
Sentinel of Light
My grandkids have found this and are playing. They are yong, 8 to 10 years. I and the mom's are all keeping an eye on the chats and so far nothing there to send up any red flags. Anyone have any negative encounters in the game or heard of any? I can't look over their shoulders constantly but I can block them off the game in a heartbeat.
I'm iffy on it - the content tends to be OK, especially for the older one (BTW, that is the same age as my boys :) ).

My concern comes from the addiction factor - one of my son's (former) friends would wake up at 5 to play a couple of hours before school, and stay up late and play when he was supposed to be doing homework and so on. I attribute that more to parenting, but it *is* a MMO with all of the grinding and such that gets habit-forming.
Well they only get a total of maybe 4 hours a week to play. Both their mom's are very strick on time spent and content. I just wanted feedback on content. Tried to find it rated on gamerdad but it didn't show up. Thanks for the input, I will just keep the security level as is and let them mess around. Hard to ban them from their first taste of rpg type games considering my own passtime. lol