
Hey guys, if you enjoyed classic Everquest or Diablo 2, you might enjoy this free browser-based timekiller called Nevergrind. I have been developing this game for about 31 months now with the help of a few artists. Take a peek and see what you think. Reactions I get generally range from "this is exactly what I have been looking for" to "skinner box the game".

It's a single-player RPG with three difficulty levels, 12 races, and 14 classes, each with their own talent trees. The story is divided into 4 acts and once you beat the game you unlock the next difficulty which offers a whole new set of challenges. Items you find can be stored at the bank in town to share items between characters. Finding rare treasure is very important as it's critical to progressing in the game. More than 800 unique items can be found in the game!

The game design encourages the player to take risks at all times. By chaining monster kills together, you will build a passive magic find bonus. And when you're ready for a big challenge, you can fight up to five monsters at once for a "horde bonus" which adds a big boost to your magic find. With these game mechanics, players are rewarded for taking risks and skilled gameplay.

Play Nevergrind

Here are a few screenshots to give you a general idea:




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Hi Maelfyn,

Very nice game!
What technology did you use to build it?

I like especially how quick and easy you can jump into the game. Just a few clicks and I'm in, fighting orcs.

After the first few battles I felt lost though. Seems like all I can do is summon more orcs till I die. How can I move?
Likely I should have read the npc messages more thoroghly, but then most pleople won't. Consider adding more obvious directions what the player is supposed to do.
Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I agree with you. At first the whole combat system may be quite confusing and I'm sure many players are not sure how the whole chain combo system works and so on. I have considered integrating a series of images to explain the chain combo system as I think that's one of the more important features to understand. I was thinking about explaining that in Tendolin Meadows (after the forest).

The animation uses Greensock Animation Platform (GSAP) and EaselJS for canvas manipulations. It also uses JQuery for non-performance operations like event delegation and AJAX. All of the animation is javascript-based.
No, the name is a lie. There's quite a lot of grinding. I thought about going with Evergrind, but that's a garbage disposal and I didn't want to fight a garbage disposal for name recognition.