š�š¬â�����€š�š�ž¢s abused, she will be too under leveled to be viable in combat.

Heal Deal — User inputs an amount of HP to be taken from the user to inflict direct damage on an enemy. The damage ignores all resistances and defense.

Unity Deal — User inputs an amount of HP to be taken from all party members to inflict direct damage on all enemies. The damage ignores all resistances and defense.

Ink Deal — User inputs an amount of MP to be taken from the user to remove MP from the enemy of an equal amount.

Well Deal — User inputs an amount of MP to be taken from all party members to take away MP from all enemies.

Revive — Revives 1 ally who has died.

Revive 2 — Revives 2 allies who have died

Revive 3 — Revives 3 allies who have died.

(P) Constant Heal — Provides a constant healing affect outside of battle. About every minute you will receive 1 Hp for all party members. This passive skill makes Ling have -10% max MP however. This is permanent.

(P) Constant Ink — Same as constant Heal but with MP. The penalty of -% max MP is stacked with Constant Heal. This is permanent.Character Skills

(P) Gentle Demeanor — Raises spirituality by 5 percent.

Medic — Heals party members and removes wounded state.

Medic 2 — Same as Medic 1, more powerful.

Medic 3 — Same as Medic 3, more powerful.

Hope — Have faith in your fellow party members, contributing a bonus to spirituality to 1 party member.

Hopeful —- Have faith in your fellow party members, contributing a bonus to every ally, even Ling.


Ling's imagery skills mainly require the water table to be adjusted somewhat. Her first skill is the ability to raise the water table which will allow the use of other skills.

Raise Water Table — Can raise the water table up to 5 times. Can be done outside of battle.

Raise Water Table 2— Raise water table up to 10 times.

Raise Water Table 3 — Raise water table up to 15 times.

Water Spout — Nails an enemy with water from the ground. Requires water table to be raised 1 time at least.

Water Sprinkler — Nails all enemies with water from the ground, requires water table to be raised 2 times at least.

Wet Rat — Soaks either an ally or an enemy with rain. This is required to either prevent certain enemy moves or for allies to use certain moves. The water table needs to be raised once.

Puddle — Requires 2 raises of water table, creates a puddle under every ally. Metoh can use Evaporated Rain to cause a rain shower on everyone, making everyone soaked with water.

Freeze — Freezes either an enemy, doesn't require water table adjustment. Bole can use a fire-based skill on a frozen enemy for a chance to cause the ice to melt. This will free the enemy but will make the enemy soaked without having to use Wet Rat.

Ice Repel — Counter skill which uses spirit force for it's strength, chance of freezing enemy, does not interrupt attack, accuracy is 50. Sets off the Freeze skill, normal MP cost used.

Lighting Spear — Strike with lighting, hits one enemy, may connect to other enemies by chance.

Lightning Spear 2 — Same as original, more chance to connect hits.

How Skills work: Each character has unique skills. Only that character has access to these skills and all "Words" must be bought with Ink Wells, which are given anytime any character levels up. Only Character Skills are gotten for free as the character levels up. Every character's skill tree is built into an actual map and each one has a unique twist to it. Metoh's Irony for example allows you to go all the way left and end up on the right side of the tree, allowing you to avoid some skills if you'd prefer not to have them. How you play is purely up to you, due to the fact that Ink Wells are universal across all character. This means that if Ling levels up, you can use that Ink Well for a skill in any other characters tree. If you don't like a character's skill tree, don't use it! :D

Imagery and Praeteritio (a feigned death for rhetorical effect) count as Words as well and must be bought with Ink Wells as well. Every character each has their own element with their Imagery, along with their own unique death skill (not all characters have their own unique death skill yet, who knows, they might not get one).

About Praeteritio: Death skills activate only when used and when the user dies. However, if the user is the last one in the party, the skill will not be used, and you will receive a game over. There is no safety net in combat.

The Combat: It's standard VX fare with scripts to add depth plus unique eventing (from myself) to add more variety in how you win/lose/do nothing. Each character plays slightly differently and some skills cross together with other characters. It's like getting four turn based games in one. ;)

Additional Features:

*Choices with consequences. Your choices are not limited solely to choice boxes either. Do you have Bole or Disu join your party first? Depending on just that, the conversation branches or has additional dialogue. Many things in the game that you wouldn't think are being recorded are, and they will be mentioned in dialogue along with their respective consequences. For example, in the opening of the game you play tag with Ling (as kids), if you win/lose, the game will record this, and mention it later on.

*Replay value. As expected with the above feature.

*Upgradable camp system. Your party lives in a camp which you can upgrade using your hard earned money. Buy new bedding, gardens, a radio, and more. Each upgrade offers a tangible reward. The garden will have a minor farming system, by no means will it be a big garden.

*Tons of characterization. From every dialogue you'll be granted new information about the characters in your party. Or you'll see their personality shine through. They're multidimensional, their own tastes for food, their wet dreams, and their memories of the past are all present.

*Teach your characters certain musical instruments (for now just an ocarina) as an alternative to buffing your character using Words. Instruments take time to learn but cost no WP (words power) to use.

*Words now has a stealth system! Don't worry, it's not an "always on" kind of thing. You will be notified via plot dialogue when the system is on or off. Also note that you will not insta-lose if you are caught. You will either be taken to "jail", engage in combat, or encounter various other effects (based on the scenario).

The stealth system features 100% original "I got you" lines from each and every guard that can spot you. You might even get a way out of being caught occasionally or encounter little Easter eggs or little tid bits. For now you'll fight a bandit each time you're caught. You will be able to escape these fights, or not, it depends on the situation. Regarding the bandit cave you can first experience the stealth system you can escape and will teleport either outside the cave or back where you entered the map depending how far you are along in the cave.

Awesome, right? ^_^




The Music: All songs are made by me in a free browser program called Myna, feel free to use it yourself as it's free, like I said. :)

Title -…hub-travel-town…tandard_fight_2…tandard_fight_1

Status Screen 1 -…ations/me_end_1

Likely travel music -…ations/prologue

First Fight Song -…ked_man_(first)

Original title turned into a town theme -…ons/words_title…kill_tree_theme…kill_tree_theme…kill_tree_theme

Please note that these are just a small sample of songs in the game. If you wish to hear more, download the game, when it becomes available that is.


Redyugi's Level Up Effects

YEM Core Fixes and Upgrades

YERD Battle Screen Redux

YERD Shop Scene Redux

YERD Shop Discounts

BigEd Ladder Fix

BulletXt Light Effects

Shanghai Common Event Death

BigEd781 Memorize Event Position

Rei Explosion Blur Effect

Rei Limited vision

Wortana Smooth Scrolling

XIV's Ultimate Timer Lite

Leongon Basic Passive Skills of Awesome

Kylock Fade Battle End ME

COTUS Counterattack

Wortana Battle Retry

Rafidelis Transitions

cmpsr2000 Stealth System

Graphical Credits - Emotional face sets - Avadan for various sprites with faces

Lunarea for radio sprite graphics. - Various battlers and other objects.

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We appreciate indies and even RPG Maker games, but try to keep from spamming a large amount of games at once. You could condense a few into one post so that there is not thread after thread on different games from your studio.

We appreciate indies and even RPG Maker games, but try to keep from spamming a large amount of games at once. You could condense a few into one post so that there is not thread after thread on different games from your studio.


I apologize, different websites have different requirements, forum codes, and so on.

I'll start condensing them once I get a decent internet connection, should I PM you when I have done so to let you know when to delete all the other threads?
It's ok. Leave them the way they are. Though, just for future reference when we see a lot of threads popping up from a new person our first instinct is SPAM. It wasn't until I read all of the threads that I realized they were all for different games.

Now that I know you are not a spambot and an actual living breathing person, it's no big deal. One thing you might want to consider is switching where you store your photos. Imageshack won't show the pictures unless the person viewing them has registered. There are plenty of places don't require that like photobucket.

The games sound interesting, but I can't see any of the screenshots. All I get is the dang frozen frog.
It's ok. Leave them the way they are. Though, just for future reference when we see a lot of threads popping up from a new person our first instinct is SPAM. It wasn't until I read all of the threads that I realized they were all for different games.

Now that I know you are not a spambot and an actual living breathing person, it's no big deal. One thing you might want to consider is switching where you store your photos. Imageshack won't show the pictures unless the person viewing them has registered. There are plenty of places don't require that like photobucket.

The games sound interesting, but I can't see any of the screenshots. All I get is the dang frozen frog.

Huh, not the first time I had issues with imageshack. I'll start using photobucket then.

As for the screenshots you (might) be able to see them on my facebook page:

That's for all the games mind you.

And thanks for calling them interesting. While they are RPG Maker bred that is solely because I am no programmer. I'm an artist, designer, and writer. And these games are meant to show those skills (obviously my earlier games are not as good as say Words, my most recent release) as I plan to have them in a portfolio.

I just went site digging today and being that no forum states whether to make one big topic or multiple ones (I've never gotten told not to make multiple) I just went and did what I normally do.

And finally thanks for understanding I'm indeed a human being! :D

Enjoy the games if you ever get the chance to play them, just be aware that some have quality gaps due to lack of experience.
*Choices with consequences. Your choices are not limited solely to choice boxes either. Do you have Bole or Disu join your party first? Depending on just that, the conversation branches or has additional dialogue. Many things in the game that you wouldn't think are being recorded are, and they will be mentioned in dialogue along with their respective consequences. For example, in the opening of the game you play tag with Ling (as kids), if you win/lose, the game will record this, and mention it later on.

This sounds genuinely interesting. However, from the examples you're bringing here it seems that the consequences to your choices are merely cosmetical - are there other significant consequences to your actions aside from a few remarks in the following dialogues? Such as branching paths, quests being closed off and so on?
This sounds genuinely interesting. However, from the examples you're bringing here it seems that the consequences to your choices are merely cosmetical - are there other significant consequences to your actions aside from a few remarks in the following dialogues? Such as branching paths, quests being closed off and so on?

Oh my! Someone supporting me! Yay!

Of course it isn't cosmetical. I'll lay down some examples of your actions affecting the story in the current release and in the next release.

Current release choice effects (ones that you'll see in this release already):

Winning/losing at tag alters dialogue and may alter your view on a "remembering childhood" sidequest involving your party members.

Giving a Book to X will make sure they don't expose you to the town guard and get you kicked out of the town permanently! And yes, the town will change later in the game based on other choices not in the current release so not being let back into the town does cut you out of later content.

Choices you make that you won't see the effects of in this release but will in exactly the next release (which the game still won't be done at that):

A hobo's life is in your hands and he'll either die, be put in an Arena (part of the main quest), or pay off his debt (in two different ways from your actions).

A few other NPC's lives are in your hands without you even knowing it (the game doesn't tell you they're going to die and/or that what you do, if you do anything at all, affects their lives).

The choices are far from cosmetic and are done just as well as any AAA RPG such as Mass Effect, Alpha Protocol, etc.

By the way, I didn't update the download link in this topic because nobody was caring. Since somebody has cared, this download link will let you download the last patch for this release of Words, meaning the game should work 100% like it's supposed to, minus a few typos at most:

Oh and in the case of choosing which party members you get first, there are no choices gained or lost doing that, just additional dialogue. Obviously Disu can't speak if she's not in the part when you go to get Ling. And if you act like a dick to Ling then Disu can't comment. Sadly I can't be that precise with remembering player choices, that would be far too in-depth to really pull weight for your story.

There's enough replay value in this release for five replays, I'll put it that way.
Current release choice effects (ones that you'll see in this release already):

Winning/losing at tag alters dialogue and may alter your view on a "remembering childhood" sidequest involving your party members.

Giving a Book to X will make sure they don't expose you to the town guard and get you kicked out of the town permanently! And yes, the town will change later in the game based on other choices not in the current release so not being let back into the town does cut you out of later content.

Choices you make that you won't see the effects of in this release but will in exactly the next release (which the game still won't be done at that):

A hobo's life is in your hands and he'll either die, be put in an Arena (part of the main quest), or pay off his debt (in two different ways from your actions).

A few other NPC's lives are in your hands without you even knowing it (the game doesn't tell you they're going to die and/or that what you do, if you do anything at all, affects their lives).

This is exactly what I wanted to hear - games focusing on choices and consequences are rare enough in the indie scene, let alone the rpgmaker scene, which seems to be focused on generic Final Fantasy-wannabes (yes, I do know there are non-linear and choice-based games made with RPGMaker, but they're few and far between).

I'm curious to see how this project will turn out.
This is exactly what I wanted to hear - games focusing on choices and consequences are rare enough in the indie scene, let alone the rpgmaker scene, which seems to be focused on generic Final Fantasy-wannabes (yes, I do know there are non-linear and choice-based games made with RPGMaker, but they're few and far between).

I'm curious to see how this project will turn out.

I'm all with you, many games don't do this stuff right if at all.

And the download link goes to the demo worked on for 9+ months. I do the Minecraft method of game releases, typically I make 1+ hours of new content before releasing a new version. The game should last you 2-3 hours and you can playthrough 5 times with it's current replay value.

Plus it's challenging, there is little to no need for grinding, and your skills are picked by you.

Go for it, enjoy, and give me some feedback. I appreciate the support!